Fanpage Karma Wed, 17 Apr 2024 18:51:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Best Times to Post on Twitter Tue, 16 Apr 2024 12:23:48 +0000 The best time to Tweet depends on your target audience. Learn how you can use a social media tool to find the Best Times to Post on Twitter

The post The Best Times to Post on Twitter appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


The Best Times to Post on Twitter

A woman looking at a chart showing the best Twitter posting times.

Many of us love to Tweet. Those that do, obviously want to Tweet at the right time so they can get the most reach when people are online. However, when is the best time to post on Twitter? Many people may want to suggest times related to what they see as “common knowledge” about when people will be online looking at Tweets. But is this accurate?

The best time to Tweet is actually dependent on when your audience is online AND has a high likelihood of interacting with your Tweet. There are general studies related to when is the best time to tweet is, but these are not tailored to your audience. In reality, you want to find the best days and times to post on Twitter that corresponds to the activities of your own audience and when they are online and active. 

If this sounds overwhelming, don’t worry because we are going to show you how to find the best times to post on Twitter. You simply need the right social media tool and a little know-how about what to consider when doing your research. We will explain everything below. 

Does the Best Time to Post on Twitter even Matter?

Before asking when is the best time to Tweet for your account, we should probably talk about why it is important. Twitter’s algorithm will favor Tweets with high engagement rates, much like other social media networks. For users, this means that you want to do whatever you can to boost the interactions of your Tweet, since this can help you with Twitter’s algorithm and get your Tweet seen by more people. 

Therefore, what you want to do is research the best time to tweet for engagement. It is important to note that this means more than just when your target audience is online, but also when you are interacting with content on the platform. If you can find the times your audience is most likely to interact with your Tweets, this can be helpful for your overall performance. 

A banner with various graphs and social media examples and "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and light background.

Discovering the Best Times to Post on Twitter

Now that we know that the time you Tweet matter, we should talk about the task of finding when is the best time to post on Twitter. A social media tool that has a “best posting times” research function is a must in this regard. However, this is not all. You also need to know how to use this tool as well as what to consider when putting together the data set for your analysis. 

Remember, we are searching for the best time to tweet for engagement and want to analyze data to help us find when these times are. The way that you can best find these times is by analyzing the posting behavior and results of your own profile, as well as similar profiles in your industry. We will talk more on this topic in the next section, but we want to stress that the main goal is to find the best times to post on Twitter for your industry using data outside your own profile. 

Below, we will take you through the steps to find the best times to post on Twitter for your own account. To help us better discuss what you need to consider, we are going to use real Twitter accounts in a specific industry. In this case, we will analyze the best posting times for American-based fast-food restaurants which include: Arby’s, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Five Guys, Hardee’s, Jack in the Box, KFC, McDonald’s, Panda Express, Shake Shack, Sonic Drive-In, Subway, Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and Whataburger. In analyzing these profiles, we will use Fanpage Karma, an all-in-one social media tool that specializes in helping you find the best times to post on social media. All the charts generated below come from the Fanpage Karma tool.

Step 1: Choosing your Profiles to Analyze

When trying to find when is the best time to post on Twitter, one of the advantages of a social media tool, especially one that allows you to track unlimited profiles, is that it allows you to study many other profiles. If you are researching when to post on Twitter, you need to make sure that your data set is large enough so that it becomes more meaningful. As we have already pointed out, we are searching for the best time to tweet for engagement based on past historical data. When you are able to effectively analyze the correlation between posting times and average post interactions during those times of many different profiles in your industry, this can give you a useful idea about when to post.   

It is important that you add only profiles that are similar to yours in your analysis. But what is a similar profile? There is not a completely objective answer here, but here are a few things to keep in mind. You should first look to make sure these profiles you want to add are posting similar content to yours and is directed at the same target audience. This could be because they are working in the same industry or have specific topics that they post about often. You should also focus on the size of the profile and where their target audience is located. For example, a local hamburger restaurant may not benefit greatly from an analysis of national and international restaurants like we are.

Again, your goal is to be looking for the best time to Tweet for engagement, and you want to find when YOUR audience is active online. You also want to base your posting decisions off of a large data set so your analysis is meaningful. To do this, you need to add the right profiles to your study in order to get the most out of it.

Various charts and graphs that related to social media metrics and performance.

Step 2: Selecting the Timeframe for your Analysis

If you want to find out when is a good time to post on Twitter, you should always be aware of the timeframe you are interested in. Are you looking for the best times to post on Twitter for the summer, or perhaps in December? In addition to selecting the profiles in your data set, you also need to specify a time frame you are studying.

There are a number of different ways you can go about this, and it depends greatly on what you want to research. You may want to look at a very precise period of time. For instance, you can pull in historical data from the second half of December 2023 to see when a good time to post for the Christmas season may be. You could also expand your view a bit and look at an entire season, such as Summer 2023. Your timeframe for analysis can be adjusted to help you determine when to post in general, or during a specific time period. 

Let’s look at a brief example to illustrate this point. We will first look at the best time to post on Twitter for April using historical data from April 2023. After this, we will expand our timeframe and look at best posting times for April-August 2023.  

On the left had side of the graphs below, you can see the different times of the day. These are for Eastern Standard Time (EST). The circle size indicates how much was posted during that time of day, with the largest circles meaning the more was posted during that time. The color of the circle relates to the relative post interaction rate, with the green meaning more interactions and red less interactions.

A chart showing the best times to post on Twitter for the selected profiles in April 2023.

(April 2023)

As we can see from this chart, generally mid-mornings and mid-afternoons throughout the week are good times to post for engagement. How might this change if we include additional months, thus adding more data points for our analysis?

A best time to post on Twitter chart regarding the timeframe of April-August 2023 for the profiles in the study.

(April-August 2023)

As you can see, the best time of day to post on Twitter stays somewhat similar, but there are more times that may be suitable for you to post according to our data.

You may see large variations related to post times when comparing different time periods in your analysis. Or you may only see small differences. In other words, the behavior of your users may change over time or during different times of the year. The important point is that you realize that your data output can be affected by the timeframe you choose. Therefore, it is essential that you think deeply about what timeframes you are analyzing and why those you selected them.

Step 3: Analyze your Data Set in Different Ways

Once you know the similar profiles that are in your data set as well as the timeframes you are interested in, it is time to analyze the results. As we already pointed out, you should be aware that the output should focus on the best time to Tweet for engagement since this is what your ultimate goal is.

The graphs below will go through the best days and times to post on Twitter depending on the profiles you are analyzing as well as the time frame you select. The point we want to stress in this section is the different ways you can adjust your data set to look for potential best posting times. We will first look at the best times to post on Twitter from September 2023 for the profiles we are studying.

The best days and times to post on Twitter for the profiles in the study for September 2023.

(September 2023)

We can see here that there are number of suitable times during the week, ranging from the late morning to the mid-afternoon, which may be good posting times. We see that the weekends generally see relatively poor post interaction rates. If we are looking at the fast food restaurant landscape overall, this presents a good general picture. After all, we are tracking 15 profiles and cover many of the major restaurants in this industry.

However, in this theoretical scenario, we might also consider only some of these 15 profiles as completely similar to our. Perhaps it would make sense to restrict our analysis to these profiles (in this case 6 picked randomly). In the graph below, we will only analyze the following profiles: Arby’s, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Hardee’s, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s.

A best times to post on Twitter analysis for only 6 selected profiles in September 2023.

(September 2023, only Arby’s, Burger King, Dairy Queen, Hardee’s, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s) 

As you can see above, there are some changes related to the best times to post on Twitter. As we explained in Step 1, the profiles that make up your data set will determine what your analysis ultimately shows for the best time to Tweet. It is up to you to decide how to analyze your industry and there can be reasons that you either expand or restrict your data set. What makes the right social media tool so powerful is that you can run different analyses, especially when you can track unlimited profiles with the social media tool. 

There is one other point to here, and that pertains to looking at when to post on Twitter for a specific content type. You may be wondering, for instance, what are the best times to post on Twitter when you are posting videos. In this case, you may want to find the best post times exclusively for that content type. With the Fanpage Karma tool, running a best time to post on Twitter analysis for a specific post type is easy and requires only a simple adjustment. As you can see in the image, you simply need to select the content type that you are interested in and your chart is adjusted accordingly.

An image that shows where someone can change the post type in their best times to post on Twitter analysis in the Fanpage Karma tool.

Step 4: Post at the Right Times

Once you know what the best times to post on Twitter are, you need to follow through and start posting during those times. You may think this is difficult to stay disciplined and post during these specific times, especially if they are on the weekends or times you are not working. 

If you are looking for help in implementing your new content posting plan, you should consider an advanced social media content planner. The right social media content planner allows you to set posts to go out automatically across social media networks. In this way, you can create and schedule your Tweets to go live at the optimal times, even if you are not working during those times.

Step 5: Monitor, Analyze, and Continue to Research

Has your new posting strategy been a success? Are the best times to post on Twitter for your industry staying the same? Your social media tool would presumably allow you to closely monitor your performance, and it is important to do so. Moreover, you want to keep an eye on how the best posting times for your industry develop over time. 

In the meantime, you can also repeat the process detailed above to incorporate new data points such as additional similar profiles you discovered or perhaps identify new user behavior that alters your best times to post on Twitter analysis. Staying active with your monitoring and analysis is important is you want to continue optimizing your posting times.

A woman off to the right with graphs next to a "Register Now" CTA

The Best Times to Post on Twitter

In this article, we have shown you how to identify what is the best time to post on Twitter and the process to follow when using a social media tool. Are you interested in trying it out for yourself? If you are, then Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of its all-in-one social media tool. This includes access to the benchmarking, community management, research, and content planning features. 

You can also sign up for the free weekly webinar to find out how to use the Fanpage Karma tool.

The post The Best Times to Post on Twitter appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

The Best Instagram Hashtags Mon, 15 Apr 2024 15:33:32 +0000 Do you want to find the best Instagram hashtags? Learn about how to do Instagram hashtag research in 5 easy steps.

The post The Best Instagram Hashtags appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


The Best Hashtags for Instagram

A detective with a magnifying glass looking for the best hashtags for Instagram.

Many people on Instagram want their great photos, reels, and videos to be seen by as many people as possible while also boosting interactions. Optimizing your use of hashtags on Instagram is one of the ways that you can get your posts in front of the right people who then would like or share it. This is important since higher post interaction rates can help with the Instagram algorithm, which results in your post seen by even more people. You can also use hashtags to highlight that your post is tied to a particular topic, which can be especially valuable when there are many people following a particular hashtag. 

Because of all this, Instagram users are always trying to find the right hashtags to use in their post. Many may start but using a hashtag generator. This is a great place to begin, but is there something more you should do? Have you been using the “best” Instagram hashtags in your posts? 

In reality, conducting Instagram hashtag research is, in tandem with a hashtag generator, one of the ways you can optimize the hashtags that you use. But how to do hashtag research for Instagram? And how can it help you find the best Instagram hashtags for your profile or business? In this article, we will explain the entire process as well as how you can use Instagram hashtag research tools to help you find the right hashtags.

Things to Keep in Mind for When Researching the Best Instagram Hashtags

Before explaining how to research Instagram hashtags, it would be helpful to talk about what you should keep in mind when using hashtags in your posts. You should first be aware of the optimal number of hashtags to use. And yes, there is an optimal number. Fortunately, Fanpage Karma has already conducted an in-depth study which shows you should use 30 hashtags in your posts.  

But there are other things to know about best practices for Instagram hashtags. Here are some important tips for using hashtags on Instagram:

  1. Don’t use the same hashtags over and over. In other words, diversity the use of your hashtags on your posts. Instagram can notice when you use the same hashtags and this can ultimately hurt your performance.  
  2. Use a mix of both general hashtags and niche-focused hashtags in your posts. General hashtags can help you accumulate more likes from bots, and niche-focused hashtags are useful to attract actual people searching for specific topics that interest them.
  3. Make sure your hashtags are relevant and correspond to the topics you are posting about.
  4. Place your hashtags in the Caption and don’t simply write them in the comments.
A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button.

Things to Keep in Mind for When Researching the Best Instagram Hashtags

You may think that hashtag research for Instagram may incorporate the use of a hashtag generator, and that is not necessarily incorrect. You can use an Instagram hashtag generator to compile a list of hashtags based on their reach, and this can be very helpful. 

However, finding hashtags with reach is not the whole story. The key to understanding how to find the best hashtags for Instagram is in the realization that post interaction rate is an important metric you should pay attention to. Moreover, you need to make the first hashtag suggestions when using a hashtag generator. These must be relevant for your profile and industry. So, the question becomes what is the best way to find relevant hashtags with high post interaction rates? 

The answer is with a social media tool. The right social media tool can help you conduct Instagram hashtag research by analyzing profiles similar to yours. In order to find relevant hashtags in your industry and know what hashtags are associated with the highest post interaction rates, you need to do your research and study other similar profiles in your industry. This makes Instagram hashtag research tools incredibly useful since these can help you pinpoint effective, trending hashtags in your industry. So, how do you use an Instagram hashtag research tool to this end? There are five steps to follow in order to find the best Instagram hashtags for your industry and implement them in your posts. 

As we go through the different steps, it may be helpful to make this all a bit more concrete with a real-life scenario. Many different companies would be interested in knowing the best gym and fitness hashtags for Instagram. This would be of interest to those who want to promote a gym or fitness studio, sports products, or an influencer looking to grow their following in this area. Therefore, in the steps below, we will analyze the various hashtags in the gym and fitness industry by analyzing the hashtags used by the following Instagram profiles: 24 Hour Fitness, Anytime Fitness, Crunch Fitness, Equinox, LA Fitness, Life Time, Planet Fitness, Snap Fitness, YMCA (The Y), and YouFit Gyms. 

Ultimately, we want to find the best gym and fitness hashtags for Instagram in terms of post interaction rates. Below are the steps to follow when using an Instagram hashtag research tool and what you have to be aware of every step of the way.

Step 1: Understand your Industry and Choose Similar Profiles to Analyze

If you are looking for how to do Instagram hashtag research correctly, the first thing you need to know is your industry and your competitors. Instagram hashtag research is geared towards utilizing historical data from profiles in your industry (as well as your own profile) in order to find out what hashtags are associated with the highest post interaction rates. For this reason, you want to add profiles to your data set that are using hashtags related to the topics of interest to you or your company. This helps makes sure that your analysis is focused on relevant hashtags. 

For instance, when you are looking for the best hashtags for the fitness and gym industry on Instagram, the profiles you choose should be posting content about gym and fitness related topics. Along these lines, you should understand your industry and the target audience you want to reach. Is there a specific aspect of the fitness world you are targeting? Who else is in this space and what topics do they usually post about? 

Your Instagram hashtag analysis should also take into account the timezone(s) that the profiles you are studying operate in. A small fitness studio focused on a specific region probably won’t find much use in analyzing only large, international gym chains. For this reason, in addition to looking for profiles posting about topics similar to yours, you also need to keep in mind the geographical location of your target audience.

Two women sitting on a hashtag with the Instagram logo in the background.

Step 2: Select The Time Periods you Want to Study

The data you want to analyze from the profiles you selected is also determined by the timeframe that you choose for analysis. Hashtags can be seasonal and change over time, and you may want to know, for example, what the trending hashtags were for a particular month last year to predict what hashtags would be most effective in the same month this year. In order to do this, you need to select what time periods you want to study along with the profiles you chose in step 1 of our Instagram hashtag analysis. 

You can ultimately choose to analyze the hashtags of the profiles in your study over several months or an entire year, giving you a larger data set. The relative downside to this approach is that you will receive less precise insights about hashtags on a week or month basis. If you want to analyze a particular week or month, this gives you a precise look at the performance of hashtags during a short period. However, in these cases, your data set will be smaller and is more likely to be skewed by outliers. 

There is no single right or wrong way to select the timeframe for your analysis, and it will ultimately be based on your goals. The point to stress here is that you should think carefully about what you want to accomplish with your Instagram hashtag research. To illustrate this point, let’s run a brief analysis to show how the time periods you choose for analysis may change if you are analyzing hashtags in July 2023 and December 2023 respectively. 

For this brief analysis, our results will be displayed in a word chart. The frequency with which is word is used is shown by how large the letters are, while green hashtags denote a higher post interaction rates while redder hashtags show a lower post interaction rate. Please note that all the images of different analyses in this article are generated with Fanpage Karma. We will begin with the analysis for July 2023.  

A best Instagram hashtags word chart for July 2023.

(July 2023)

We see that there are a wide range of hashtags to consider, especially those in a green color. Now we will change our timeframe to analyze only December 2023 of the profiles we mentioned above.

A word chart that displays the best Instagram hashtags in December 2023.

(December 2023)

You see some similarities when comparing this word chart to the one from July 2023. However, as you can clearly see, there are some noticeable differences. In this case, you should be aware the best gym and fitness hashtags for Instagram may be dependent on the seasons or months, so this type of analysis can help you pinpoint what hashtags are best to use when.

Step 3: Pick your Data Output Format and Analyze your Results

One of the important things to focus on when learning how to do hashtag research for Instagram is about what you are actually looking for and how you want your data to be displayed. The way in that you go about analyzing the best Instagram fitness and gym hashtags will be determined by what you are interested in. With an Instagram hashtag research tool such as Fanpage Karma, you can choose to display your data in either a word chart (as already shown above), metric table, or bar graph. Below we will show you what the data output looks like in all three formats and why you may consider all three for April 2023.

We will begin with the metric table. As you can see below, each hashtag is displayed along with its average post interaction rate as well as how times a day this hashtag is used on average. This table will display many hashtags that you will have to look through, although you can filter the results to find the best performing hashtags. This view is especially helpful for a close analysis of potentially dozens of hashtags. 

A metric table that displays the results of Instagram hashtag research.

(April 2023)

You may also be interested only in the hashtags and their post interaction rate without worrying so much about how often, or rarely, a hashtag is used. After all, you may consider the best gym and fitness hashtags for Instagram to be, regardless of if your competitors are using them often or not. Below, you can see a bar chart that simply displays the top 10 hashtags across the profiles mentioned above in the April 2023.

A bar chart that shows the top hashtags after using an Instagram hashtag research tool.

(April 2023)

The advantage of this bar chart lays in being able to quickly see the hashtags with the highest post interaction rates. However, perhaps you want to see both the hashtags with high post interaction rates and those not used very often all without having to look through many dozens of different hashtags in a metric table. This is where you may consider viewing your data in a word chart, as seen below.

An image that is generated from an Instagram hashtag research tool that shows hashtags used for the selected profiles in April 2023.

(April 2023)

The advantage here is that you can relatively quickly study the word chart to see both what hashtags have high post interaction rates and whether it is used often or not in the time period that you selected.

What’s more is that the word chart can easily be adjusted to allow you to see the post interaction rates of hashtags in a particular content format. For instance, perhaps you want to find the best hashtags for Instagram Reels since you post mostly Reels. In reality, the best Instagram Reels hashtags may be different for the profiles in your study than other content formats. Below, you can see how the data output changed for the same time period as we analyzed above.

A word chart related to the best fitness hashtags for Instagram Reels for the profiles in the study for April 2023.

(April 2023, only for Reels) 

The advantage of this type of analysis is that you can have a narrow focus and more easily find the best fitness and gym hashtags for Instagram Reels. You can see from our comparison above that there is a bit of a difference, although it is not overly pronounced. Whether running an analysis solely for a specific content format leads to a difference in the suggested best hashtags depends greatly on the industry you are in and the profiles you are tracking. 

As you have seen above, there are many different ways you can analyze your data in order to find the best Instagram hashtags in your industry. It is important to always remember what profiles are in your data set, what timeframe the data is for, and what you want to accomplish from your Instagram hashtag analysis. 

Step 4: Implement your Instagram Hashtag Research Findings

After you have conducted your Instagram hashtag analysis, don’t forget to actually post at the recommended times. Knowing how to research Instagram hashtags is not the same as implementing your plan. 

So how would you integrate the best hashtags for gym and fitness topics on Instagram? First, remember that a Fanpage Karma study showed that 30 Instagram hashtags per post should be used to maximize reach. Ideally, the hashtags you find in your research and those you generate with an Instagram hashtag generator would get you to 30 hashtags to use on your posts. However, you should also take into account our suggestions at the beginning of the article related to mixing between general and niche hashtags, using hashtags in the caption portion of the post, as well as diversifying your use of relevant hashtags.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now"

Step 5: Continue to Analyze and Monitor your Results

When you spend time researching the best Instagram hashtags, you want to make sure that you are keeping with the times. Changes in the season for user trends may affect the hashtags that people used, as shown in our example above. 

For this reason, you should continually research Instagram hashtags using the process we have outlined above. First, you can always add (or take away) profiles from your data set based on your continued research of profiles that are in your industry or similar to yours. Second, you can run different analyses for different times of the year. Running multiple analyses can help you better understand and identify trends.   

You should also monitor how your performance develops across key metrics once you have started implementing optimized hashtags. It is important to remember that it may take time to perfect your hashtag use, and monitoring your progress can be a great way to see if you are on track. 

Instagram Hashtag Research for Finding the Best Instagram Hashtags

Now that we have shown you how to do hashtag research for Instagram, it’s on you to go ahead and do it. Luckily, Fanpage Karma has a free 14-day trial where you can try to process of finding the best Instagram hashtags for yourself. Fanpage Karma is an all-in-one social media tool so it also offers competitor benchmarking, community management, research, and content planning features. 

Don’t forget that there is also a free weekly webinar that shows how you can use the Fanpage Karma tool to improve your social media performance. 

The post The Best Instagram Hashtags appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

The 2024 European Elections on Social Media Thu, 11 Apr 2024 12:32:54 +0000 A comprehensive insight into the European political landscape: discover the top issues of EU political groups on social media in the run-up to the 2024 elections.

The post The 2024 European Elections on Social Media appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


EU Elections 2024: What Topics Are the European Political Groups Talking About on Social Media?

EU Election 2024: What topics are the European political groups talking about on social media?

Social networks are an indispensable tool for political campaigns, and the upcoming European election in June 2024 is no exception. But how are the various EU party groups positioning themselves in the digital space? What issues are they pushing on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, or Facebook, and how is the public reacting with this content?

Our comprehensive EU election dashboard [password: 2024] allows you to follow what is happening on the social media accounts of the political groups represented in the European Parliament and their lead candidates on a daily basis. The political groups currently represented in the European Parliament are the European People’s Party (EPP), the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), Renew Europe (Renew), the Greens/European Free Alliance (Greens/EFA), the Left (Left), the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) and Identity and Democracy (ID).

The 2024 European elections on social media

In addition to current follower numbers, follower growth, and engagement rates, the dashboard also shows the best-performing posts on the various platforms in order to paint a differentiated picture of the current European political landscape.

The 2024 European Elections on Social Media

We have prepared the most important facts and figures from our dashboard for you in this article (as of April 4, 2024). You can access the latest data at any time in our dashboard’s benchmarking report.

Top 10: Number of Followers

Looking only at the total number of followers, the Facebook accounts of the European People’s Party (EPP), the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), and Renew Europe lead the top 10 with the most fans, followed by the Twitter profiles of S&D, Renew, EPP and the Greens/EFA. Facebook and Twitter therefore theoretically have the greatest potential reach – but in reality, things are not always as they appear. If we list the party groups according to the growth of their profiles and actual interaction, a more differentiated picture emerges.

Top 10: Follower Growth

The largest growth in followers is mainly seen on two of the social networks: Instagram and TikTok. Instagram had already gained a lot of relevance for the parties in the last European elections in 2019 and this trend is continuing this year. The rapid growth of TikTok in recent years is also reflected in the rising follower numbers of the party groups. 

The top 10 is led by the Left (Instagram, growth of 23%), Renew Europe (TikTok, growth of 22%), ID (Twitter, growth of 16%), S&D (TikTok, growth of 13%), and Renew Europe (Instagram, growth of 12%). All figures relate to the period between January and March 2024.

At first glance, the Identity and Democracy Group in the EU Parliament (ID) may stand out here due to its strong percentage growth on Twitter. However, a comparison of the absolute follower numbers of the party groups on Twitter shows that the right-wing populists are still in last place by a wide margin (e.g. 139k followers of the S&D vs. 4.5k followers of the ID Group; as of April 2024).

However, a large increase in followers does not mean that the followers actually see the posts or even interact with them. We should actually be asking about what channels the parties can activate their voters and generate the most interactions.

Top 10: Interaction Rate

The largest proportion of the respective target group can clearly be persuaded to like, comment on, and share content on TikTok. The TikTok profiles of the Greens/EFA, Renew, the Social Democrats and the Left led the top 10 of our evaluation. The fact that the Greens and the liberal Renew in particular appeal to a young target group is already evident in the large gap between them and the third-placed Socialists and Democrats.

However, it is not only on TikTok that the party factions can encourage their community to interact with their posts. The four TikTok profiles mentioned above are followed by the Instagram accounts of Renew Europe, the Greens/EFA, the Left, the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), and the Socialists and Democrats (S&D) with the highest interaction rates.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now"

Top 10 Topics of the Parties in the 2024 EU Election Campaign

What topics are the EU parties talking about on social media? To find out, we analyzed the Instagram posts of the European political groups from January to March 2024.

Across all political groups, the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine dominates the discourse on social media. The second most frequently addressed topic by the party groups is the European (and global) shift to the right and right-wing populism, which almost all parties unanimously warn against. The topics of diversity and equality follow in third place, with equality for women and LGBTIQ* being mentioned most frequently. The topic of environmental protection and climate change comes in fourth place.

Although the topics of agriculture, the Middle East conflict, workers’ rights, public health, social justice, media and technology are of greater relevance to individual political groups, they play a subordinate role in the overall discourse compared to the top 4 topics. In our dashboard, you will find a clear overview of the top 5 topics of the individual party groups.

Special Features of Individual Political Groups in the EU Parliament

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is a major issue for the European People’s Party in particular. In fact, more than 50% of all posts on the war in Ukraine were made by the EPP (43 posts between January and March 2024). For other parties – such as the Greens/EFA or the Left – the topic is not even in the top 5.

When it comes to right-wing populism and extremism, there are similarities between the Socialists and Democrats and Renew Europe. For the former, the shift to the right in Europe is particularly urgent, and they are the most vocal about it (27 posts), while for Renew, warning against the far right is the top priority, along with equality and diversity (13 posts each).

Unsurprisingly, the Greens/EFA are by far the most likely to address climate change and climate protection (15 posts). Surprisingly, this topic is also the second most discussed topic among right-wing populists, Identity and Democracy (6 posts) – albeit from an entirely different perspective.

While the majority of political groups in the European Parliament do not include the Middle East conflict in their top 5 topics at all, the Left is a particularly loud voice on the Israel-Gaza war. It is by far the most frequently addressed topic.


Social media has become an indispensable tool for political communication and campaigning. Our analysis of the European parties’ social media accounts not only shows what topics the individual political groups are addressing in the election campaign and how they are adapting the messages to their target groups, but also what social media platforms are most relevant for the parties in order to communicate with their electorate. The fact that TikTok and Instagram stand out as the platforms with the highest growth and interaction rate underlines the importance of young voters in the European political landscape.

If you would like to use Fanpage Karma to carry out similar types of analyses, you can now test the all-in-one tool free of charge for 14 days. Additionally, Fanpage Karma offers a free weekly webinar to show you how to improve the quality of your social media results.

The post The 2024 European Elections on Social Media appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to Increase your Twitter Engagement Rate Thu, 04 Apr 2024 13:31:52 +0000 High engagement rates can help your Tweet get seen by more people. So how do you improve your engagement rates? We will explain.

The post How to Increase your Twitter Engagement Rate appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


How to Increase Twitter Engagement

A woman and man working on a computer near a graph and the Twitter logo.

Twitter is a hugely popular social platform that favors Tweets with high engagement rates (very much like other social media networks). If you want your Tweets to have higher reach, one of the first things you need to consider is what to do in order to drive high engagement for your Tweets. This is easier said than done. However, are there best practices related to how to increase your Twitter engagement rate?

Our article will focus on approaches you can take to increase engagement on Twitter. We have compiled a list of 12 different ways to improve Twitter engagement that are accessible to all types of Twitter users, whether you are just beginning or if you have thousands of followers already. In discussing our 12 tips, we will explain how these can help you increase Twitter engagement and what you need to look out for.

What is a Good Twitter Engagement Rate?

Before talking about how to increase Twitter engagement, let’s start with a more basic question: what is a good Twitter engagement rate? While there is no universally accepted answer as to what a good engagement rate on Twitter is, it is important to set goals for accessing your progress. In practical terms, a good engagement rate on Twitter would be a reasonable increase from the average engagement rate. 

This means that, in order to find out what a “good” engagement is, you need to know the average Twitter engagement rate. But how do you find the average engagement rate on Twitter with the millions of different profiles? As you can image, the average Twitter average engagement rate greatly depends on the profiles you are trying to find an average for. In this case, you should be looking for the average engagement rate related to Twitter profiles that are in your industry and/or post similar content to yours. Therefore, you can get a better idea of what a reasonable engagement rate would be for profiles that are similar to yours. 

So what would be a good Twitter engagement rate once we know the average? This is a bit more subjective, since “good” can mean different things to different people. This is where a well-thought-out Twitter engagement rate benchmark comes into play. It is important that the goal you set related to a “good” Twitter engagement rate is one that can be realistically achieved. Perhaps you want to be 25% higher than the average? 

A big part of setting these goals is realizing what an average Twitter engagement rate for your industry is, since other industries or content themes may have significantly higher (or lower) engagement rates. In other words, if your focus is too broad, then you won’t be setting meaningful goals. At the end of the day, you need to conduct a Twitter engagement rate benchmark analysis, since this will help you determine what a good engagement rate on Twitter would be for your own profile. 

A banner with various graphs and social media examples and "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and light background.

Ways to Increase Engagement on Twitter

Back to the original question about how to increase engagement on Twitter. Once you have determined your goals, you need to enact a plan to reach them. You might be wondering what things you should consider when thinking about your strategy. In forming your Twitter content strategy, there are some best practices to follow in order to help you increase your engagement rates. 

If you are looking for ways to increase engagement on Twitter, then consider following these 12 tips: 

  1. Research the Best Content Formats
  2. Tweet about Current Topics
  3. Find the Right Time to Tweet
  4. Run Polls 
  5. Create Contests and Giveaways
  6. Uses Images, Videos, and Infographics
  7. Research the Best Hashtags
  8. Use the Right CTAs
  9. Highlight your Expertise 
  10. Engage with your Community
  11. Partner/Cooperate with Other Profiles
  12. Tweet Regularly

1. Research the Best Content Types

Many may wonder what types of content you should post to increase Twitter engagement. In fact, this is a question that is relatively easy to answer if you are using the right social media tool.

Keep in mind that if you are looking for ways related to how to increase twitter engagement, then the secret to finding what content types perform best is to select profiles only in your industry for analysis. For instance, you may wonder if posts with pictures have the best average engagement rate on Twitter in the airline industry. 

We had run a Twitter hashtag analysis for this industry in another article, but there will be some common things to keep in mind. First, it is important to have a social media tool that can do this and that allows you to track enough profiles to make your data set meaningful. Second, it is essential that you keep in mind what profiles you want to make up this data set and for what timeframe your data is coming from. You should always choose profiles that are similar to yours, since different content types may be more effective with some target audiences than with others. 

As you can see below, Tweets with links, as opposed to pictures, statuses, or videos, have the highest average engagement rate for the profiles in our data set. If you are working in this industry, you may consider posting this type of content. However, you should be aware that this analysis was conducted for Tweets from only February 2024. 

A bar chart that shows the engagement rates for content types in February 2024 for selected profiles.

2. Tweet about Current Topics

Tweets normally focus on current events or something that has happened recently. This is important to keep in mind when trying to increase engagement on Twitter. Speed is essential for Twitter, and getting your ideas or thoughts out about things current taking place is a great way to catch people’s attention, especially when your Tweet something that merits a response. Researching what are trending topics across social media channels is good practice in general for those who want to grow their presence online.

3. Find the Right Time to Tweet

The times you post on Twitter matter, and finding the right times to Tweet is important to increase your engagement rates. But how can you find the best times to Tweet? We have shown you the process to follow in another article. In this case, the right social media tool is essential to enable a data-driven analysis to find what times are correlated with high user engagement. This means the times that your audience is most likely to interact with your Tweets. 

Various charts and graphs that related to social media metrics and performance.

4. Run Polls

When looking for how to increase engagement on Twitter, think of things you can do that get people to share their opinions or preferences. An easy, free, and effective way to do this is to run a poll. Luckily, polls are incredibly easy to set up on Twitter, although simply setting them up is not enough by itself to increase Twitter engagement. 

If you want to use polls as a tool for increasing Twitter engagement, you need to make sure the questions you ask are fresh and relevant ones that people are genuinely interested in. If you do this right, polls may be a key ingredient in going from a good to great engagement rate on Twitter since people may be more inclined to continue taking your polls if they find the questions and/or results fascinating.

5. Create Contests and Giveaways

Staying with the idea of giving people a real reason to interact, contests and giveaways are another approach you can take. While polls are a relatively low effort way to induce engagement, contents and giveaways take it to the next level. This is because people like winning things or receiving free items, and you can use this urge to improve Twitter engagement rates. 

You need to do a good job of setting up the contest or giveaway. Naturally, you want people to have to engage with a Tweet in order to be eligible for a contest or giveaway, or else it may not help your engagement rates at all. However, if done correctly, this can greatly help to increase Twitter engagement. Moreover, this can be an especially effective approach for businesses that want to highlight a new product or simply to promote a brand.

6. Uses Images, Videos, and Infographics

There is only a limited amount of written space allowed for Tweets and so images, videos, and infographics can be a great, and engaging way, to convey information or promote some idea. So when you are trying to come up with ways for how to improve twitter engagement, it can help to use a picture, infographic, or video that is entertaining, thought-provoking, or provides valuable information. 

Creating engaging images, videos, or infographics can take some time and effort and usually necessitates the use of other tools to make these visual assets. There are many different tools on the market that can help you create these, but make sure that you find one that allows you to make high-quality content assets.

7. Research the Best Twitter Hashtags

A giant hashtag with a woman on a computer and a man on a phone sitting by it.

How do Hashtags relate to increasing Twitter engagement, you ask? In reality, researching the best hashtags to use on Twitter can be an effective way to improve your Twitter engagement rates since some hashtags are correlated with higher engagement rates than others. While this doesn’t guarantee that your Tweets receive high engagement rates, with the right social media tool, you can make data-based decisions about what hashtags you should be using.

There is already a detailed article that explains everything you have to know about finding the best hashtags for Twitter. So if you are looking for ways to increase Twitter engagement, it may be worthwhile giving this article a read.

8. Use Effective CTAs

When it comes to Twitter, some ways to increase engagement can sometimes be easy-to-implement. Perhaps none is easier than using CTAs that spur people to engage with your Tweets. But how should you create these? 

Your CTAs should be geared toward two things. First, you should clearly articulate the reason why someone should engage with the Tweet. This can be a call to get the message out or an appeal to help the channel grow if you think your followers are amenable to that. Second, you should define what your audience should do, whether it is to get someone to like it, retweet it, etc. In this way, those who may engage with your Tweet know why they should do it and what they need to do.

9. Highlight your Expertise

People usually follow and interact with profiles that interest them, either because of the topics a profile Tweets about and/or the expertise of whoever is running the profile. Along these lines, a great way to increase engagement on Twitter is to show people that you are worth following and interacting with.

It can be helpful to focus on topics or issues you know most about and provide some sort of unique take on them. As a follow-up, it can be helpful to ask if those reading your Tweet have thoughts or questions about your position or opinion. This can help drive engagement while also showing that you are there to offer more input when your community wants it.

10. Engage with your Community

Engagement can be helped with you being engaged (with your audience, that is). In fact, understanding how to increase Twitter engagement is not only related to what you Tweet, but what you do after the Tweet. When you want better engagement, you shouldn’t forget to interact with your community. Increasing twitter engagement can be helped if you make people feel as though you are trying to build real bonds with them. 

The tip here is that building this feeling of community can help with making people more inclined to engage with your Tweet. Asking people what they think, replying to their comments, and thanking them for their interactions are all things you can do in this regard. While this can take some time to do, luckily there are social media community management tools available to help you to efficiently undertake this task.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now"

11. Partner/Cooperate with Other Profiles

If you are brainstorming ways as to how to improve Twitter engagement, you are not alone. Others want to increase the engagement rates and the reach of their profiles. So why not start working together?  

Cooperation between Twitter profiles doesn’t need to be complicated, and could involve simply coordinating when and how to promote the Tweets of others involved. This could involve telling your audience to go check out another Tweet and to like or share it, while the other profiles does the same for you. At the end of the day, if you are looking to improve Twitter engagement, then reach out to others who may have similar target audiences and are not afraid to cooperate.

12. Tweet Regularly

If you want to improve Twitter engagement rates, then make sure you are Tweeting regularly so that you are keeping your profile in the minds of your followers. This is not to say you should be posting spammy content that has no value. Rather, it is about being consistent and showing your followers that you are active.

When people get in the habit of engaging with your Tweets, you want to make sure that this behavior is repeated. Making sure you have a consistent and well-thought-out content plan can help you produce engaging Tweets regularly.

Summary: How to Increase Twitter Engagement

We have explained 12 ways to increase engagement on Twitter that all types of Twitter users can implement. However, the secret to increasing Twitter engagement is not so much with what you should do, but what you actually go out and do! This means that after you have crafted your Twitter content strategy keeping in mind the best practices listed above, you need to go out and do it. 

An all-in-one social media tool such as Fanpage Karma helps in this regard since it not only gives you powerful analysis and benchmarking capabilities, but also includes community management, content planning, and research features. Try it for yourself today with a 14-day free trial

Fanpage Karma also offers a free weekly webinar that shows how to use the tool for the analyses discussed above.

The post How to Increase your Twitter Engagement Rate appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

The Best Times to Post on Facebook Tue, 02 Apr 2024 08:57:29 +0000 What is the best time to post on Facebook? Find out how to find when it is best for you to post on your profile.

The post The Best Times to Post on Facebook appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


The Best Times to Post on Facebook

A woman standing looking through a magnifying glass by a best times to post on Facebook chart with Facebook posts on the side.

We all want to find the best times to post on Facebook to help get our content noticed and to grow our following. However, how do you actually find when these times are? Do you look at general studies? Post at different times and see what happens? The simple answer to these questions is to look at the data.

This article will go through how to research the best times to post on Facebook for yourself rather than relying on general data published online. As we will see, all you need to do to find a social media tool that provides “best time to post” analytics and follow a few simple steps.

Why you Should Care about When to Post on Facebook

Finding the best times and days to post on Facebook is important for a few reasons. First, Facebook takes into account the engagement rates of profiles when determining what posts are favored by the algorithm. When you post at the time when your audience will be more likely to engage with the content, then you have a greater chance of bettering your standing with the algorithm, which helps you increase your reach.  

The second reason is that you simply want to find when your audience is most active so they interact with your posts. No matter if you are a business or influencer, you want to do anything to help boost your post interaction rates and get people to engage with your content. 

For many companies, discovering when is the best time to post on Facebook for a business is essential for reaching new customers and getting your product or service recognized. All businesses want to find the best time to post on Facebook for likes, comments and shares. The key, then, is to find what times correlate with the highest post interaction rates.

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button.

Why Articles on Finding the Best Time on Facebook may be Misleading

Chances are you have come across a number of articles giving you tips about when to post on Facebook since they conducted a study. These studies are based on data, so why wouldn’t you trust them? In reality, the issue at hand is not about trust since these articles can, at times, be helpful. However, they don’t take into account a variety of factors that dramatically affect when YOU should post. 

Finding the best times to post on Facebook for businesses can mean the difference between showcasing your product or service to your intended audience, or missing out on potential interactions and reach. If you are relying on studies that are not focusing on your industry, timezone, or target audience, then these best times to post studies may not actually be helping you. Searching for the best times to post on Facebook should be tailored to your profile and not general times that take into account thousands of profiles across the globe and in different industries and niches.

Finding the Best Times to Post on Facebook

Below, we will walk through the steps you should take when finding the best times to post on Facebook. As we go through the steps, we will continually refer to a concrete example to help illustrate how you should go about finding the best times to post on Facebook for your business or brand. 

In this case, we will look at a variety of European and American car brands. Our data set will include: BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Dodge, Fiat, Ford, GMC, Mercedes-Benz, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, and Renault. Please note that we will be using the main corporate profiles for these brands, as some of them may have region-specific profiles as well. 

Our goal is to analyze their performance and posts in order to understand when we should post if we were a new car brand looking to start promoting our vehicles in these markets.

Step 1: Determine what Profiles to Track

Determining when is the best time to post on Facebook has a lot to do with what profiles you are including in your data set. For this reason, the first step to finding the best times to post on Facebook for your own profile is to decide who your industry peers are and whether they are targeting the same audience as you. It is important to always ask yourself who has the same target audience and whether they are posting content on the same topics or issues as you.

It is essential that you make sure not to include profiles that are not similar to yours in terms of target audience, content, or industry, since adding them to your tracking can skew your data. For instance, the best times to post on a Facebook business page will probably be different than when you should post on your own individual profile, even if you sometimes post work-related content. 

As long as the profiles you choose to track are relevant, the larger the data set the better. This is why social media tools that allow for unlimited profile tracking can be an indispensable benefit for your analysis.

A man surrounded by computer screens showing different graphs and charts.

Step 2: Choose the Timeframe for your Data

In going through the steps to better understand what are the best times to post on Facebook, you should always be aware of how the timeframe you choose for analysis can affect your data output. Let’s take our example into account in this case. 

If your new car brand is only focused on the European and North American markets, it doesn’t make sense to include profiles that are focused on the Chinese and Japanese markets, even if they are similar industry-wise. Determining when is a good time to post on Facebook should be focused on the timezones in which your audience lives.

Let’s look at a few examples of how the timeframe you select can change your data output. First, we will look at the best posting times for a 6-month period that runs from January 2023 to June 2023 for the car brands mentioned above. Please note that the greener a circle you see means there is a higher relative post interaction rate, while the larger a circle, the more was posted in that particular time. 

A best times to post on Facebook chart for the timeframe between January and June 2023.

As you see, there are a number of areas when we may consider posting such as mornings on Monday, Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday as well as later in the evening on Saturday and Sunday.

Next, let’s look at how our data output may change if you only focus on a single month, in this case November 2023. Since we are only looking at a single month, rather than 6 months of data, we will be analyzing a much smaller, but more focused timeframe.

A chart that displays the best Facebook posting times only for November 2023.

As you see above, there is some general overlap in times that may represent good times to post, such as Monday and Tuesday mornings. However, this more focused analysis also shows a number of new opportunities, such as on Friday afternoons, that didn’t look so promising when analyzing the data from the first 6 months of the year.   

We see that even though we are looking at the same profiles, the change in timeframe can alter our results. Why might you consider looking at a certain month? There may be a few reasons for this. First, we may work in an industry that has a busy period with sales or other promotions, which changes the behavior of our audience. In this case, you may want to focus on a specific timeframe to focus more closely on these certain periods. 

Second, we may want to focus on the historical data from a particular type of year since we may be running a specialized campaign. In this case, we don’t want more generalized insights, but rather specific insights into, for example, the best posting times in July.

The important point here is that the timeframe you choose to analyze can have implications for finding the best times to post on Facebook.

Step 3: Run your Analysis

Once you complete the first two steps and have selected the profiles you will analyze and the timeframe you are interested in, it’s time to study the best days and times to post on Facebook. When looking at the data output, you want to, of course, look at the average post interaction rates for a given time and day (how green a circle is on the chart). However, you should also look at when your competitors might be posting and give special focus to those times where you can expect the smallest number of competitor posts (look for small circles).  

You should also put significant thought into running different analyses of your data. For instance, perhaps you want to run specific campaigns for your North American and European audiences separately from one another to focus on the unique aspects of each market.

In this case, it may make sense to separate the profiles you are tracking and study the data output. Let’s walk through an example. We will focus on the summer of 2023 and analyze three different data outputs related to the profiles we are studying: 1) both European and US car brands; 2) only American car brands; 3) only European car brands.

To start, we will review the data output when we analyze the profiles of both US and European car brands we mentioned above. 

A graph that hoses the best times to post on Facebook for the car brands in the study for Summer 2023.

At first glance, we can see from the data that mornings on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday may be good times to post our content. However, let’s then look at the data output when we only include car brands based in the US and exclude those in Europe.

A graph that excludes the data for car brands based in Europe related to the best times to post on Facebook in Summer 2023.

As you can see, the data output suggests that afternoons on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, as well as Saturday evening, may be good times to post. Finally, we will only look at European car brands.

The best times to post for European carmakers for Summer 2023.

In contrast to when we include only the North American profiles, we see that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday mornings are good times to consider posting. 

By looking more closely at the location of our profiles, we come to very different ideas of when to post. We are only analyzing 14 profiles in total (7 European and 7 American) so our initial data set is fairly small. This is especially the case when looking only at the 7 profiles in Europe and the United States, respectively. However, our examples show us not only that our data changes with increase or decrease to our data set, but also why we need to understand where our data comes from.  

However, selecting profiles in a particular timezone is not the only way you can adjust and study your data. For instance, on Facebook, you may be posting a video, reel, or a link, and you may be interested in understanding what time is best to posts those content types. For instance, if you often post reels, you would mostly likely then want to find the best time to post Facebook reels.

If you are looking to modify your analysis for content type, in this case to find best times to post reels on Facebook, you simply need to make an adjustment to your data output in the setting section of the Fanpage Karma tool. This means that if you are investigating when is the best time to post reels on Facebook, you only need to select the correct setting without having to create a new dashboard.It is important to note that if you want to find the best times to post reels on Facebook, you should be sure that the profiles you are studying actually post reels on Facebook and that they do so often enough for your dataset to be meaningful.

By selecting for a content format type in the tool, you can chart out when are the best and worst times to post on Facebook across different formats all without a long process of trial and error. This can give you a real advantage when creating your post schedules for reels, since your analysis would only best times to post reels on Facebook and not any other content format.

Showing how to change the settings to find the best times to post Facebook reels.

Step 4: Implement your Findings and Monitor

Just knowing when is best time to post on Facebook will not help you if you don’t act on your research. There are, of course, many factors that go into determining when you will post on your Facebook profile, such as your overall content strategy or when you are running a promotion. However, if you are not paying attention to what your data analysis is telling you, then you are missing out on a significant amount of potential. 

Keep in mind that simply finding out when the best times to post on Facebook are, doesn’t mean that you don’t have to focus on your actual content. Knowing what times are correlated to high post interaction rates is only one part of the battle. You also need to create engaging and relevant content for your audience in order for it to be successful.You should always monitor your performance on Facebook even when relying on data to find the best time to post. The best day and time to post on Facebook for your profile can change since your audience behavior could evolve over time, especially if you are growing your following. All-in-one social media tools come with monitoring and benchmarking features that help you to continually assess your progress and compare it to your competitors.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now"

The Best Time to Post on Facebook

Finding out when to post on Facebook requires some work, but can provide your business with real benefits. By thinking clearly and carefully about what data you want to analyze, as well as what timeframe is relevant for you, you can use advanced social media analytic capabilities to find the best times to post on Facebook. 

If you are interested in finding the best time to post on Facebook for your own profile, Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of its all-in-one social media tool which includes benchmarking, planning and publishing, community management, and research features. 

Fanpage Karma also offers a free weekly webinar that highlights how to use social media tools to help you with your social media activities.

The post The Best Times to Post on Facebook appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

The Best Times to Post on Instagram Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:25:52 +0000 Finding the best times to post on Instagram is unique for every account. Find out how to find the best Instagram posting times for your own profile!

The post The Best Times to Post on Instagram appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


The Best Times to Post on Instagram

A woman standing in front of a best times to post on Instagram chart with the Instagram symbol to the right.

Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks there is. From influencers growing their following to businesses showcasing their products to just causal users posting about their time with friends, there is almost unlimited content to consume. However, for those who want to grow their following in this competitive environment, there are understandably questions about when is the best time to post on Instagram so your posts get noticed by more people.

There are plenty of interesting conversations about the best days and times to post on Instagram. This is understandable since finding the best time to post on Instagram can make a real difference in how many people see your post. In fact, you may be reading this because you are even curious about the best times to post on Instagram today!

With all this being said, truly finding the best times to post on Instagram for YOUR profile requires that you do a little research and follow a few steps. If this sounds a bit daunting, don’t worry. This article will walk you through how to find the best times to post on Instagram for your own profile.

Why Finding the Best Times and Days to Post on Instagram Matters

It matters when you post on Instagram. If you can identify the best times of day to post on Instagram, this can give your posts the leg up on your competition. This is because, for the Instagram algorithm, the best time to post would be when your target audience is active AND when they would be most likely to engage with your content. The speed at which they interact with your post is also important in this regard. If you can identify when your audience is most likely to interact with your posts, then this can help you get noticed!

It is also important to note that finding the best time to post on Instagram is only part of the battle in getting noticed, expanding your reach, and getting more user engagement. Simply posting at the best times doesn’t replace the need to create quality and engaging content that meets the expectations of your target audience.

A banner with various graphs and social media examples and "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and light background.

Difficulties with Finding the Best Days and Times to Post on Instagram

So, what are the best days and times to post on Instagram? Unfortunately, trying to find out when is a good time to post on Instagram isn’t simply about reading an article or study that highlights the best posting times. Some people may think there is simply a social media tool that offers a magic button that shows us how to “see” the best times to post on Instagram. While social media tools are crucial to finding the best times to post on Instagram, there is more to it than that.   

Instagram has many diverse profiles that attract vastly different followers. These followers can be concentrated in locally, regionally, or be globally. Depending on your industry, topic-focus, or niche, there may be different times of the day or week that correspond to higher post interaction rates. It is important to remember that the key is discovering not only when they may be online, but also when your target audience is most likely to interact with your content. 

Simply put, finding when is the best time to post on Instagram should be data-based. This means that you need to analyze the data from your own profile and that of other similar profiles to find what times correlate with the highest post interaction rates. The days and times with the highest post interaction rate would then be the best times to post for your profile.

Step-by-Step Guide to Finding the Best Times to Post on Instagram

Showing you how to find the best times to post on Instagram for your specific profile is relatively straightforward and requires two things. The first is the right social media tool to help you analyze your data. The second is an understanding of what goes into selecting your data set and timeframes for analysis. 

As we already pointed out, the goal is to find the days and times that correspond to the highest post interaction rates in your industry or niche. In order to identify these times, you need to select profiles that post similar content to yours and are relatively comparable to your own Instagram account. The main takeaway here is that you want to compile a large enough data set to make the findings meaningful, while also not adding irrelevant or dissimilar profiles to your data set.  

In taking you through the steps to discovering when to post on Instagram, it is helpful to provide a real-world example that we can analyze to help illustrate the various steps and the thought that goes into the entire process. Our example will concentrate on the clothing industry and, in our scenario, we will pretend that we are trying to break into the market and want to find out when we should be posting. In order to do so, we will be analyzing the following clothing brands that are based around the world: ADERERROR, Burberry, Calvin Klein, Gap, KOODING, Organic Basics, Ralph Lauren, The North Face, UNIQLO (Global), United Colors of Benetton. 

In analyzing what are the best times to post on Instagram for this industry, we will provide the necessary background information so you can conduct a “best times to post” analysis for your own profile. We should also note that we will be using the all-in-one social media tool, Fanpage Karma, to analyze the profiles above and to find the best time to post. All the data outputs in the form of “best time to post” charts are generated by Fanpage Karma in the examples below.

Step 1: Choose your Profiles to Analyze

The first step in conducting your best time to post analysis is to select the profiles that comprise your data set. In theory, it is beneficial to include as many similar profiles as possible, since this brings in more data points for your analysis. For this reason, it is important to find a social media tool that allows for unlimited profile tracking.  

However, there are some things to consider relating to what profiles you ultimately include in your analysis. First, it is absolutely essential you only include profiles that post similar content and have the same target audience as you. This is because profiles with a different audience unrelated to yours will skew your data and may not be helping your analysis.     

Various charts and graphs that related to social media metrics and performance.

Second, always keep on eye on where the followers of other profiles are located and whether this location is relevant for you. For example, if your target audience and followers are only based in Japan, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to include profiles who have followers only in Spain. This is because finding when is a good time to post on Instagram is heavily dependent on the times when your target audience is most active and likely to interact with your posts.

Ultimately, the profiles that you choose to track need to be similar to yours, since you are trying to learn more about your target audience. One last thing to consider is the number of followers of the profiles in your data set compared to profile. In some industries, there are companies of various sizes, ranging from large multi-nationals to those who only operate on a local level. The number of followers of other profiles shouldn’t be a direct determinate of whether you should include them in your data set or not. However, if there is a significant difference in the size of followers, you should at least consider if the profile is truly similar to yours.    

For instance, if you are a local clothing retailer that only operates in a relatively small area or region, it may not be overly helpful to include large, international clothing retailers in your data set. This is because the size and location of the target audience would be quite a bit different from your own. However, if you are an up-and-coming ecommerce clothing retailer that has a global audience and ambitions, then it may make sense to include large clothing retailers even if they have significantly more followers than you.

Step 2: Select the Timeframe you are Interested In

When attempting to discover what are the best times to post on Instagram, it is essential to understand the timeframe of your analysis. Of course, you may see that follower behavior online remains constant throughout the year. However, in other cases, there can be changes when it comes to when users are most active and likely to interact with posts based on the month or season. There can, at times, be a cyclical nature to when people may be most likely to interact with a post based on a time of the year.

For this reason, it is important to think about the timeframe of your analysis. On one hand, the longer your analysis timeframe, such as 6 months or 1 year, means the more data points you collect in determining when the best time to post is in general. On another hand, there may be certain times in the year that you want to take a close look at related to the best Instagram posting times. 

Let’s look at an example of why this matters. For our first analysis, we will look at the profiles we mentioned above related to the best posting times in July 2023. For the data output charts below, the larger the circle, the more that was posted in that specific timeframe. The greener circles indicate a higher relative post interaction rate. 

A best times to post on Instagram graph for July 2023.

(July 2023)

As you can see, there are a number of posting times that have smaller, green dots that indicate that those times do not see many posts while being correlated with a higher post interaction rate. Using the output of this chart, we can see what days and times (in this case Monday-Wednesday mornings, among others) that we should consider posting.

For comparison, let’s now look at the December 2023, to see if there is a noticeable difference due to this being, for many places, a holiday season.

A graph that shows the best times Instagram posting times for December 2023.

(December 2023)

We see for this data analysis that Monday-Wednesday mornings may not be the best time to post. Instead, we can consider various times on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 

The point of this example is not to give any definitive answer as to when it is to post on Instagram in general. Alternatively, the main goal was to show how there are different timeframes and days that you may consider posting on depending on the historical data from a specific month of the year. As you can see, it is important that you think about what timeframe you are analyzing when you are trying to find the best times to post on Instagram.

Step 3: Analyze your Data Output

So, when is it a good time to post on Instagram? Studying the data output from your analysis can help you see what specific days and times are correlated with higher post interaction rate. However, it is crucial that you understand your data and how changes to your data set may affect your analysis.  

As we have discussed in the first two steps, when looking for the best days and times to post on Instagram, you always need to think carefully about the number of profiles and timeframe for your analysis. To emphasize this point, we will walk through another example about how we can adjust our data set that can give us different perspectives as to when to post on Instagram.

To begin, we will analyze all the profiles we mentioned above in the Fall 2023.

An Instagram best times to post graph for Fall 2023 for all profiles in the study.

(Fall 2023, All Profiles)

As we can see above, there appears to be some early morning times as well as mid-mornings on Thursday and Friday that we should consider posting, as well as early afternoons on Tuesday and Thursday.

However, as we pointed out earlier, we are analyzing global clothing retailers. In our data set, we have included companies based around the world. There are four companies based in the US: Calvin Klein, Gap, Ralph Lauren, and The North Face. What would happen if we remove these profiles from our analysis?

A graph for Instagram best posting times for Fall 2023 without US companies from the study.

(Fall 2023, without US-based companies)

As you can see from the data, we can see that there may be some posting times in the afternoon, especially from Thursday-Saturday, that we can consider posting. The reason for this change is that we removed US-based companies out of our data set. This is significant since these companies may be more likely to post during US times and, if you are a company who have a global footprint but not a focus on the US market, it may make sense to look at the data without these profiles.

Content Specific Posting Times

Before going on to the last step, we should address one other data analysis issue related to content type posting times. There are different content types that you can post on Instagram, such as Stories or Reels. There may be a specific content type that you find most effective for driving interaction and, in this case, it is understandable that you may want to discover, for instance, when to post reels on Instagram. This is a highly-relevant question since it may be the case that the best times to post reels on Instagram are different than other content types. 

So how do you go about finding when is the best time to post reels on Instagram with a social media tool such as Fanpage Karma? The steps as we detailed above stay the same, but the key to finding when to post a reel on Instagram requires one small adjustment when it comes to readying your data for analysis. 

If you want to find best times to post a reel on Instagram for the profiles in our analysis, you simply need to select the content type in the tool. However, this narrows your data analysis since it only focuses Instagram Reels rather than all posts in your data set. For this reason, one thing you need to check in order to find the best times to post Instagram Reels is that the profiles you are tracking are actually posting Reels. This is in order to ensure you have enough data points for your analysis.

As you can see, with the right social media tool you can identify the best times to post on Instagram Reels by simply making a quick adjustment to your data analysis. Therefore, if you so choose, you can run analyses on all content formats regarding the best times to post on Instagram. 

Buttons and a dropdown menu that show how to adjust to find the best Instagram Reels posting times.

Step 4: Monitoring and Evaluation

By following the steps above, you can get data-based suggestions as to when are the best times to post on Instagram for your own profile. However, the best times to post on Instagram can and do change based on factors such as changes to your target audience as well as finding new profiles that post content similar to yours. After all, your audience can grow or you may find other similar profiles to add to your analysis which expands your data set. Remember, finding the best days and times and post on Instagram is a process that should be reviewed periodically.

It is also advisable to keep monitoring your actual performance on social media related to post interaction rate. It is important to keep in mind that other factors such as the quality of your content are major aspects that drive post interaction and reach. 

Benchmarking your profile against other similar ones can be a good guide to see if you are making progress. In fact, another advantage of using an all-in-one social media tool since you can discover the best times to post while utilizing other important features such as analytics, community management, publishing, and influencer research.

A woman off to the right with graphs next to a "Register Now" CTA


The process of finding when is the best day and time to post on Instagram for your profile is straightforward, but takes some thought on your end, as well as a powerful social media tool. When looking for the  best days and times and post on Instagram, it is important to make sure your findings are tailored to your profile and don’t rely on some broad study that includes millions of profiles all over the world.

If you are interested in finding the best times to post on Instagram while also taking advantage of powerful benchmarking, research, publishing, community management features, you can try Fanpage Karma’s free 14-day trial.  

Fanpage Karma also offers a free weekly webinar that shows you how to improve your social media performance with an all-in-one social media tool.

The post The Best Times to Post on Instagram appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Study 2024: Do posts with faces perform better on Instagram? Wed, 27 Mar 2024 14:22:07 +0000 We analyzed over 4,100 posts across 4 industries to answer the question: "Do photos and videos with faces really perform better on social media?"

The post Study 2024: Do posts with faces perform better on Instagram? appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


True or False: Content That Features Faces Gets More Likes on Instagram Than That Without

We analyzed over 4,100 posts across 4 industries to answer the question: "Do photos and videos with faces really perform better on social media?"

When asked if videos and photos that feature faces get more likes on Instagram than those that don’t, the majority of social media managers would probably answer with a clear yes. But is that really always the case?

In reality, your industry and target group play a major role in which content performs better. That’s why we examined the performance of Instagram posts throughout four different industries: Fashion, Automotive, Soft Drinks, and Tech. 

We selected 9 to 10 accounts from each industry and analyzed a total of more than 4,100 Instagram posts (photos, reels, and carousels) published within the last few months, to finally answer the question: “Does content featuring people’s faces really perform better on social media?”

Sample Shows: Content Without Human Faces Performs Better

Does content with or without faces perform better on Instagram?

Across all four industries analyzed, 65.8% of the content posted on Instagram did not show a human face. This means that 34.2% of the posts showed people – regardless of whether it was a full-body shot or a close-up of the face. Almost two thirds of the content posted consisted of photos and videos without faces. Instead, it featured other images, including products, landscapes, or illustrations.

However, content without human faces was not only posted more frequently by the brands we studied on Instagram but also performed better across all four sectors: at 0.32%, its interaction rate was ⅓ higher than for posts showing faces (0.24%).

Does this mean that videos and photos without human faces perform better on Instagram after all? If we look at the industries and the content posted individually, a more differentiated picture emerges.

Does content with or without faces perform better for different Industries on Instagram?

Performance strongly dependent on industry

In the fashion industry, slightly more than half of the posts analyzed contained human faces (52.8%). These posts received 10% more interactions than other content. Overall, images and videos with models seemed to generate slightly more attention within the target group in this industry, generating 10% more likes and encouraging 14% more comments. In other words, our findings for the fashion industry are slightly in favor of videos and photos with faces.

However, in the automotive industry, the situation is different. The brands in this industry almost exclusively post content with a strong focus on their product. 86.4% of all posts analyzed did not feature any people or human faces. It appears that the industry knows the expectations of its target group, since this type of content (without faces) also performs much better. The posts received a 44% higher interaction rate than those with humans, 39% more likes, and 7% more comments. 

In comparison, 64.5% of the content posted in the soft drinks sector did not feature people or their faces. These posts had a 41% higher interaction rate than photos and videos featuring people. However, an interesting detail emerged in this industry. While content that mainly featured close-ups of the product was able to generate almost 49% more likes, videos and photos that featured people’s faces generated more than twice as many comments (an increase of 115%). 

A woman with a camera with social media posts and other metrics around her.

The tech industry also predominantly used content without human faces, and only 35.9% of the posts focused on people. However, it was precisely these photos and videos featuring people and their faces that had an almost 12% higher interaction rate. In contrast to the soft drinks industry, posts that included people led to 5% more likes in the tech industry, while posts without people encouraged 25% more comments.

Videos and Photos Featuring Faces Can Perform Better, but They Don’t Necessarily Do

In conclusion, whether videos and photos featuring people or faces actually create more likes and perform better on Instagram heavily depends on the respective industry and target group. People who follow an automotive brand on Instagram want to see cars. Those who follow a fashion brand, on the other hand, want to see what the advertised clothing looks like when worn by people. A lot of this is probably due to familiarity. Cars have been advertised using highly stylized product photography since long before the age of the internet, just like fashion has always been advertised using models. 

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now"

Thus, people and faces can certainly draw the attention of social media users to your posts – if your target group is used to seeing your product in connection with people (e.g. in the fashion industry), or if your product is strongly connected to emotions. Faces are a great way to convey emotions and can help others identify with your content and product.

However, in industries that are not as strongly linked to emotions, close-ups of people or faces can actually distract from your marketing message and product. This is where well-thought-out product photography, landscape photography, or creative illustrations, for example, can be more effective.

When it comes to engaging with and commenting on posts, content featuring people can also have an impact in these less emotional sectors, as we were able to see in the beverage industry. The brands in our sample mainly relied on close-ups of faces, which might attract and hold users’ attention in the Instagram feed through their direct gaze. As a result, consumers probably also tend to engage with the actual content of a post.

Three co-workers around a computer with data in the background.

In the tech industry, the opposite is true. Videos and photos featuring faces lead to more likes and interactions, while content without faces can generate more comments. Over recent months in particular, the tech brands in our study have increasingly shared AI-generated photos and videos and other AI-related content that often does not involve people since this topic itself generates numerous comments.

If you want to find out whether videos and photos that feature faces get more likes on Instagram than those without for your own industry, you can carry out the above analysis with the all-in-one social media tool Fanpage Karma. 

You can try out Fanpage Karma for free now for 14 days. Fanpage Karma also offers a free weekly webinar that shows you how to improve the overall quality of your social media activities.

The post Study 2024: Do posts with faces perform better on Instagram? appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

The Best Times to Post on Pinterest Thu, 21 Mar 2024 07:16:17 +0000 Are you looking for the best times to post on Pinterest? We will show you how to find them and explain what steps and best practices to follow.

The post The Best Times to Post on Pinterest appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


The Best Times to Post on Pinterest

A woman standing in front of a best times to post on Pinterest chart.

Almost everyone who is active on Pinterest wants their pins to be seen. This is especially true of those who want to become influencers on the platform as well as those who are promoting their business. Interestingly, one possible approach to improving overall reach and engagement with your content is to find out when to post on Pinterest. Similar to other social media platforms, when you post on Pinterest matters. 

You may have already Googled when is the best time to post on Pinterest to give you some guidance on this issue. However, is this the right approach? While general studies can be an easy way to get some starting information, they may not give you the precise insights you need for your target audience. The good news is that with there is a way that you can use your data as well as data from other profiles to find the best Pinterest posting times.  

In this article, we will take you through how to find what are the best times to post on Pinterest and what you need to keep in mind when conducting your analysis. In doing so, we will discuss the steps you need to take when researching the best Pinterest posting times and what your social media tool must be able to do in order to help you find them.

Are there Best Times to Post on Pinterest and do they Matter?

You may have already asked yourself whether if there really are “best” times to post on Pinterest. After all, you may think that the best posts and content automatically will have an easier time reaching more people. Creating unique and engaging content is, of course, the first and most important step in driving interactions, extending reach, and growing your following. 

However, like the other social media networks, higher engagement rates associated with the pins you post can help you increase your reach and visibility. In short, it matters when you post on Pinterest if you are looking to get your content viewed by more people. The best times to post on Pinterest would be when your target audience is not only online, but also when they are most likely to interact with your posts in some way. 

The question then becomes how you can find the best times to post on Pinterest and what you need to help you accomplish that. More accurately, the question really is what are the best times to post on Pinterest that can help your content get seen by more people. 

While not everyone may be making data-based decisions when trying to find the best times to post on Pinterest, using advanced social media analysis can give you an advantage over those who are not. In order to effectively do this, you need a social media tool and a process for compiling your data set.

A banner with three people around a computer and a "Start your free trial" button and light background.

When is the Best Time to Post on Pinterest: Making Data-Drive Decisions

As we have already alluded to above, making data-based decisions about when to post on Pinterest is the approach you should take if you are looking to increase engagement and extend your reach. Your goal should be to find the ideal Pinterest posting times that are based on the behavior of your target audience.

We will provide a real-life example related to finding the best times to post on Pinterest for your own profile. This is so you are better to see what considerations you need to take into account for finding the best Pinterest posting times. For our example, we will say that our content interest relates to recipes and cooking tips. In order to find the best Pinterest posting times for our target audience, we will analyze several profiles that are successful in this topic area: Ali Martin (Gimme Some Oven), Allrecipes, Food Folks and Fun, Heidi |, MyRecipes, Natashas Kitchen – Recipes for Dinner and Desserts, Oh Sweet Basil, Savor the Best – Cooking from scratch & recipe ideas, tablespoon, and The Best Blog Recipes. While these profiles were randomly selected, they all focus on recipes and cooking tips while having a significant number of followers. 

The core question we are asking is what are the best times to post on Pinterest for these types of accounts. In finding the answer, we will discuss the important things to think about when doing your analysis. All the graphs showing best posting times below are generated by the all-in-one social media tool Fanpage Karma.

Step 1: Choose What Profiles Will Make Up your Data Set

We have broadly talked about choosing what constitutes a competitor in social media posting times research before, but here we should focus specifically on Pinterest. When you use the right social media tool, especially one that doesn’t limit the number of competitor profiles that you can track, you can easily study the correlation between posting times and engagement rates.

There are two important aspects to keep in mind in choosing what profiles will be in your data set. The first is concerned with the similarity of the content they post and their specific target audience. What is important here is that you are finding times that people who are active and are part of your target audience. When you select profiles that are posting for the same target audience, you add more data points to your analysis. 

The second important aspect to pay attention to is the timezones of the profiles in your analysis. If you have international aspirations, then you may want to add profiles from around the globe. However, if you are only focused on specific markets, such as the US or Germany, then it makes more sense to only select profiles that are also focused on those markets. The best times to post on Pinterest are highly dependent on timezones, so make sure that the similar profiles you want to track are also focused on those timezones. This also relates to the overall size of a target audience, since bigger profiles may be focused on multiple timezones, while smaller profiles are only focused on one.

In all, the answer to the questions of when is the best time to post on Pinterest is greatly influenced by the profiles that make you your data set. In the case of our example above, these profiles are focused on the same topics and themes as well as, more or less, the same markets.

A picture of a graph and a circle symbolizing 24 hours in a day.

Step 2: Focus on a Specific Timeframe

Different months or seasons can result in different times that your target audience is online and active. Because of this, it is recommended to analyze different times of the year in order to discover when to post on Pinterest for specific months.

For example, let’s look at the differences between two months: July 2023 and December 2023. The charts below show the data output from our analysis of the profiles mentioned above for those specific months. Green circles mean that those times correlate with a higher post interaction rate. The size of the circle shows the amount that was posted during a specific timeframe.

A best time to post on Pinterest chart for July 2023 and all profiles.

(July 2023, All profiles)

As you see here, July shows that late in the evenings from Thursday through Sunday would generally be a good time to post as well as Sunday afternoons and Monday late afternoon. However, what types of trends would we see in December?

A chart showing the best posting times on Pinterest for the profiles in the study for December 2023.

(December 2023, All profiles)

December, on the other hand, shows more suitable Pinterest posting times throughout the week. This could be because more people are at home during colder months and more likely to be interacting with posts in the late afternoons and evenings since they are at home. 

The point of this exercise is to highlight the way in which the timeframe you choose can give you different perspectives as to when is the best time to post on Pinterest. You can choose to look at longer timeframes or run the analysis for specific weeks or months. The timeframe that you select should be dependent on what you want to discover.

Step 3: Study your Data

Once you have selected the profiles in your data set as well as the timeframes you are interested in, you are ready to run your analysis and study your results. However, are there things you should be on the lookout for regarding your search for when to post on Pinterest? And are there different ways to select and analyze your data? 

In analyzing when is the best time to post on Pinterest, you always need to keep your goals in mind. The best Pinterest posting times for your account depend on the size of your data set as well how similar the profiles in this data set are in terms of content. Moreover, as we just discussed in the last step, the timeframe of your data set matters greatly. Conducing a best time to post on Pinterest analysis can consist of you looking at different data set sizes as well as timeframes. Below, we will go through a few different examples in this regard. 

First, we analyze our data and focus only on September 2023. We may want to do this analysis in order to plan when we should consider posting for September 2024 by studying past data from the same month last year.

The best times to post on Pinterest from September 2023 for the profiles in the study.

(September 2023, All profiles)

Above, we can see a number of green dots (meaning that those times are correlated with relatively high post interaction rates) throughout the week and at different times per day. However, what would change if we wanted an overview for the entire year for the exact same profiles? Let’s find out.

A chart displaying the best times to post on Pinterest for all profiles in the study for 2023.

(Entire 2023, All profiles)

In running this analysis, we may be looking for an overview for the entire year since this is a more long-term view that minimizes any type of short-term trends. This may be useful if you want to find general best times to post throughout the year. The downside from this approach would be if the activity of your target audience is dependent on the seasons. However, if you think this is not the case, then this type of analysis gives you a much larger data set since it is analyzing the entire year. 

But what would happen if we ran an analysis for only a few of the profiles we initial included in our study. Perhaps you thought that the original 10 profiles we named above are more or less similar, but think only a few are highly relevant and want to see what an analysis just for these profiles would show. In this case, we will run an analysis only for Allrecipes, MyRecipes, tablespoon, and The Best Blog Recipes (these are picked randomly for the purposes of this example).

The best times to post on Pinterest for the selected 4 profiles for the entire 2023.

(Entire 2023, Allrecipes, MyRecipes, tablespoon, The Best Blog Recipes)

You can see here that this changes the results of our analysis and gives us a different set of best Pinterest posting times. Of course there is some overlap, but changes to the number of profiles you track has an effect on finding the best times to post on Pinterest for your profile.

You may want to analyze your data in different ways, and the right social media tool should make that easy on you. This flexibility gives you a great opportunity to find the best Pinterest posting times that are in line with your overall strategy. Ultimately, you should run some different types of analysis to better understand where good opportunities may be regarding ideal posting times.

Step 4: Implement your Findings

Researching the best times to post on Pinterest may be interesting, but it remains only theoretical if you don’t actually start posting at the times that your data analysis suggests. You may have established a posting schedule that conflicts with the results of your analysis. However, it is important that you try to post at the times indicated in your results or else you will never know whether it is helping you increase your engagement rate.

One thing that can help you implement your findings is by using a social media content planning tool. For instance, perhaps you are not able to be online during the time you should be posting. A content planning tool can be a great way to create the content and pre-schedule it to go online at a specific time.

A woman off to the right with graphs next to a "Register Now" CTA

Step 5: Keep Monitoring and Adding to your Data Set

The best times to post on Pinterest can evolve with time and, if you continue to add profiles to your data set, there may be some variations. It is important to continually run the analysis we highlighted above to find any changes to the best Pinterest posting times for your target audience. This requires some attention and work, but social media tools can help you do this accurately and efficiently. 

Moreover, you want to monitor your progress once you have implemented your findings into your posting schedule. You most likely want to know how your new posting strategy is working, so monitoring your progress is essential in this regard. You may always want to see how your efforts are helping you in comparison to your competitors, and a benchmarking analysis can do just that. 

Conclusion: When is the Best Time to Post on Pinterest

As we showed above, there is a data-drive process behind finding the best times to post on Pinterest. The good news is that everyone can find these times based on the data from their own profiles as well as other similar profiles. Similar to other social media networks, you can use a social media tool to discover the best times to post on Pinterest to reach your target audience.

Fanpage Karma’s all-in-one social media tool allows you to find the best times to post on Pinterest we detailed above as well as conduct benchmarking and content optimization analysis across social media networks. It comes with unlimited profile tracking as well as leading research, content planning, and community management features. Try Fanpage Karma’s free 14-day trial and find out for yourself.

There is also a free weekly webinar that demonstrates how to use Fanpage Karma for social media analytics and management. 

The post The Best Times to Post on Pinterest appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Social Media Competitor Analysis and Benchmarking Mon, 18 Mar 2024 09:02:33 +0000 Do you want to get the most out of your social media competitor analysis and benchmarking? We will tell you everything you have to know!

The post Social Media Competitor Analysis and Benchmarking appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Social Media Competitor Analysis and Benchmarking: A Step-by-Step Guide

A woman with charts and graphs conducting social media competitor analysis.

Are your competitors outperforming you on social media? Can you learn something from their approaches in order to help you extend your reach and increase brand awareness? And, if you don’t know the answers to these questions, how can you go about finding answers to them?    

Social media competitor analysis is the primary way to learn about how you stack up against your competitors in the social media world, as well as how you ultimately may be able to improve the performance of your content. Therefore, it is no surprise why businesses or individuals who are active on social media might want to find out if others in their industry or field are having success and why that might be the case. 

However, some may think they are conducting social media competitor analysis, but are they really doing it right. The question then becomes what do you need to know in order to successfully conduct social media competitor analysis. 

In reality, social media competitor analysis is more than just looking at the posts of other profiles and trying to gain some insights into what they are doing, especially if they have seemingly successful profiles. First and foremost, social media competitor analysis is a process that is based on analyzing a wide range of data. This means that effective social media competitor analysis requires a tool that is able to provide in-depth comparative insights. However, in order to use this tool correctly, there are a number of different best practices to discuss. While this may seem a bit overwhelming at first, we will show you how to do social media competitor analysis in 6 easy steps.

What is Social Media Competitor Analysis?

To begin, let’s explain what exactly social media competitor analysis is and why you should consider doing it. You should know that it involves following a step-by-step process of research that includes using a social media tool for advanced analysis. At its core, social media competitor analysis is the process of finding out 1) how you currently compare to your competitors across various metrics, 2) the core reasons why you may be performing well or not, and 3) approaches you can implement in order to improve your performance.  

Many may think that social media competitor analysis is simply comparative, meaning that you are looking at only benchmarking statistics. While social media benchmarking, which we will address in the next section, is a key component of social media competitor analysis, it is only one part of it. Social media competitor analysis goes far beyond simply comparing where you stand, since it can provide you with important insights about what your strengths and weaknesses are vis-à-vis your competitors. The ultimate goal of social media competitor analysis is to learn how you can improve your own performance.

A banner with various graphs and social media examples and "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and light background.

What is Social Media Competitor Benchmarking?

Even though we already mentioned that benchmarking is a part of the social media competitor analysis process, it is nonetheless talked about as a step in and of itself. One of the main advantages of social media competitor benchmarking is that it shows you where your profiles stand in relation to your competitors and what goals you should consider setting. For example, if one of your profiles has a 1% average engagement rate, does that mean it is successful? Or do you have some work to do since other profiles have a higher engagement rate? 

There are some different approaches you can take when conducting a social media benchmarking analysis. In terms of looking at social media profiles for a specific industry, benchmarking can mean a few different things. For instance, you may be wondering whether   how your profile stacks up among hundreds of other profiles that are in a general industry or post about similar topics, but may or not necessarily be direct competitors of yours in terms of product or service offerings. However, for many companies, benchmarking social media profiles is about finding out relative averages for direct competitors profiles so you get a better idea of where you stand. 

If you are using the approach that requires tracking due to the size of your industry, you should search for a tool that allows for unlimited profile tracking. This is because many social media tools limit the number of profiles you can track, which will limit your social media benchmarking analysis in this case.

How to do a Social Media Competitor Analysis and Benchmarking Evaluation

We want to give you a social media competitor analysis template that you can follow in order to better understand how to conduct such an analysis. When looking at your competitor’s marketing strategy, a comprehensive social media analysis can help you uncover successful content types and formats, ideal posting times, as well as trending hashtags and keywords. 

As we have mentioned before, in the data-drive world of social media marketing, it pays to invest in an industry-leading social media tool. For our example analysis, we will be using the all-in-one social media tool Fanpage Karma which allows for unlimited profile tracking. All the tables, charts, and graphs that are presented below were generated by this tool.  

In showing you how to do a social media competitor analysis, we will be providing a real-world example. In this case, we are analyzing various streamers such as Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Disney+, Max, Netflix, Paramount+, and Peacock TV in order to see how these profiles compare to each other regarding social media performance. We will also show you why one or more of these profiles may be more successful than the others, as well as how these streamers may be able to improve their performance. We will use the performance data from these companies across social media networks while showing how a social media competitor analysis works. 

We are only tracking 7 streamers across 5 social media networks (which means we are tracking 35 total profiles). However, Fanpage Karma offers unlimited profile tracking so we could theoretically be tracking hundreds or thousands of profiles for our analysis.

A woman looking through a magnifying glass at different data sets alongside a picture of the earth.

Step 1: Identify your Competitors

The first step in conducting your social media competitor analysis is to identify the competitors you are adding to your analysis. In other words, you need to define what businesses (or individuals) are comparable to yours in terms of the content they post, location, company size, and the extent of their presence on social media. It is important to find profiles that are similar to yours in these areas so your analysis can focus on profiles that are most likely to give you meaningful insights. 

To begin, think about whether you want to compare yourself nationally or globally with competitors. It is important to also have a good idea about how large your industry is and how many competitors you are dealing with. There are social media tools available that allow you to research and discover profiles that relate to your industry or area of interest, and it is advisable to use these if you don’t already know all your competitors or profiles that are similar to yours. 

It is also important for businesses who are interested in competitor analysis for social media, to make sure that you are tracking profiles of companies or businesses that share your own target audience. This doesn’t just mean that you work in the same industry, but that you are offering the same products or services in more or less the same locations. For instance, a small store based only in a local area may not find benchmarking against a company such as Walmart overly useful. This is because there is a substantial difference between the locations and reach of these companies, even if the target audience may overlap locally. The point here is that when conducing competitor analysis on social media, you should be tracking similar profiles in terms of size, industry, and/or location. 

For our example analysis, we have identified 7 streaming companies that would be direct competitors in the streaming industry. Of course, there are some differences between them, namely their reach into international markets outside the US. However, they are also offering similar services and have a focus on more or less the same geographic markets, especially the US market. 

A man in the middle of a number of floating computer screens showing charts and graphs.

Step 2: Choose the Platforms you are Interested In

When talking about how to do social media competitor analysis, it is important to specify that there are real differences between various social media networks, both in terms of the type of content that is posted as well as overall content strategies businesses use for each platform. For instance, the streamers we are using in our example may focus on different segments of their audience on different social media channels. Therefore, some businesses may have a strategic approach and/or content focus based on the target audience for a specific social media channel.   

In terms of social media competitor analysis, you should normally think in terms of individual social media platforms rather than the social media performance of a competitor overall. This means you shouldn’t simply group together the statistics of all your competitor’s social media profiles and compare their overall numbers to your own overall numbers. Rather, you should group together profiles according to social media network (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc.) so you can obtain accurate benchmarks. 

Once you have determined the competitors you want to track and identify on what social media networks you will focus on, all your profiles will be compiled on a social media dashboard. One last point here is the issue some may run into if the number of competitor profiles you can track is limited by your social media tool. For instance, if you have 20 competitors or similar companies that are of interest to your analysis, and you are tracking them across 5 social media networks, then you need to be able to track 100 profiles (5 x 20 = 100). 

Many social media tools limit the number of profiles you can track well before you reach 100, which may result in you not being able to conduct an analysis of all those profiles or mandating that you pay extra to track more profiles. This is where finding a tool that allows you to track an unlimited number of profiles can be incredibly useful. 

Step 3: Determine Important Metrics for Benchmarking and Analysis

What are the ultimate goals you are prioritizing in your social media strategy? Are you looking to increase your reach or followers, or are you striving for more interactions or engagement? Perhaps you want to improve in all of these areas?   

You probably have a number of different goals in mind when creating your social media strategy, and choosing the right metrics to track is important in calculating your final social media ROI. So, what should you keep in mind when you are considering the metrics you should track for your social media competitor analysis? 

First, you should understand how metrics are measured on social media channels, since there may be some differences among the different social media networks. Moreover, different social media tools may have different calculations for similarly named metrics. 

Second, the availability of data will also be important for your social media benchmarking activities. Certain metrics may be available for competitive analysis for some social media networks and not for others. The availability depends on the social media network you are interested in as well as the social media tool that you are using. Keep in mind that social media tools may differ slightly in this regard. 

Third, and perhaps most important, you need to know how the metrics you track relate to your wider goals. For instance, if you want to use social media as a means to raise awareness of new products you release, you may consider looking to grow your follower numbers and increase reach. Ultimately, the metrics you choose are up to you, but you need to know what they represent and why you are tracking them. 

Step 4: Analyze your Data and Benchmark Against your Competitors

Once you have determined what competitors or industry-peers you want to track, the social media channels you are interested in, as well as the metrics you will track, it is time to do your benchmarking and analysis. Different businesses or individuals will ultimately have various aims in mind for this. However, we will take you through a general process that you can follow and fits almost any type of goal you have. 

It makes sense to begin with the overall social media benchmarking analysis, since this can help you better understand where you stand in relation to your competitors across various metrics. As we already explained above, you should conduct a separate social media benchmarking analysis for each one of the social media channels you are interested in. 

One of the first things you can do is to create metric tables for the various social media networks you are analyzing, whether it be Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, or any other network. Below, you see an example of such a metric table for our profiles on Facebook.

A metric table with key social media metrics from the streaming companies in the study.

The social media benchmarking analysis will show where each profile stands in comparison to others. As you can see, Netflix has by far the most number of Fans on Facebook. In general terms, this metric table can be useful to show where improvements must be made across various KPIs. 

Alternatively, you can also zero-in on specific metrics with different chart formats. For example, below you can see a bar chart that shows the average post interaction rate for the profiles in our data set, in this case for their Instagram profiles. Prime Video performs the best, while Max is clearly underperforming with this metric.

A bar chart showing the average post interaction rates of all the streaming services being looked at in this article.

However, you might just want to better understand where your profiles should be at a minimum by simply looking at the average post interaction rate for all these Instagram profiles combined, as shown below.

We could, of course, do this analysis for every social media network in our study (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube), but you get the idea how a social media benchmarking analysis is done. One important thing to note about social media benchmarking in general is to be aware of the time period of the data you collect. For example, the data above is for the last 28 days (after being conducted in early March 2024). Therefore, the metrics are calculated for only this timeframe. While this can be adjusted to focus on a much longer or short time periods, or even a certain month or time of year, you should always be aware of the time period that your data set represents.   

A measurement showing the average post interact rate, which is 0.75%

After you have done your social media benchmarking analysis, you can move on to your content optimization analysis. One of the main advantages of social media competitor analysis is that it can give you powerful insights related to how you can improve your content. Below, we will highlight a few different types of content optimization analyses you can do.

A bar chart showing the average post interaction rates according to content format.

Let’s start with looking at what content formats you should consider posting. For instance, on Instagram, should you post images, carousels, or reels if you want a high post interaction rate. With our social media competitor analysis, you can use the data from the profiles in your data set to analyze what content format has the highest average post interaction rates.

You can see here that pictures perform better than both carousels and reels for the profiles in your data set. Therefore, you should consider creating more posts with pictures if you are looking to increase your average post interaction rate.

However, you can also take a more holistic approach by looking closely at individual posts across different metrics. You can do this by creating a metric table on a post basis with the choice of filtering metrics that interest you. You can see an example of this below relating to the TikTok posts across the various profiles we are tracking.

A metric table that shows individual metrics for posts for the TikTok profiles in the study.

Another popular analysis is finding the best time to post. We have covered the entire process of finding the best time to post on social media before, but we should mention here that you can use the data compiled in your data set to find out what times of the day correspond to higher post interaction rates. Below, we show the best times to post on TikTok for the profiles in our study.

A best time to post graphic showing when to post on TikTok for these streaming profiles.

Another helpful analysis is finding out what hashtags you should use. Again, we cover this process in general in another article, but in your social media competitor analysis you can find what hashtags you should consider using in your posts. Below are the Top 10 hashtags in terms of post interaction rate for the Twitter profiles we complied in our data set.

A bar chart that displays the top hashtags in terms of post interaction rate.

It is also important to know that you should look at different timeframes. In other words, you can combine all the data for the last year, or focus on specific weeks or months. You can also study month-over-month comparisons to get a better idea how various profiles improved or regressed from the previous month. One of the keys to successful social media competitor analysis is to study your data in different time periods and across different metrics. 

Effective competitor analysis on social media is greatly helped by a social media tool that allows you to analyze data in various ways. Above, we showed you only a few of the analyses you can conduct with a tool such as Fanpage Karma. Once you have started with a social media tool, it is important to try it out thoroughly it so you have a good understanding of the different analyses you can perform.

Step 5: Implement your Findings in your Social Media Strategy

Social media competitor analysis and benchmarking is a great way of finding out how you compare to your competitors and helps you improve your own performance. However, once you have finished your social media benchmarking process and determined where you need to improve, you actually have to go out and implement what you have found. In this sense, one of the keys in learning how to do an effective social media competitor analysis is not only about finding out where you can improve, but also integrating your plan for your improvements into your actual social media content. 

Perhaps you study your data (as shown in the previous step) and you see that images on Instagram posts have a higher average post interaction rate than Reels. This means that you should mostly likely start posting more images on your Instagram posts and use Reels more sparingly. You may also see from your analysis that you were not posting at ideas times. In this sense, you should try to times that your analysis indicates would correlate with higher post interaction rates.  

Apart from running competitor analysis on social media, there are other aspects you should look for in a social media tool that relate to helping you improve your content creation process. For instance, content publishing features should help enable the brainstorming ideas with your team as well as provide with you with the latest AI technology for image and content creation.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now"

Step 6: Monitor your (and your Competitors’) Progress

Once you have done competitor analysis on your social media profiles, discovered how to improve your performance, and implemented your plan, you are done, right? Not quite. Continued monitoring of not only your own performance and that of your competitors is important. There are a few key reasons why this is the case.

First, it is important to continually benchmark your yourself to see if you are making progress. After all, the results of your social media benchmarking analysis are not static. Even if you are making improvements, you should keep an eye out to see your competitors are making more progress.

Second, you should continue to run the analyses as we described in the previous steps in order to see how behaviors and trends may be developing. In all, competitor analysis on social media is continuous, and the content your target audience likes may evolve over time.

In addition to following your progress, you need to continue to monitor your community and the interactions they have with your account. It is widely known that community management is an important part of building your following and increasing engagement rate for YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc. Many social media tools have community management features available for helping you stay on top of this task. 

Social Media Competitor Analysis

As we have discussed above, if you want to do effective competitive analysis on social media, you need to have a process and use an advanced social media tool. Knowing who your competitors are and what you want to get out of your social media competitor analysis are key first steps. Social media benchmarking allows you to see how your profile compares to that of your competitors and helps you in setting your own goals. The different types of content analyses that you can perform with the right social media tool then can start discovering areas where you can improve. Importantly, you need to implement what you have found and continue to monitor your progress as you go.

If you want to perform the entire social media competitor analysis process yourself, Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of its social media tool. This social media tool is industry-leading not only because of the powerful benchmarking and content analysis features, but also because it offers unlimited profile tracking. It also comes with community management, publishing, and research features. 

You can also participate in one of the free weekly webinars that Fanpage Karma offers to learn more about the tool. 

The post Social Media Competitor Analysis and Benchmarking appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to Increase Engagement on Facebook Fri, 15 Mar 2024 10:54:50 +0000 Are you posting on Facebook and not getting enough reactions? We will give you 12 tips for increasing your engagement rate on Facebook.

The post How to Increase Engagement on Facebook appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


How to Increase Engagement on Facebook

Two people researching how to increase Facebook engagement rate with charts and graphs to the side.

Facebook has been around for a while now and remains popular with many users. Even with the new social media networks taking off, Facebook still has a massive user base that social networks have not reached in terms of overall numbers. It is clear that Facebook is still one of the predominant social media networks and, for this reason, continues to be a place where businesses and individuals alike post content in the hopes of getting noticed. Naturally, many of those that want to their profiles to succeed and therefore are wondering how to increase their Facebook engagement rates.

Increasing your Facebook engagement rate over the long term may take some time, and you generally need to formulate a well-thought-out plan and follow through on it. However, following some best practices can make it easier to increase your Facebook engagement rate. With this in mind, we will present 12 ways to increase engagement on Facebook that can be used by Facebook experts who have been active on the platform for years, as well as new users looking to grow their audience.

Facebook Engagement Rate Benchmarking

Before walking about the various ways to increase engagement on Facebook, we should also talk about setting goals. You might initially be wondering what the average engagement rate on Facebook is. Understandably, you are probably expecting a simple answer based on data. However, there are many studies that say they have crunched the numbers and there is a wide variety of answers to this question. However, the good news is that it is not necessary to know what the average engagement rate on Facebook is in general. Rather, you should find out what the average engagement rate on Facebook is for your industry and profiles that are similar to yours.

Conducting a Facebook engagement rate benchmark analysis with a social media tool is the most effective way to do this. For instance, if there are 10 competitor profiles that you want to track, you can analyze their performance by adding them to your social media tool’s dashboard. With the right social media benchmarking tool, you may find that the average engagement rate is, for example, 1%. Now you have a baseline benchmark where you want to be. 

Once you know the average, you can determine what a good engagement rate on Facebook would be in your industry or among profiles that are similar to yours. Usually, any engagement rate over the average would be considered “good” but you may also set your sights higher. When determining what a good engagement rate on Facebook should be, it is important to remember that it needs to be realistic and that you have a chance to actually reach this goal.

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

Ways to Increase Engagement on Facebook

Now that we have discussed Facebook engagement rate benchmarking, we should discuss how to increase Facebook engagement. Like we said before, there are no effortless hacks or ways to get around putting in some work. However, by following as many of the following 12 best tips as you can, you can start to increase your Facebook engagement rate. Below, we will explain these 12 tips in more detail. 

  1. Learn your Audience’s Preferences
  2. Know your Best Content Formats
  3. Create High-Quality Visuals 
  4. Always use CTAs
  5. Be Active and Post Consistently 
  6. Discover the Best Hashtags to Use
  7. Use Contests, Giveaways, and Polls to your Advantage
  8. Find out the Best Times to Post 
  9. Reply to your Audiences’ Comments, Questions, etc. 
  10. Join/Create (and be Active in) Facebook Groups
  11. Research Trending Topics
  12. Monitor and Analyze your Performance

1. Learn your Audience’s Preferences and Your Area of Expertise

The first step in learning how to increase post engagement on Facebook is to understand what type of content that your audience wants to see. After all, why would you interact with content that doesn’t interest you or piques your curiosity? 

So, if you are looking for ways to increase Facebook engagement, ask yourself what your area of expertise is and what is valuable or interesting about your content. Are you providing interesting takes on sports, politics, music, or travel? Do you add anything new to what is already being said? 

It helps to have a focus and passion. Your followers can get inspired if you are passionate about something, which can lead to more engagement. Therefore, showing that you are an expert or have something to say about a specific topic can help increase your Facebook engagement rates. Your audience followers you and engages with your content for a reason, so make sure your voice is coming through clearly.

2. Know your Best Content Formats

If you want to know how to increase engagement on Facebook, you should know what type of content formats are associated with higher engagement rates. Do images, videos, or reels historically get the most engagement? How can you find this out? 

A no-brainer way to improve your Facebook post engagement rate,is by posting in content formats that correlate with higher engagement rates. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t pay attention to creating high-quality content that interests your audience, but understanding what content format generally generates higher engagement rates can be a real game changer. As you can see in the screenshot below, a social media tool can be used to analyze your profile as well as other similar profiles in your field to show you what content format you should consider posting.

A bar chart showing the engagement rates of various content formats.

This analysis shows that videos have by far the highest engagement rates for the profiles analyzed in this specific data set. While this is only an example of what a content format analysis would look like, it illustrates the usefulness of this type of approach.

3. Create High-Quality Visuals

Social media is a visual medium, and Facebook is no different. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that one of the keys to finding out how to increase engagement on Facebook relates to creating high-quality visuals. This means various videos, images, reels, that catch your attention and are of high quality. 

In order to increase your Facebook engagement rate, you should spend real time and effort on perfecting the visuals you produce. There are a number of tools you can use for this as well, and it can pay off to make an investment in one of these. If you want to increase your Facebook engagement rate, then make sure your visuals shine!

4. Always use CTAs

When thinking about how to increase post engagement on Facebook, sometimes rather simply approaches can yield real results. If you are looking for ways to increase engagement on Facebook, you should always be sure to tell people what you want them to do, namely like, share, comment, follow, etc. 

It is equally important to tell them how to do what you are asking of them. In other words, when you are looking for ways to increase Facebook engagement you shouldn’t just say to like your post, but say something like “click the like bottom below.”

A woman showing excitement after looking at her phone with exclamation marks around her.

5. Be Active and Post Consistently

Many people are passionate about topics or issues they care about. Therefore, they generally consume this type of content wherever they can find it. Posting regularly important for improving engagement on Facebook since it can help show people that you have something to say and that they can expect for content soon. For this reason, staying in the minds of people can spur them to be on the lookout for your latest posts and generate interactions with it.

6. Discover the Best Hashtags to Use

Did you know that using the right Facebook hashtags is one of the important ways to increase engagement on Facebook? How, you ask? This is because hashtags can help get your content in front of people that are following those specific hashtags because they are looking for posts about those topics

Conducting hashtag research is a useful way to improve your Facebook post engagement since it can help you find hashtags that correlate with higher engagement from users. Importantly, your content should always be relevant for that hashtag and be of high-value.

7. Use Contests, Giveaways, and Polls to your Advantage

So many companies are looking for ways to increase Facebook engagement on their business pages and would be willing to go the extra mile to make that happen. If you are wondering how to increase engagement on your Facebook business page, you should consider utilizing contests, giveaways, and even polls.

Contests (with a prize included) and giveaways are a great way to generate engagement since you can specify that users like or comment in order to be able to win something. This gives them a strong incentive to engage with your posts. Moreover, many people like having their voices being heard, and polls are effective at doing just that.

8. Find out the Best Times to Post

Various charts and graphs that related to social media metrics and performance.

An important way to increase engagement on Facebook is by discovering what posting times are associated with higher engagement rates. We explain the entire process of how to use a social media tool in order to find these times in another article. However, what we should point out here is that posting at times when people are more likely to engage with that post can is a fantastic way to help increase your engagement rate.

9. Reply to your Audiences’ Comments, Questions, etc.

When it comes to finding out how to increase engagement on your Facebook page, be sure to think about more than just the content you are posting. One of the factors that influences engagement rates is the level of attachment that your audience has to your Facebook profile. In order to foster your community, you should be involved and active interacting with them. This means replying to or liking their comments, thanking them for their questions, and showing that they matter.  

Social media community management tools can help you with these tasks. This is especially true of businesses that have large followings and have entire teams dedicated to this task.

10. Join/Create (and be Active in) Facebook Groups

If you want to increase your Facebook engagement rates, you can also look to join or create a Facebook group that relates to topics or industries you are interested in. This can help your profile get noticed and, if your thoughts and perspectives catch the interest of others in a group, this can help them become interested in your posts and content. If the group allows for it, you can also share what you posted in the hopes of getting more people to view it and interact with it.

11. Research Trending Topics

Sometimes discovering how to get better engagement on Facebook revolves around looking for trending topics to post about. Popular topics or trends can emerge quickly, and it is important to pay attention to them. 

In this case, increasing your engagement on Facebook could be helped by constantly posting about the latest topic in your area of interest. Luckily, there are tools available to help you find trending topics on Facebook in your country and/or language. So, if you are serious about increasing your Facebook engagement rate, keep your eyes open for what is trending.

12. Monitor and Analyze your Performance

If you want to know how to increase engagement on your Facebook page, you need to be aware of how social media monitoring works as well as the KPIs you want to track. This is because monitoring allows you to see how you are progressing and what may need to change to boost your performance. 

Increasing engagement on Facebook is a process, and you may need to alter your content strategy as you go. Moreover, things can change with time or your audience preferences, and you need to be aware of what those changes are. Social media tools can help you to continually monitor and analyze your performance so you can see when changes are necessary. 

A woman off to the right with graphs next to a "Register Now" CTA

Review: How to Increase Engagement on Facebook

As we showed above, there are relatively straightforward ways to increase engagement on Facebook. However, some work and effort on your part are required. Having a social media tool at your disposal that provides you with benchmarking and analytics, research, community management, and publishing features can be a big help. 

If you are looking for ways to increase Facebook engagement rates for your Facebook profile, Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of its all-in-one-social media tool. 

Fanpage Karma also offers a free weekly webinar that discusses how to use the tool.

The post How to Increase Engagement on Facebook appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Has TikTok Restricted Organic Reach? Wed, 06 Mar 2024 15:34:42 +0000 Have views on TikTok collapsed? We analyzed nearly 800k posts and will tell you what we found. Plus - 5 tips to increase your TikTok reach.

The post Has TikTok Restricted Organic Reach? appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Has TikTok Restricted Organic Reach? We Have Analyzed Almost 800,000 Posts – This Is the Result

Have views on TikTok collapsed? We analyzed nearly 800k posts and will tell you what we found. Plus - 5 tips to increase your TikTok reach.

An increasingly high number of TikTok users seem to think that their views on the video sharing platform are on the decline and, above all, that there hasn’t been any strong correlation between engagement and reach for some time. Along these lines, we have been seeing some people wonder “Why is my TikTok reach so bad suddenly?” or “Is organic reach on TikTok being restricted?”

Can any of these suspicions be substantiated with data? In order to see what may be going on here, we examined a cross-section of 1,000 TikTok profiles to put the hypothesis, that reach on TikTok has declined, to the test.

What Are Views On TikTok?

Before we turn to the results of our investigation, we should briefly clarify what is actually meant by views or impressions on TikTok. Impressions on TikTok show you the number of times a post has been viewed – including multiple views by individual users. If a user watches one of your TikToks twice, this counts as two views.

In addition to providing you with an overview of how many different people you are reaching with your content, the number of views on TikTok also tells you whether your target group is interested in your content. A higher number of impressions per video indicates that your target group finds your posts worth watching, since they are watching your videos again and again.

A few years ago, back when the TikTok hype started, you were able to reach a much larger number of users with your content than you were capable of reaching on other social networks such as Instagram or Facebook, for example. Today, some think that the number of video views and, as a result, reach has decreased. The first question then is whether this assumption can be confirmed analytically?

Our Study’s Finding: Views on TikTok Are on the Decline

Our team analyzed 780,000 videos published on TikTok by 1,000 accounts of various sizes. The study period spans two years, from January 2022 to December 2023. For our study, we looked at how the impressions per video per follower on TikTok have developed, and our study results are clear: You can reach a much lower number of followers with your posts on TikTok today than two years ago.

Development of impressions per video per follower

Development of impressions per video per follower on TikTok

As demonstrated in the graph above, the number of impressions per video and follower on TikTok achieved by the accounts studied fluctuates slightly each month. Nevertheless, the graph clearly shows a downward trend. 

According to our study, the TikTok videos analyzed were still able to reach a much larger number of users at the beginning of 2022, with up to 24% of followers seeing the posts. Since the fall 2022, TikTok views have been steadily declining and reached their lowest point at the end of 2023. At the end of our study period, the posts we analyzed only achieved slightly more than 0.1 impressions per video per follower – meaning that only 10% of followers had seen the published videos.

Share of profiles that have won or lost

Share of profiles that have won or lost on TikTok

Of the 1,000 profiles analyzed, a small number were able to buck the trend: 15% of accounts have gained more views in the last two years. However, for the most part, the increases are less than 50%. The clear majority (85% of users) in our study recorded a loss of reach. In some cases, the decline is enormous meaning that most of the losers suffered losses of between 50 and 80%. 

Why is Reach on TikTok Declining?

First, let’s just point out that we are referring to TikTok organic reach, which excludes reach that you may get by running ads. A large part of the lost TikTok reach and views can be explained by natural effects. One such effect is due to the number of users on TikTok and the increase in TikToks published every day, which has multiplied over the last few years. Your videos have to compete against an ever-increasing number of posts to get on the “For you” page of your target group. 

Before the TikTok hype took off a few years ago, there were a much smaller number of users on the platform than there are today. Moreover, users were spending a lot of time online at the time due to the pandemic. The number of brands active on TikTok has also increased steadily in recent years. Your profile is now competing with more direct competitors for screen time than you were two years ago.

According to rumors, the TikTok algorithm was changed in the second half of 2023, which allegedly resulted in the loss of reach for many users. In our study, we did see a decline in views after July 2023, but as the numbers increase slightly again at the beginning of fall, it cannot be ruled out that this is an effect that occurs between the summer and fall months. This would be because of the onset of the cooler season, which causes users to accumulate more screen time. The same effect can also be observed in the previous year. The reach of the videos decreases quite evenly throughout the entire study period, suggesting natural effects.

A woman showing excitement after looking at her phone with exclamation marks around her.

How To Get More Reach On TikTok: 5 Tips

Now you’re probably asking yourself: “How do I increase my reach on TikTok?” The answer revolves around your content being relevant to your target audience, your posts bing searchable, and you posting them at the right time. We have collected 5 practical tips for you to generate more TikTok reach.

1 – Create Valuable Content for Your Target Group

The best way to combat the decline in views and organic reach of your TikTok videos is to create and post content that really interests your target audience. But what does your target group want to see? Take a close look at your competitors’ content. Ask yourself which types of content work well for them, and which don’t? 

When thinking about how to increase TikTok reach, the easiest way to do this kind of analysis is with a social media tool such as Fanpage Karma. Within our tool, you will find two valuable templates for your competitor research: “Content” and “Tagging”. In our Academy, we outline how you can utilize your competitor analysis to increase your reach.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now".

2 – Optimize Your Content for Search

You’re probably familiar with SEO, or search engine optimization. TikTok SEO works in exactly the same way: find keywords that users use to search for similar content on TikTok and incorporate these terms into your posts. Say them out loud in your videos and write them down in the subtitles, captions, or alt texts. Are there any suitable hashtags? Remember to use these too.

3 – Actively Ensure More Engagement With Your Posts

To increase your organic reach on TikTok, the algorithm needs to display your posts to more users. To achieve this, your followers need to interact with your content, especially in the first few minutes and hours. Therefore, it is important to know when your target group is most active and most willing to interact with your content. You can easily find out the best posting times for your niche with Fanpage Karma. We have summarized how to do this in our article titled The Best Times to Post on TikTok.

4 – Use TikTok Features Such as Popular Sounds, Stitches, and Duets

If you’re active on TikTok, you’re probably familiar with the platform’s special features: sounds, stitches, and duets. Keep your eyes (and ears) open for frequently used sounds and related TikTok trends, and use them if they suit your posts. Use stitches to complement other TikTok videos with your perspective. You can also create duets with other content creators. This allows you to reach new users who may not yet know your account.

5 – Use Paid Promotions

Sometimes you may not want to rely on the TikTok algorithm to deliver your posts to the right target group, or you may be planning a particularly important marketing campaign. If this is the case, then it may be worthwhile for you to promote individual TikToks through paid ads. Awareness campaigns are particularly suitable for this as they are designed to reach a particularly large number of users. 

A woman in the foreground on her phone with a woman in the background jumping alongside a cat and a dog.


The assumption of many users has been confirmed: Views and reach on TikTok have indeed fallen over the last two years across many different profiles. However, this does not necessarily mean that you can no longer reach your target group on TikTok. In any case, it’s worth finding out what your target audience is interested in and what kind of content they want to see from you.

If you want to analyze your TikTok videos with Fanpage Karma and find out what type of content works best for your target audience, you can try the all-in-one social media tool for free today.

The Fanpage Karma team also offers a free weekly live webinar where you can learn what other analytics features of the tool you can use to optimize your content.

The post Has TikTok Restricted Organic Reach? appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to Increase Engagement Rate on TikTok Mon, 04 Mar 2024 15:37:04 +0000 Find out about how you can increase your Engagement Rate on TikTok with some easy-to-follow tips and tricks that everyone can follow.

The post How to Increase Engagement Rate on TikTok appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


How to Increase Engagement Rate on TikTok

A person with a computer and another with a megaphone looking at a chart showing an increase in a TikTok profile’s engagement rate.

TikTok has quickly developed into a preeminent social media network which attracts a wide audience. Therefore, it is no surprise that various individuals, businesses, and influencers all want to grow their following in order to showcase their creative content to more people. If you are looking to grow the number of your followers, you may be wondering how to increase your engagement rate on TikTok. This is because high engagement rates are a good sign that your content is resonating with your audience, which would make them more likely to follow your profile. 

So what should you know about how to get better engagement on TikTok? We will take you through some of our best practices that you should follow for increasing engagement rates on TikTok. Below, we will present our 9 tips that are everyone on TikTok can use to help improve their engagement rates and attract a larger audience.

What is a Good Engagement Rate on TikTok?

To start, you may want to set baseline goals for your TikTok engagement rate. For that, you should begin with researching the average TikTok engagement rate. You may want a definitive answer but, as you can see from simply Googling this topic, there are different studies that provide different answers to this question. So what should you do when confronted with such a wide-range of answers? 

What is important to understand is that you should benchmark your own profile against other similar profiles. You may choose profiles for your benchmarking analysis either because they are similar businesses, are involved in the same industry, or post similar content to your own. If you use a social media tool that allows you to track dozens or hundreds of profiles, then you can get a good idea about the average TikTok engagement rate for your industry, since you have selected the dataset yourself.  

Once you know what the average TikTok engagement rate across similar profiles, you can then move on to defining what is a good TikTok engagement rate is for your industry. In order to find out what’s a good engagement rate on TikTok, you can take the top 25% of profiles you are tracking when it comes to their engagement rate and look at the average between them. Again, you should always be rather focused on profiles that relate to the same industry or are similar to yours.

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

How to Increase your TikTok Engagement Rate

When thinking about how to achieve a good engagement rate on TikTok, you need to understand how TikTok works. The first thing you should understand is how TikTok is designed to increase user engagement. Engagement is important on TikTok since it indicates to the algorithm that people like your content. If you can increase your engagement rate, more people may see your posts in their feed if your content is related to their interests.

Below, we will explain 9 ways that can help you to increase your TikTok engagement: 

  1. Clearly Identify your Audience and their Content Preferences
  2. Concentrate on Writing Amazing Hooks (also Thumbnail Images)
  3. Be Active with your Community
  4. Posting Times Matter – Discover When they Are!
  5. Benchmark yourself Against (and Learn From) Other Similar Profiles
  6. Research What Hashtags to Use
  7. Always be Posting: Regularly and Often
  8. Stay on Top of Popular Trends
  9. Consider Promoting your own Contests or Polls

1. Clearly Identify your Audience and their Content Preferences

When you are starting out thinking about how to increase engagement on TikTok, it is helpful to know what type of content resonates with your target audience. First of all, even if people see your content in their feed, if it is not interesting to them, then they most likely won’t interact with it. 

Understanding who your audience is and what type of content they like can be made much easier using a social media tool. This is because, social media tools can provide various content analysis to show you what type not only for your own TikTok, but also what may be generating high engagement rates for your competitor’s profiles.

2. Concentrate on Writing Amazing Hooks (also Thumbnail Images)

One important aspect concerning how to get better engagement on TikTok relates to piquing the interest of people to actual view your content. For this reason, hooks represent one of the most important ways that you can increase TikTok engagement. This also involves creating engaging thumbnail images for videos since they can show people that your content is worth watching, liking, or sharing. 

If you are looking to increase TikTok engagement through hooks, it can also be helpful to incorporate CTAs as well. These can be as simple as “Don’t miss this” or “Funniest thing ever,” can help get people to watch and engage with your content. Be sure to get creative with your hooks, CTAs, and thumbnails and monitor what works and what doesn’t.

A woman showing excitement after looking at her phone with exclamation marks around her.

3. Be Active with your Community

One straight-forward way to increase engagement on TikTok is to actively engage with those interacting with your content. Normally, you would associate ideas about how to increase TikTok engagement with the content you create. However, it is actually quite important to make your audience feel a connection toward the content you are producing. 

The logic behind this is that when you interact with your community, then they will be more likely to continually engage with your content. You can use community management tools to help you more efficiently do these community management tasks once your following starts growing.

4. Posting Times Matter – Discover When they Are!

Posting times are important when trying to increase your engagement rate on TikTok. As we pointed out earlier, engagement rate is important factor for TikTok not only because it shows you how well your content is resonating with your audience, but also because it can help you with the TikTok algorithm. We covered already covered how to understand TikTok SEO, but one important part of this is having high engagement rates for your posts.

So, if you want to know how to boost engagement on TikTok, then it is helpful to find the best times to post. We have covered how to find the best times to post for TikTok in another article, so you can find more information there. 

5. Benchmark yourself Against (and Learn From) Other Similar Profiles

A picture of a graph and a circle symbolizing 24 hours in a day.

In trying to understand how to increase engagement on TikTok, you shouldn’t be afraid to use other TikTok profiles to see what is working. As we already pointed out, you should always be studying what content types and formats are performing well among profiles similar to yours. This can help you more quickly identify what type of content you should be producing that corresponds to higher engagement rates among your target audience. 

One way you can think about how to increase engagement on TikTok is to set goals that are based off of data in your industry. However, in doing so, you should always have concrete goals in mind that you are aiming for. This can be done by monitoring the average engagement rates for similar profiles and setting your goals according to your industry instead of looking only at general engagement rates.

6. Research What Hashtags to Use

Improving your engagement rate on TikTok is helped by getting your content in front of people who are interested in it. One of the ways that you can make that happen is to use the right hashtags for your TikTok posts. Hashtags allow you to indicate that your content relates to a specific topic and, with the right tools, you can easily identify which hashtags may be associated with relatively high engagement rates.

7. Always be Posting: Regularly and Often

One way to increase engagement on TikTok is to post regularly in order to show people that you are continually contributing the content that they want to see. Of course, posting many times a week is important, although it is not advisable to post 6 times on one day and then not at all the rest of the week. 

Regular posting means that you are making sure that your voice is staying active and heard.  So, if you want to know how to boost engagement on TikTok, make sure that you are getting your content out there at regular intervals and make sure that your target audience is not wondering when you might be posting next.

8. Stay on Top of Popular Trends

One of the ways to learn how to get better engagement on TikTok is to research what is trending at a given moment. This can be done simply by monitoring what is in your own feed or the topics that other similar profiles are posting about.

However, if you are really serious about increasing your TikTok engagement rates, you can consider tracking various profiles with a social media tool that allows for advanced content analysis. From there you can analyze trending hashtags or keywords for a given timeframe to show you what topics are trending as well as pinpoint the posts with a high engagement rates to see what topics are generating interactions.

A woman off to the right with graphs next to a "Register Now" CTA

9. Consider Promoting your own Contests or Polls

When thinking about how to improve TikTok engagement, you should also consider approaches that entice people to interact with the content you are posting. In reality, engagement rate on TikTok is helped when people don’t want to miss out on something, which makes contests, giveaways, or simply running interesting polls so effective. 

People love winning free things, whether from random luck or by winning some sort of contest or challenge. If you want to increase your TikTok engagement, you should consider brainstorming creative ideas for these types of contests, giveaways, or polls.

Conclusion: How to Increase your TikTok Engagement Rate

As we have shown in this article, you can learn how to improve TikTok engagement through following some or all of the best practices above. Increasing your TikTok engagement may take some time and effort, but concentrating on improving this metric can help you grow your following and reach. 

If you are looking for advanced benchmarking/analysis, community management, and research capabilities, Fanpage Karma is an all-in-one social media tool that provides just that. Better yet, Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of its tool, which also includes unlimited profile tracking

If you want a real-time look into how Fanpage Karma works, you can also participate in our free weekly webinar.

The post How to Increase Engagement Rate on TikTok appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to Increase Twitter Followers Tue, 27 Feb 2024 10:18:53 +0000 So what can you do to increase the number of your Twitter followers? We take you through our 14 tips that can help your Twitter profile grow.

The post How to Increase Twitter Followers appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


How to Increase Twitter Followers

A woman with a megaphone standing by charts and the Twitter logo.

Twitter presents itself as being the place to be for getting your ideas or opinions out into the public quickly. From politicians and athletes to influencers and movie stars, Twitter is a popular social media platform where people post about the latest news and events. Of course, nearly everyone dreams of their Tweet going viral and their profile taking off as a result. However, more realistically, your content gets seen more often as a result of growing your Twitter following and consistently creating engaging content. So the main question is how do you get more followers on Twitter, especially if you are starting out from a relatively small number of followers?

Increasing your Twitter followers isn’t rocket science, but does take a little know how about the best ways to do it. What you really need is a list of best practices that both seasoned Twitter users or beginners can use to increase their number of followers. For this reason, we will highlight our 14 tips that can help increase your Twitter followers without needing to resort to buying your followers. 

How to Increase Followers on Twitter

The good news is that getting more Twitter followers is doable. However, increasing your Twitter followers can be a challenge at times and takes some effort on your part. The first thing you need to have is a commitment to putting in the work to gain more Twitter followers. The second thing you need to have is a plan. With that being said, here are 14 ways to get more followers on Twitter that we will cover in detail below:

  1. Make Sure your Content is Easy to Consume (lists, infographics)
  2. Create Content that Induces Interaction (Polls, Contests, Etc)
  3. Use CTAs
  4. Concentrate on a Specific Field, Topic, or Niche
  5. Learn what Hashtags to Use
  6. Stay Current and Tweet in the Moment
  7. Make sure you are Tweeting Regularly
  8. Find the Best Time to Post for your Tweets
  9. Consistently Interact with your Community
  10. Benchmark and Analyze your Competitors
  11. Research Trending Topics in your Niche or Industry
  12. Pin your best Content
  13. Link to your Twitter Page
  14. Finding Influencers to Help You
A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

1. Make Sure your Content is Easy to Consume

Twitter limits the characters of your post to 280. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t make an interesting point or provide your audience with valuable information. Twitter, by its nature, would be more aligned with content that catches the eye and is fairly easy to understand and consume relatively quickly. Therefore, if you want to increase followers on Twitter, there are various content types that you should consider trying out to get your point across quickly and clearly.

So, when considering your options as to how to increase your twitter followers, the first thing you can consider is making lists or rankings for your tweets. Listicles and rankings are a great to way to clearly express a point. Another effective content type to consider is an infographic, since using this image does not count against your character count. Infographics can be a real eye-catcher, especially when you use colors that attract attention with data or charts that present interesting findings. 

Our point here is that Tweets are meant to be viewed quickly, so make sure your content is geared toward getting your point across clearly and efficiently.

2. Create Content that Induces Interaction

In addition to content that is easy to consume, you should also consider creating content that induces people to interact with it. When thinking about how do you get more followers on Twitter, you could consider running polls and other contests. These are great ways to increase your twitter followers in the long-run since people often like to participate, and they can be a great way to build a community. 

However, make sure to make a poll or contest more than a one-off thing. If people know that you are running interesting polls about trending topics, have giveaways, or even creating caption contests, these entice people to follow you since they don’t want to miss out on future ones.

3. Use CTAs

Increasing the number of your Twitter followers can sometimes be simple and so we will keep this one short since it’s fairly straightforward but sometimes is forgotten. In order get more followers, you tell them to follow you. Use CTAs that encourage people to who view your content to stay around and follow you. Moreover, be sure to tell them how. Ideally, you should be able to concisely tell them why they should follow you, either so that they don’t miss out on anything or because you have some special in store for later.

4. Concentrate on a Specific Field, Topic, or Niche

When thinking about how to get more twitter followers, you should ask yourself who you are producing content for? In other words, what audience do you want to attract? People follow generally follow a specific Twitter profile because they like the type of content produced by that profile. This may have to do with the fact that they are interested in a particular topic such as sports, travel, food, culture, etc., and what hear what a specific profile has to say about one of these topics that interests them. 

There are some exceptions, but typically it helps to focus on certain topics, since people generally follow profiles which post about their interests. There are many strategic questions to consider in these cases. For instance, perhaps sports is your passion, but there are, of course, many different sports. You could choose a few different sports to Tweet about, or you could focus solely on a sport such as basketball. 

On Twitter, follower increases can be a result of understanding your focus area and Tweeting about topics that correspond to high engagement rates and reach. When trying to define your focus, you should always research your audience and the performance based on your past Tweets. In other words, study what has worked in the past and what type of topics that get a lot of reactions. Benchmarking and analysis tools can be a big help in studying what content especially resonates with your target audience.

A woman looking through a magnifying glass at different charts and social media posts in the background.

5. Learn what Hashtags to Use

Hashtags can be a great way to show that your Tweet is contributing to conversations about certain topics. This can be important when you are looking to attract followers to your profile when you are posting about a specific theme or topic.

So, if you are asking yourself how to increase your twitter followers, you should start with determining what hashtags you should use in your Tweets. There are data-driven approaches you can take to find what hashtags you should use. We have already written an article about how to do hashtag research for Twitter, so you can read more there. The point here is that a relatively straight-forward Twitter hack to increase followers is to use the right hashtags.

A woman off to the right with graphs next to a "Register Now" CTA

6. Make sure you are Tweeting Regularly

If you want to increase your Twitter followers, you should make sure that you are Tweeting regularly. Of course, this doesn’t mean that they are not putting thought into your Tweets. However, keep in mind that people who choose to follow certain Twitter profiles often do so because they know that they will be continuing to get content that they want. For this reason, it is important to show your followers that you will be regularly providing the content that they want.

7. Stay Current and Tweet in the Moment

If you want to get more followers on Twitter, you need to stay current. In other words, a simple way to under how to increase your followers on Twitter to keep up to date and post on trending topics that you care about. Many users are on Twitter in order to get the latest on news and events that interest them. Most of the time, Tweets don’t last long, and Twitter isn’t necessarily designed for evergreen content. So, make sure you are engaging with trending and current topics and getting your thoughts out there.

8. Find the Best Time to Post for your Tweets

A group of people around a computer working on social media posts.

It is important to understand the twitter algorithm to help get you more followers. As we already pointed out, staying active on Twitter is a great way to get more followers. However, getting high engagement rates on your posts is important for the Twitter algorithm and, thus, for more people to see your content. The more people who see your Tweets, the better chance you have of getting noticed and increasing your follower count. 

Not everyone may know this, but posting times are important in this regard. You should be posting when your audience is online and ready to interact with your content. For this reason, you should consider using a social media tool that helps you discover what times are best to post.

9. Consistently Interact with your Community

If you are looking for ways to get more followers on Twitter, you need to make sure that you are interacting with your community. This is because it is important to show your current followers that they are important to you, as well as to show others who may not be following you that care about your followers.   

As your following grows, it can be a challenge to keep up with all incoming comments, etc. Keep in mind that a community management tool can be a great assess for managing your Twitter community or other social media networks you are active on.

10. Benchmark and Analyze your Competitors

Have you ever looked at another Twitter profile and wondered how it has so many followers? There can be many factors for why this is the case. However, in terms of trying to grow your own profile, it may be useful to analyze other successful profiles. Don’t be afraid to use social media tools that can help you better analyze and understand other accounts, especially when it comes to content optimization analysis. In this way, you can better analyze what may be helping other profiles grow. 

Moreover, when trying to figure out how to get more twitter followers, it is always helpful to have some concrete goals in mind. But what should those goals be? Benchmarking your performance against other similar profiles is helpful not only for seeing how you are keeping up, but also for setting goals.

11. Research Trending Topics in your Niche or Industry

You might be asking, how can I increase my Twitter followers through researching trending topics? Similar to studying your competitors, if you want to get more followers on Twitter, you need to make sure you always know what topics are trending in your industry or area of interest. 

There are tools you can use for researching social media trends as well as finding profiles that you should be tracking. Using these tools can help you stay on top of what may be trending at a given time and how you should alter your content accordingly.

A total of 4 different graphs and measurements that show different types of metrics.

12. Pin your Best Content

If you are looking for how to get more Twitter followers, you shouldn’t be afraid to show off. Have you already made a legendary post that defines your profile? Did one of your posts go viral? Pinning your best post on your Twitter profile can be a great way to showcase your best and convince someone that your profile is worth following. The result can be an increase in your Twitter followers.

13. Link to your Twitter Page

If you are looking for a one of the simpler ways to get more followers on Twitter, this one is for you. Many businesses or bloggers have a website and/or newsletter, and you should consider linking to your Twitter profile from there. If people like your content, your products/services, or brand on other platforms or media, then they may be interested in following you on Twitter as well. On Twitter, increasing your followers can be as easy as using your existing digital channels and letting people know that you have a Twitter profile they should consider following.

14. Finding Influencers to Help You

Finding influencers to work with you can be one of the most effective ways business owners can get more twitter followers. Influencers are used by various businesses or individuals to help their product, service, brand, or profile seen by more people by leveraging their own large followings. 

While influencers cost money to use, it could be a good investment if you think increasing your Twitter followers will help you meet your business goals. This is especially true if you want to quickly increase your Twitter followers. Be sure to follow best practices for finding influencers if you consider using this approach.

How to Get More Followers on Twitter

There you go, 14 tips to help you get more followers on Twitter. Now that you have an idea about how to increase your followers on Twitter, you need to actually implement one or all of these tips above and continually monitor your progress as you go. 

If you are looking for a benchmarking and analysis tool that allows you to monitor your own progress, then considering trying out Fanpage Karma’s free 14-day trial. You also get research, content planning, and community management functionalities with this all-in-one social media tool.

Additionally, you can participate in Fanpage Karma’s free weekly webinar.

The post How to Increase Twitter Followers appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Social Media Analysis and Benchmarking Tools Wed, 21 Feb 2024 17:18:06 +0000 Learn more about the 5 core things to consider when looking for a Social Media Analysis and Benchmarking Tool that offers advanced capabilities.

The post Social Media Analysis and Benchmarking Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Social Media Analysis and Benchmarking Tools

A woman with a magnifying glass around charts and graphs with social media symbols around her.

If you have a business, social media agency, or are a professional influencer, you have probably asked yourself more than once about how you stack up against your competitors. Moreover, you are also most likely looking for social media data analysis tools that can give you real insights about how you can improve the performance of your content. Making informed decisions based on data is essential for social media success, no matter who you are.

In light of the great importance related to analyzing social media data and making informed decisions, many businesses and influencers use advanced social media analytics software.  There are obviously a lot of choices out there in this regard. So what should you look for? And what makes one social media analysis tool better than the others? Below, we will highlight 5 areas that your social media analysis tool should excel at and explain what to look for when making your choice among the different options on the market.

What are Social Media Analysis Tools Used For?

Social media analysis and benchmarking tools are designed to help you analyze social media data from your own profiles in addition to profiles from competitors or others in your industry. Some may think that they can run analytic analysis with the information provided by individual social media networks from their native, built-in insight capabilities. Additionally, they might be tempted to manually collect information such as how many followers a competitor’s profile has or how many likes a competitor’s post may receive. However, without advanced analysis, are you missing out on important insights? 

With any software program or tool for social media analytics, you want to make sure it does three core things well. The first is that it can analyze and track the performance of your profiles across different social media networks. The second is that it is able to benchmark yourself against your competitors related to a wide variety of metrics. The third is that your tool provides analytical insights which shows you how to improve your content performance.

A woman who is using a pen to point to a presentation on a giant computer screen.

What to Look for in your Social Media Analysis Tool

If you are a social media professional, you certainly have seen claims about social media analytics software and what it needs to do. As we already discussed above, it should allow you to analyze and track your own data, benchmark yourself against competitors, as well as help you to optimize your content. When using a social media management tool, the analytic features should allow you to run analyses on various metrics related to both your own profiles across different social media networks as well as your competitors’ profiles. 

While many social media analytics software programs say they provide all the capabilities you need, what should you really be looking for in terms of features? Below, we review 5 important things you should pay attention to when you select your social media analysis and benchmarking tool. 

Unlimited Profile Tracking

Let’s start with a feature that many don’t talk about, but yet is incredibly important for how effective your social media analysis and benchmarking insights can be. Being able to track unlimited, or at least a high number of, profiles is absolutely essential for compiling meaningful data sets for your analysis. First of all, many companies have at least a few dozens of competitors, each operating multiple social media profiles. Understandably, they probably want to track and learn from all these profiles for analytics and benchmarking purposes. In this case, it is easy to see how you may be tracking over a hundred profiles just for your direct competitors. If your tool doesn’t allow for this, you may be missing out on important insights.

Second, being able to compile a large data set enables better analyses that can give you helpful insights for your content. These include finding the best time to posts on your social media profiles, hashtag and keyword analysis, as well as understanding what content formats (i.e. carousels, stories, reels) perform better on average. Many social media analysis software providers limit the number of competitor profiles you can track. The best social media data analysis tools would allow you to compile meaningful datasets to help with different types of analyses.

A banner with various graphs and social media examples and "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and light background.

Advanced Benchmarking

Understanding where your profiles stand in relation to your competitors is important for many companies, not least because it tells you what goals you should set for your own profiles’ performance. Comparative analysis is essential for effective social media planning and, for this reason, many businesses look for competitor social media analysis tools that allow them to track the profiles across several different key metrics.  

Advanced benchmarking means that you are just not comparing two readily available metrics (such as number of followers) but rather accurately tracking and analyzing many different metrics. These include analyzing the performance of different content types (stories, carousels, images, etc.), post interaction rates, reach, or hashtags across profiles, for example. 

These advanced benchmarking capabilities should allow you to review historical data so that you can focus, and analyze, the timeframes that are important to you. As we already mentioned above, the ability to benchmark your own profiles as well as dozens or hundreds of other profiles can greatly improve benchmarking capabilities.

Tracking Metrics

It may sound obvious, but tracking metrics is a core function of social media analytics software. However, one of the main concerns is how many different metrics you can track, not only for your own profiles, but also for competitors’ profiles. If your social media tool is only offering a handful of metrics such as followers, number of posts per day, and impressions, this may not be providing you with much value. Moreover, the benchmarking analysis we mentioned above will be less fruitful if only a few metrics are available for benchmarking.

Social media metrics tools come in different forms, but the best tools will allow you to track many metrics, not only your accounts but also of your competitors. The various types of metric analyses that your benchmarking tool enables are also important. For example, with metric tracking you should be able to study the correlation between two metrics, such as the increase in number of a specific profile’s followers with how many posts per day that profile made. This type of analysis can be useful in showing correlations or connections between two or more metrics to help you understand the reasons behind a profile’s growth (or lack thereof).

Similar to benchmarking, the ability to review historical data in different timeframes is also important. Different seasons or times of the year can correspond with changes in user behavior, and you want to make sure that you can select your dates and the metrics you want to better understand for specific timeframes.

Content Optimization Features

Knowing how you stack up against your competitors is important for finding out what content is performing at a high level and what might not be. For instance, you may want to run a social media audience or trend analysis and your tool must be designed to spot various patterns or give you an indication about what type of content is resonating with a specific target audience. At the end of the day, social media analytics is not just about graphs and charts showing you basic data. The right social media analytics software can help you improve your content. 

There are a host of different content optimization functions that an advanced social network analysis tool should be able to provide. For one, it can help you find the best times to post on your social media profiles not only on a network basis, but also for a specific content format (i.e. reels, stories, carousels). Moreover, you should be able to run various analyses such as researching keywords and hashtags that are trending and performing well, discovering different content types are correlated with higher post interaction rates, as well as finding successful posts across different metrics.

Two people with a magnifying glass and binoculars with charts and social media posts in the background.


You should know that not all analytic and benchmarking reporting capabilities are the same. Whether you are a social media agency or working for a company where you need to report to management, customizable report creation is essential. It is important that your tool provides flexibility when it comes to presenting your data and creating the various charts, graphs, and tables that you need to show your progress. 

When looking for the right social network analysis software, make sure you have different options for reporting. This can include the ability to export your data in various formats based on your needs, and even to automate such reports. It can also be helpful if your social media analysis tool allows for outside users to view your benchmarking and content analysis reports since, for many companies, not everyone will have access to your social media tool.

A woman looking through a magnifying glass at different charts with the earth in the background.

Finding the Right Social Media Analysis Tools

Finding the right social media analytics software can be a real game changer for your performance and provide you with insights you can’t get anywhere else. As we have shown above, there are some core areas you should pay attention to when looking for the right social media analysis tool. If there are features that we described above that your current tool is missing, you should ask yourself what else might be on the market that gives you more analytic and benchmarking capabilities. 

Fanpage Karma is an all-in-one social media tool that excels in social media analysis and benchmarking as well as providing community management, research, and publishing features. Along with the ability to track hundreds of different metrics, it also offers unlimited profile tracking that enables deep analytical and data-driven insights. Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial so you can try out its benchmarking and analytics features for yourself.

Moreover, Fanpage Karma runs a free weekly webinar that highlights how to use the tool.

The post Social Media Analysis and Benchmarking Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

The Best Hashtags for Facebook Mon, 19 Feb 2024 15:51:00 +0000 You want your Facebook posts to be seen and using the right hashtags can help. But what hashtags should you use? Let us show you how to find them.

The post The Best Hashtags for Facebook appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


The Best Hashtags for Facebook

A magnifying glass showing the Facebook logo with hashtags all around.

So what are the best Facebook hashtags to use on your posts? The answer is, on the one hand simple and, on the other hand, not so straightforward. Ultimately, the Facebook hashtag you should be using on your posts depends on the topic you are posting about and what hashtags in your industry or niche are performing well for that topic. However, in order to find out what these hashtags are, you need to conduct Facebook hashtag research and analysis. In other words, finding the best performing Facebook hashtags for your profile should be based on your data analysis and not some gut feeling.

Understandably, you may be wondering how to do this? After all, you may have, up until this point, simply been using random hashtags that you think are going to help your post perform. If this is you, then you should be aware that you may not be using the right hashtags in your posts. In this article, we will highlight how you can use Facebook hashtag research and analysis to help you find what hashtags you should use to improve the performance of your posts. 

Facebook Hashtag Research and Analysis

Many may look at overall Facebook hashtag trends as their primary means to select hashtags for their own posts. Studying these general trends can be helpful to see what hashtags might be popular at a given moment. However, looking for a hashtag to use on your Facebook reel, Story, or image, etc., shouldn’t be driven by what is trending in general, but rather needs to be focused on the particular theme or topic that your posts relate to.

One other point to keep in mind is that Facebook hashtag trends are generally focused on the reach associated with particular hashtags, not whether they correlate with a high post-interaction rate within your industry. This is important since many businesses or individuals who are posting on Facebook want their audience to interact with the post, whether it is through a like, comment, or share.

While some may think that hashtag research is simply looking up general trends, we will introduce a data-drive approach to Facebook hashtag research and analysis. In doing so, we are going to focus heavily on the process of finding the best hashtags for your Facebook posts. In explaining each step of this process, we share some best practices that you should keep in mind when conducting your Facebook hashtag research.

Three people working on computers with charts and graphs in the background.

In going through these Facebook hashtag best practices, we don’t want to keep the conversation purely theoretical. For this reason, we are going to provide a real-life example to help illustrate how the process should work. As you probably know, coffee shops are quite popular in the U.S. (and, of course, many other places), so let’s pretend that we want to open up our own coffee shop chain. As an approach to gain more brand awareness in the U.S., our (imaginary) coffee shop chain wants to use the best Facebook hashtags for our posts that drive engagement. 

In our scenario, we will focus on U.S.-based coffee shop chains, which means those that have their headquarters in the U.S. Additionally, we will only be analyzing their main Facebook accounts, which excludes any individual local accounts that focus only on a specific town or small area. Lastly, we have chosen coffee shop chains that operate in more than one state, which means they are present in a specific region or are located throughout the country. The Coffee shop chains we have chosen for our analysis are: Biggby Coffee, Black Rock Coffee Bar, Caribou Coffee, Coffee Beanery, Dutch Bros Coffee, Starbucks, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, and The Human Bean.

Below, we take you through the step-by-step process of finding the best hashtags for your Facebook posts by analyzing the hashtag activities of the coffee shop chains above. This will allow us to see what hashtags we should consider using in our own posts. In doing so, we will be using the all-in-one social media tool Fanpage Karma to analyze our data. All of the graphs, tables, and charts you will see below are generated by this tool.

Step 1: Decide on the Profiles you want to Analyze

In conducting Facebook hashtag research, you obviously want to find hashtags related to coffee that will help your coffee shop train get noticed. These “coffee hashtags” would preferably correlate with high post-interaction rates, which would help our new brand get noticed and have people interact with our content. 

There is a lot to consider when adding other profiles to your data set for analysis. This is because deciding on the profiles you want to analyze is essential for accurate Facebook hashtag tracking. To begin, you should keep in mind that the profiles you add to your data set should all be related to the same industry or topic-niche and post similar content to your own. In the case of coffee shops, you want to make sure that profiles you are adding to your analysis are posting about topics and themes related to coffee shops in particular and popular coffee topics in general. 

The second factor to consider is the location of these companies, namely WHERE they are operating. As we said, our example focuses on the U.S. as a whole, but there are also regional and national coffee shop chains that are not national brands. If you are focusing on only a city or region, you may not necessarily want the main Facebook profile of Starbucks in your data set. This is because, as a coffee shop chain operating only within a single city or relatively small region, there can be regional or local trends that you may miss if you add mostly national-focused profiles to your data set.

In sum, in order to accurately study Facebook hashtag trends within your industry, you need to focus both on the content and location of the profiles in your analysis. By having a focus, your Facebook hashtag research will most likely yield much better results than if you don’t put much thought into compiling your data set. 

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

Step 2: Identify the Time Period you are Interested In

Coffee interests many people and is, clearly, a popular beverage worldwide year round. However, similar to other industries, there are trends that correlate to a specific time of the year. For instance, it’s not a secret that pumpkin flavors in coffee are popular during the Fall. Moreover, there can be other coffee hashtag trends that we see during the Summer or Winter, for example. So how does this affect your data analysis? 

The best Facebook hashtag for your posts will be dependent on the time period you want to post in. This is where historical data is important, especially if you are trying to understand Facebook hashtag trends for a particular time of year. For instance, you may want to get a jump on hashtags that may be trending in the Fall 2024 and the different coffee flavors that are promoted during this time (more on this later). The solution would not be to simply study the hashtags used in the last three or six months, but rather the hashtags from a specific time period in 2023 (for instance in September).   

To highlight how consequential this point is, we will show to what extent your data output is changed if you are analyzing the same profiles in your data set, but are studying two different time periods. We will now look at the top Facebook hashtags from July 2023 and then compare them with the top hashtags from December 2023.

The Top 10 “coffee hashtags” for the selected profiles in July 2023.

(July 2023)

As shown above, this bar chart shows highly performing Facebook hashtag trends for a particular time period in the coffee shop chain industry (in this case July 2023). Of course, when studying the results above, you would look first at the non-branded hashtags on this list since branded hashtags associated with a particular coffee shop chain will also appear in your results. However, the main question relating to our example here is if December (a.k.a. the Christmas season) has a real effect on the top hashtags in terms of post-interaction rate?

A bar chat that shows “coffee hashtags” for the selected profiles in December 2023.

(December 2023)

Even by just quickly comparing the bar charts above, we notice a change in the Top 10 best Facebook hashtags for post interaction in December 2023 as compared to July 2023. While this example is relatively simplistic, it does a good job of showing that different times of the year can change your data set, analysis, and findings.

Step 3: Run your Data Analysis and Study the Output

Once you determine what profiles you will include in your data set as well as the timeframe you are interested in, it is time to study the data output. The Fanpage Karma tool, for example, provides you with some different options in this regard. You may want to see a chart that shows only hashtags corresponding to high relative post interaction rates. Alternatively, you may want to expand your data output to provide an overview of all hashtags used by profiles in your data set. You can then search for the best hashtags according to a specific metric, such as those getting the most likes or comments. 

To start, let’s look at the example we mentioned above about how some particular coffee flavors or trends may appear in the lead-up to Fall. In looking at historical data from August-September 2023, we want to illustrate the different types of analyses you can look at, to help you make an informed decision about what hashtags you will use in your content creation.  

The first approach is to look at key metrics of all hashtags used for the profiles in your data set in a specific time period. As shown by the metric table below, you can see the metrics of individual hashtags which include the post per day with that hashtag, the number of likes and/or comments, as well as the post interaction rate. 

A metric table that shows statistics related to individual hashtags that are used by profiles in the dataset.

(August-September 2023)

This approach provides you with many different data points since there are, of course, dozens if not hundreds of hashtags used in a specific industry on a monthly basis. Another approach you can consider using is simply looking at the hashtags with the highest post interaction rates for a given time period.

A bar chart with the top coffee hashtags from August-September 2023.

(August-September 2023)

The approach you see above is on the other end of the spectrum regarding your data output in that it is very focused and gives you an instant view into what hashtags have high post interaction rates.

However, you may be concerned not only with the post-interaction rate, but where there may be less competition for high-performing hashtags. In this scenario, you may want to consider the word chart for your data output. In fact, one of the Facebook hashtag best practices we can recommend in this case is looking for hashtags that have, an average, a high post interaction rate but also are not used frequently.

A word chart with coffee hashtags for the profiles included in the data set for August-September 2023.

(August-September 2023)

As you see above, when a word is green, this means it has a higher relative post interaction rate and the actual size of the word in the chart indicates how often it is used in a given time period (larger words more often and smaller words least often). In this case, the best hashtag for your Facebook post may not be the one with only the highest post-interaction rate, but the one with a high post-interaction rate AND is not used constantly. 

One last point to include here is, as we already mentioned in Step 1, that you may only want to focus on specific, regional Facebook profiles. Individual coffee shops that are part of chains may have their own local Facebook profile, and it may make sense to focus on competitors in your local area rather than on national profiles. As we have already demonstrated, changes to your data set in terms of the profiles you are tracking as well as the time period you are analyzing can alter your data output. Therefore, you should also be aware of what you want to track, depending on your market side and the competitors you wish to analyze. 

Step 4: Implement your Findings into your Hashtag Strategy and Monitor the Results

Discovering relevant Facebook hashtag trends is only part of the battle. Additionally, you should also integrate your findings into your social media content plan. Make sure that the content you are producing actually relates to the highly performing hashtags you found. If your content is not relevant for the hashtag, you may not see the results you want. 

You should also monitor how things can change over time, whether it is because of the season or if there is a new trend or topic that relates to your industry. Facebook hashtag tracking is important in order to see what is trending at a given time and how topics are developing in your niche over time. For these reasons, social media tools can be valuable not only for tracking hashtags over time, but also for keeping up on the latest trends. Additionally, social media tools can also enable a more advanced benchmarking analysis which helps you compare your performance to that of your competitors.

Lastly, it is important to monitor your performance not only for hashtags, but also your other activities. Social media tools can give you additional insights into your overall performance, which helps show you if your hashtag activities are making a difference. Moreover, social media tools give you capabilities such as finding the best posting times or managing your communities.

Conclusion: Facebook Hashtag Research and Analysis

Hashtags will magically improve your content performance that is not created for the right target audience. Nor are using the right hashtags alone sufficient for high engagement rates. However, finding the best Facebook hashtags for your posts can be used to your advantage. In order to effectively carry out Facebook hashtag research and analysis, you need to put thought into the profiles and time period you want to track. 

If you want to conduct hashtag research yourself, Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of their all-in-one social media tool. With this tool, you can conduct hashtag analysis not only on Facebook but also other social media networks such as Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. This is in addition to industry-leading benchmarking, publishing, community-management, and research features.  

There is also a free weekly webinar that shows you how to use this all-in-one social media tool. 

The post The Best Hashtags for Facebook appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Update your Social Media Strategy in 2024 with Social SEO Mon, 19 Feb 2024 08:59:31 +0000 What is social SEO, and how do you find keywords for your social media content? We have collected 4 valuable tips for your 2024 strategy.

The post Update your Social Media Strategy in 2024 with Social SEO appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Social SEO: 4 Practical Tips for Improving your Social Media Strategy in 2024

What is social SEO and how do you find keywords for your social media content? We have collected 4 valuable tips for your 2024 strategy.

You may have missed it, but an increasingly important trend has been developing in social media over the last several years. This trend relates to social SEO and the fact that more and more people are using the search function on social media when looking for information instead of using search engines such as Google. What does this mean for companies that are active on social media? And, perhaps more importantly, what should you do in terms of optimizing your social SEO?

We want to pull the curtain back on social media SEO and describe how you can optimize your social media content with a specific focus on the search functions of the individual platforms. In this article, we will explain what SEO on social media means as well as what impact it can have on your visibility and reach. We will also highlight our 4 tips for incorporating social SEO into your social media marketing strategy.

What is Social SEO?

You probably know what SEO is, and it may be comforting to hear that social SEO is based on the principles of traditional search engine optimization. Texts for blogs and websites are optimized with keywords (i.e. search terms) since these are what people are typing into the search field to find the content that they want. The key for those with social media profiles is to be listed as high up as possible on the search results so their content is found and consumed.

Due to the rise of social media networks, a general trend in search behavior has emerged which has seen social media users use the search function to look for content on a specific network rather than using search engines. As a result, social networks have continued to improve their search functions.  

With a good understanding of social SEO, you can optimize your posts so that they can be more easily found using the search function. The main focus should be on text-based elements, such as captions, alt texts or subtitles, in which you insert certain keywords in social media posts that make it easier for your target audience to find your content. The right social media keywords can be especially effective at helping users who are not familiar with your brand or company to discover your content. Ultimately, the goal of your social SEO efforts is to increase the visibility as well as engagement of your posts.

What Does Social SEO Mean for You in Practice?

Up to now, social media managers have optimized their posts with the aim of ensuring that platforms’ newsfeed algorithms prefer their posts and display them to their target audience in their feed. In other words, their content was designed to reach users who primarily scroll through their feed without using the search function. It is important to note that social SEO considers the fact that users are now also actively searching for content through the search functions of individual social media networks. Therefore, if your target audience is looking for specific information that your company has an answer to, you should optimize your content so they can more easily find it.

Keep in mind that it is still important that your posts are picked up by the algorithm, especially to continue to reach your existing followers with your posts. In fact, the social SEO optimization of your posts can also have a positive effect on your performance with a social network’s algorithm. By using keywords in social media posts, you can clearly show that you are providing content people want. These keywords can be integrated in your post’s captions, alt texts, and subtitles, all of which make it easier for social platforms to recognize what your post is about. This means that it is more likely that your posts will be displayed to users who have previously interacted with similar content. 

For these reasons, Social SEO has the potential to improve your visibility and reach on social media and demonstrates why it is important to take it seriously.

4 Tips to Optimize your Content for Social SEO

So, how can you optimize your social media content for social SEO? In the sections below, we will show you how you can adapt your 2024 social media strategy in just 4 steps so that users actively searching on social media can easily find your content. The steps include:

  1. Finding suitable keywords for your social SEO
  2. Updating your social media strategy with evergreen content
  3. Optimizing your content with your keywords
  4. Evaluating the results and adjusting your strategy if necessary
A man working on his computer to create new social media posts.

1 – Find suitable keywords for your social SEO

Let’s begin with a simple question: why are keywords important in social media marketing? The answer is that, similar to traditional SEO, they indicate what people are looking for. Along these lines, you need to know the search terms that your target group uses when looking for information which relates to your product or brand. 

The first step in the social SEO process is to carry out keyword research for various social media networks to see what people are looking for. This involves discovering the keywords used on these social media networks and the search volume associated with those keywords. As a best practice, you should be on the lookout for the top keywords on specific social media networks, which means they have a high search volume and are relevant for the content you produce. Luckily, there are various tools and strategies available to you that we will highlight.

Traditional SEO tools

On the one hand, you can use keyword research tools that are also used for classic search engine optimization, such as the Google Keyword Planner or Answer the Public. This allows you to find search terms with high search volumes in search engines such as Google or Bing and draw conclusions about search behavior in social media. 

However, your target audience may search for information differently on social media than with a search engine. One of the ways that you can cross-check for trending keywords is by entering the search terms into the search bar of the respective social media network as a test and see what other terms are suggested to you. Obviously, keyword tools from traditional SEO can give you an idea of what your target audience is interested in. With this being said, there may be better options available depending on what your needs are.

Keyword tools for social media

It would be helpful to first understand what keywords in social media are and why they may be a bit different from what you would find if you use traditional keyword research tools. Due to the differences in search behavior between search engines and social media, keyword research for social media is a bit unique. In reality, the topics that people search for on social media networks will be much more focused on the content that those networks offer, rather than finding websites that answer your question. That is why there are also tools specifically designed to research keywords on social networks. 

TikTok, for example, offers a tool called Keyword Insights, which displays the most important terms and phrases from the best-performing ads on the platform. You can filter the search results list by, for example, region or industry to see which keywords are relevant to your country and niche. Although TikTok only provides insights for paid ads with this tool, you can also use the search results to help plan your organic content. If you click on a search result from the list, you will be shown suitable hashtags that you can use for optimization.

Competitor research with social media tools

To research keywords for your social SEO optimized content, you can (and should) look at the most successful competitors within your industry or niche. In doing so, you should ask yourself which keywords you can identify in their content. Moreover, which words are used particularly frequently? 

A social media analysis tool makes it much easier for you to research social media keywords and can save you manual work. In illustrating how a social media tool can help you with this, we will use Fanpage Karma as an example. 

One function of Fanpage Karma that is particularly suitable for your social media keyword research is a chart that shows the top-performing keywords among the competitors you have chosen to track. This chart, as seen below, displays the words that appear most frequently in your competitors’ posts and which ones have the highest post interaction rates among them. You can see what this chart looks like when we examine the Instagram profiles of 15 major sports brands in the period from July-December 2023. The larger a word is shown, the more frequently it was used. The color coding shows you which word fans interacted with the most (the greener, the better).

Social media competitor analysis with Fanpage Karma

This means that Instagram users have interacted frequently with posts that contain the words “shoe” or “athlete,” for example. You can also click on each word and view the posts in which it appears. This is important, especially if you see many generic keywords. After all, you want to find out what users are interested in and which keywords they tend to search for on social media. 

Another chart that can help you with your social SEO keyword research is to analyze the “top 50 hashtags” of your competitors.

Social media competitor analysis for social SEO with Fanpage Karma

In the example above, you can see the top hashtags used by the 15 sports brands in our data set. The size of the hashtags shows how often they were used between July and December 2023. The greener the hashtags, the higher the interaction rate with these posts. By clicking on the hashtag, you can view all Instagram posts that contain the respective hashtag. 

Social listening

You can also use a social listening tool to find out which topics are being talked about in your industry. The discovery function of Fanpage Karma is useful for finding trends and relevant posts for your industry or niche, which you can use to identify keywords for your social SEO.

Create keyword clusters

The next step is to organize your keywords into keyword clusters. A keyword cluster is a group of search terms that cover a specific topic. The formation of clusters helps you find synonyms for search terms and, above all, to understand the intention behind certain search terms. Organizing these similar keywords together allows you to create content that is relevant to your target audience from the beginning, rather than using trial-and-error to see if your content is reaching the right audience.

2 – Update your Social Media Strategy with Evergreen Content

Once you have carried out keyword research for your social media accounts and combined your keywords into clusters, all you have to do is integrate your findings into your existing social media strategy and adapt it accordingly.

With social media SEO, as is the case with traditional search engine optimization, there is a particular focus on evergreen content. Evergreen posts are those which will not lose relevance in the future. In the past, the focus of social media content was often on individual campaigns and other content that was relevant to your brand at the time of posting. The downside was that this content lost relevance for your target group after a short time. Social SEO focuses on content that your target audience may still be interested in for a longer period of time while using a social network’s search function. 

To increase the engagement and reach of your evergreen content, you should make sure that your content can be shared by others. When creating your posts, always ask yourself the question: does the post contain enough value to encourage others to interact with it and, above all, to share your post?

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now".

3 – Optimize your Content with your Keywords

Even if you know why keywords are important in social media, you may not know how to use them to improve your performance. Once you have identified relevant search terms for your social SEO and generated content ideas for them, the next step is to incorporate the keywords into your posts. Using keywords in social media posts should be done carefully and with some real thought because they help identify what topics to write about, not what to write.

You should incorporate keywords as naturally as possible into the wording of your posts. So-called “keyword stuffing,” which occurs when you excessively insert a large number of keywords in a text, may even have a negative impact on your visibility and reach.

Moreover, some platforms, such as LinkedIn, penalize content creators who literally stuff their posts full of keywords without any real reason, with fewer users seeing their content as a result. It is therefore important that SEO-optimized social media content not only serves you and your brand, but that users benefit from it first and foremost. Using the right social media keywords enables your target audience to find your content, but this content needs to be helpful.

Include keywords in your posts

The trick to understanding how to use keywords in social media is to incorporate the search terms as naturally as possible into the content. You need to make sure that your keywords sound natural when used within sentences. 

Keep in mind that you can include the SEO keywords in your captions as well as in your graphics by inserting text into your images. If you produce video content, you should make sure to speak the keywords out loud and write them out in the subtitles. If your videos are not spoken, you can use banners or fade-ins with your keyword in text form. Be sure to show off your creativity because the last thing you want is for your content to appear unnatural or forced.

Don’t forget the alt texts

When thinking about integrating keywords for social media, you might only consider the text body as the place to optimize. However, one thing that receives less attention, but is by no means irrelevant, is the alt texts that are included with your media assets. These image descriptions may not be visible to users at first glance, but are an important part of accessibility. Therefore, these texts are read by screen readers and undoubtedly also by the social networks themselves, so it would be logical that they contribute to keyword rankings. For this reason, it is important to remember to include search terms in your alt texts to help increase the visibility of your posts.

Think about the hashtags you use

When it comes to content creation and creating your captions, there is another important area that we have not yet covered: Hashtags. Using hashtags has long been a fundamental part of social media content creation. You probably already use appropriate hashtags for each of your posts. In social SEO, it’s important to also use hashtags that cover the search intent of users. 

A hashtag generator can be a game changer that helps you find relevant hashtags with reach. With a hashtag generator, you can enter a relevant term for your post and the generator will then use AI and machine learning to show you other relevant hashtags.

Hashtag composer by Fanpage Karma

To help you choose the right hashtags, the Fanpage Karma hashtag generator organizes relevant hashtags visually for you. The display in the hashtag generator ranges from light gray to dark blue to show the reach per follower (the darker blue colors mean that a hashtag has a higher reach). The vertical lines behind the hashtags indicate the popularity of the hashtag. Ideally, you should find hashtags with the highest possible reach per follower and little competition.

Optimize your profile with SEO keywords

Now that we’ve covered all the areas where you can make SEO optimizations for your content, there’s one last area that we haven’t discussed in this article: optimizing your profile. You should include relevant keywords in the description of your company in your bio. As was the case above, you should integrate these keywords as naturally as possible because we don’t want to engage in keyword stuffing.

4 – Evaluate the Results and Adjust your Strategy if Necessary

Once you start implementing your social SEO strategy while optimizing your content with keywords, it is important to keep an eye on the success of your efforts. To do this, regularly check your results and evaluate whether you are achieving your strategic goals. The focus should always be on creating entertaining content with added value for your target group that is optimized for social SEO.

Just using keywords in social media posts is not enough. You need to keep your target group in focus for all your social media activities. Optimizing your content for social media SEO alone without paying attention to creating truly valuable content for your target audience will hardly help you gain more visibility or reach. Added value for your target group is always the top priority. Only if your content generates interactions and has share potential within your target group can your social media channels grow in the long term. 

To check whether your optimizations and content strategy are successful, you should consider using a social media tool with functions for benchmarking and analysis. This allows you to compare yourself with your competitors and other content creators. With Fanpage Karma, you can track as many of your own and other profiles as you like without paying more.

The Future of Social SEO

Social SEO is an area that is still in its infancy. So far, the focus has been very much on incorporating SEO keywords into your social media content. In this sense, keyword research for social media is only increasing in importance and you should not ignore it. 

The more people who use social networks like search engines, the more the focus will shift to long-term relevant content. FAQs about your product or brand, edited into social media content with added value, will most likely have a longer lifespan than videos that are only based on picking up trendy TikTok sounds. Nevertheless, your evergreen content must not bore users, and it ideally would entertain your target group and encourage interaction. 

If you want to integrate Social SEO into your social media strategy and carry out your content and competitor research with Fanpage Karma, you can now test the all-in-one tool free of charge for 14 days. Fanpage Karma also offers a free weekly webinar that shows you how to improve the overall quality of your social media results.

The post Update your Social Media Strategy in 2024 with Social SEO appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to Get More Views on Instagram Wed, 14 Feb 2024 17:31:34 +0000 Do you want more views on Instagram? We will explain the steps to take that can help you increase the number of views for your Reels or Stories.

The post How to Get More Views on Instagram appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


How to Get More Views on Instagram

A woman with a backpack looking through binoculars at various Instagram posts and a graph.

Nearly everyone wants to know how to get views on Instagram. After all, getting more views on Instagram means that your content is getting noticed. While there is no secret that will magically increase your views, there are actionable tips that you can follow that will help you to get more views on Instagram. 

When thinking about how to get more views on Instagram, it is first important to develop a strategy. This strategy should consist of approaches that you can implement whether you are a large brand or just an individual wanting to gain traction on Instagram. In order to help get you started, we have compiled a list of 9 tips that can help you get more views on Instagram and can be part of your overall Instagram strategy.

9 Tips on How to get more Instagram Views

Let’s start out with a few important pieces of information. When someone starts watching one of your Reels or Stories on Instagram, they must watch for at least 3 seconds for it to actually count as a view in your statistics. For this reason, it is essential to make sure you don’t mislead potential viewers with what your Reel or Story is actually about, or else they may immediately bounce. Another important point is that while Reels remain on your profile indefinitely, Stories are only available for 24 hours. This means that, in the case of Instagram Stories, there is time pressure associated with trying to generate views.

When thinking about how to get more Instagram views, you should keep in mind that it most likely won’t happen overnight, while also remembering that careful planning is key. So, if you want to get more Instagram views, think carefully about implementing our 9 tips below: 

  1. Write Engaging Hooks
  2. Use the Right Hashtags (and enough of them)
  3. Understand what your Audience is Interested In
  4. Find the Best Posting Times
  5. Form a Bond with your Followers
  6. Encourage People to Share your Content
  7. Create and Promote your own Contests and Giveaways
  8. Cooperate with an Influencer
  9. Develop Partnerships with other Content Creators
Three Instagram posts on the left by a woman with a magnifying glass in the center and a post on the right.

1. Write Engaging Hooks

Even if a topic interests a potential viewer, why should they click on it? What are you offering to a potential viewer that they can’t get elsewhere? Hooks serve as indispensable elements in learning how to get more Story and Reel views on Instagram since they ultimately encourage people to view your post. If you want to get more views on Instagram, then creating attention-grabbing hooks should be at the top of your list. If people scroll right past your Reel or Story, then what is the point of creating amazing content? 

Hooks may only be a few words or sentences, but they can take time to write. Don’t be afraid to take some time with developing your hooks since they are so crucial for getting views. Moreover, be sure to include a call to action that focuses on getting people to view your content as well as giving them a good reason to view it. 

There are many different approaches to take with hooks, whether it be piquing the viewers’ interest with a teaser or, alternatively, telling them precisely what the Reel or Story will show. At the beginning, you may want to experiment with different types of hooks and see what approach is correlated with more views.

2. Use the Right Hashtags (and enough of them)

Hashtags may not be the first thing that comes to mind when pondering how to get more views on Instagram posts. But don’t be fooled, they are important. Using the right hashtags to get more views on Instagram can an important element in getting your content discovered. The question, for many, is what the best hashtags are, and how many of them should they use.

There is a data-driven process to discover what hashtags you should be using. We cover this process in another article, so check that out. The main takeaway is that if you want to use hashtags for generating more views on Instagram, you should consider using a social media tool that gives you the ability to analyze the hashtag performance of several profiles in your niche or industry. 

Lastly, you should use the right number of hashtags in your post. Luckily, we have an article that tells you how many hashtags you should use on your post (it’s 30 hashtags!). It is also important to use the right hashtags that are going to give you the most reach. There are free hashtag generators available to help you find the hashtags with the highest reach and potential.

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

3. Understand what your Audience is Interested In

Another important factor in getting more views on Instagram is to post content that people actually want to see. Many may instinctively start off with answering the question of how to get more views on Instagram Reels and Stories without first asking themselves what type of content they want to produce and who it will be for. Will you concentrate on sports, lifestyle, fashion, nature, etc.? It is generally advisable to have a specific focus or approach toward your content so that people know what to expect when they view your posts.

You should also keep in mind that there are tools you can use to research Instagram trends, as well as find other profiles that are posting about topics you are interested in. Analyzing trends can help give you ideas about what people are looking for that relate to your focus area.

4. Find the Best Posting Times

An important factor to remember concerning how to get more views on Instagram Stories and Reels is that when you post matters. There are specific times of the day when your audience is likely to be online and interacting with content. You want to be posting during these times! This is especially important for understanding how to get more Instagram Story views since they last only 24 hours. Therefore, it is essential to find out when your audience is most likely going to be active and ready to view and interact with your Instagram Story since there is such a short timeframe for them to view it. 

We have written about how to find the best time to post previously. If you are interested in learning how a social media too can help you find the best times to post on Instagram, then read this article.

A man talking through a headset with charts, graphs, and an Instagram logo behind him.

5. Form a Bond with your Followers

If you are looking for ways as to how to get more views on Instagram videos, then consider the way and frequency with which you interact with your followers. Developing a strong bond with your audience can help you get more views on your Instagram Reels or Stories since your followers may then feel a personal connection to your content or personality.    

So how do you do this? One way is to be active and interact with your followers through comments, likes, etc. In other words, show them that you care and that they matter! This takes time and effort, but it can pay off in the end with more views and higher engagement rates. There are community management tools available that can help make this more efficient and easier to manage, which is especially important as your audience grows.

6. Create and Promote your own Contests and Giveaways

When you are contemplating how to get Instagram Reels and Stories views, don’t be afraid to get a little creative. Many people enjoy a good contest or exciting giveaway and this can be one of the keys to getting more views on Instagram.

It is important to generate excitement around your content or giveaway, and this is tied to our first tip, which relates to creating engaging hooks. Tell people why they should be interested in your contest or giveaway, what they need to do to enter, and what the ultimate prize is. This will not only help you get views when you announce the contest or giveaway, but can also help people discover your profile and content.

7. Encourage People to Share your Content

A relatively straightforward way related to how to get more views and likes on Instagram is simply to ask people to share your content with others. When you are looking to generate more views on Instagram, don’t be afraid to ask your community to help. As we already detailed above, it is important to be active and form a strong bond with your community of followers. If you can form this strong bond, it is generally easier to convince them to share your content.

It is also essential to create engaging content that people want to share with their friends and family. Creating content that is relatable, funny, or insightful is helpful to convince someone to share it with others.

8. Cooperate with an Influencer

A customer service person and another individual asking a question in an Instagram comment.

If you are wondering how to get views on Instagram Reels and Stories, one thing you might consider is enlisting the help of someone who already gets a lot of views. There are hosts of influencers on Instagram that have a wide and active audience. If you are a business or an individual who is looking to increase your audience size or views in the hope of becoming an influencer yourself, having an established influencer promote your content can be an effective strategy.

This approach can be expensive, especially if the influencer you are working with demands a high fee. However, this can also be an approach that accelerates your view count since new people will be introduced to your content. Be sure that you follow an established process to help you find the right influencer who will help you reach your goals!

9. Develop Partnerships with other Content Creators

Unsurprisingly, you are probably not the only one wondering how to get more Reel and Story views on Instagram. This is a real challenge for many, so why not try to cooperate with others also trying to increase their views? Partnerships with other Instagram content creators can be a great opportunity for cross-posting or sharing each other’s content. With this approach, you can benefit from the shared reach of two or more accounts, whereby all profiles involved in the cooperation can profit from increased reach.  

So, if you are looking into how to get more Instagram Story and Reel views, consider finding other profiles that have your same target audience and talk about how you may be able to help each other out. Not everyone will be open to this possibility, but it may pay off if you don’t mind promoting the content of others.

Conclusion: How to Get More Views on Instagram Reels and Stories

There you have it. We have highlighted 9 actionable tips that can help you get more Instagram Reel and Story views. While some of these tips are easier to implement than others, always remember that increasing your Instagram views takes some patience and strategic thought. 

As we mentioned a few times above, the right social media tool can be helpful in taking your Instagram activities to the next level. This is especially true of “all-in-one” social media tools that provide advanced benchmarking and analytical insights, as well as research and community management functions. Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of its industry-leading “all-in-one” social media tool. 

There is also a free weekly webinar where you can see for yourself how to use the Fanpage Karma tool.

The post How to Get More Views on Instagram appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to get more Followers on Facebook Tue, 13 Feb 2024 10:27:10 +0000 Whether you are an individual or business, you probably want to increase your Facebook follower count. We will highlight 12 best practices that show you how.

The post How to get more Followers on Facebook appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


How to get more Followers on Facebook: 12 Best Practices to Follow

A man holding a blue thumbs up with a chart and Facebook symbol off to the side.

For those who are serious about their social media profiles, it wouldn’t be surprising if you wondered more than once about how to increase your followers on Facebook. After all, more Facebook followers means that you have a better chance to promote your products or services if you are a business or to demand a higher rate if you are an influencer. But how can you get more Facebook followers in a sustainable way? 

In this article, we will go through the different ways to increase the number of your Facebook followers. At the end of the day, there is no special formula to increase Facebook followers and likes that replaces a well-thought-out strategy where you put real time and effort into follower acquisition. Luckily, we are going to explain 12 best practices that will help you to increase Facebook followers whether you are a business, influencer, or simply a Facebook fan.

12 Best Practices to Increase Facebook Followers

Almost anyone who wants their content to be seen by more people asks themselves how to increase Facebook followers. After all, your followers are generally more likely to be interested in your content and, therefore, to interact with it. Moreover, having a large number of followers can show those who are not currently following your page that they might consider doing so. Many may think that, if you have many followers, there must be for a reason for that. Lastly, Facebook also provides helpful analytical insights about those following your account, which can help you further refine your content approach. 

However, is there some hack to increase Facebook followers? Unfortunately, there is no universal trick that helps you double, triple, or quadruple your Facebook follower count overnight (outside of buying followers, which is not the best idea). 

The good news is that our best practices to increase followers on Facebook can help you sustainably build your following. Below, we will highlight how to increase Facebook followers with 12 best practices:

  1. Create Engaging and Shareable Content 
  2. Know what Content Formats your Audience Prefers
  3. Benchmark Yourself against Competitors
  4. Post Often, Consistently, and at the Right Times
  5. Encourage People to Follow your Page!
  6. Be Active and Engage with your Audience
  7. Find the Right Hashtags to Use
  8. Use Contests and Giveaways to your Advantage
  9. Build Relationships and Partner with Other Pages
  10. Link to your Facebook Page
  11. Become a Member of Relevant Facebook Groups
  12. Consider Working with Influencers
An image of a computer that displays a social media tool for posting.

1. Create Engaging and Shareable Content

When trying to gain more followers on Facebook, you should never ignore the importance of continually crafting engaging content that people want to consume. For this reason, when asking yourself how to increase followers on your Facebook page, you need to be aware of what topics or themes will pique your audience’s interest. Is your audience interested in humor, sports analysis, or thought-provoking content in a specific field? What interesting take do you have in your focus area?  

You may be wondering if your content is already resonating with your audience or if you need to take it up a notch. A good way to get an idea if you are producing engaging content is to look at the post-interaction rates of other similar profiles in your niche and compare it to your own. With the right social media tool that allows you to track many competitor profiles, you can quickly analyze how your profile stacks up against others. If similar profiles have a higher post-interaction rate, then it may make sense to see what type of content they are producing and how they are presenting it. In this way, you can better understand how your posts are performing compared to other posts from similar profiles.

The other advantage of creating engaging content is that it is more shareable. People generally are more likely to share content that they find, for example, funny or thought-provoking. When others share your content, it makes it more likely that others will see it, enjoy consuming it, and want to follow you. Whether it is showing blooper reels, listicles or rankings, interesting analysis, or beautiful images, there are many different approaches you can use to generate interest in your content.

One last point to make here is that you should always be sure to ask your audience to share your content. You can simply tell them to share your post with friends who may like it, or attach relevant CTAs somewhere in the content. These CTAs can be as simple as “like and share” or “tag your friends who may enjoy this.” You may be surprised how encouraging people to share your content can help you get seen and acquire more followers.

A Facebook post with different posts floating above a calendar.

2. Know what Content Formats your Audience Prefers

You should always know who your target audience is and what content they prefer. Obvious, right? However, do you know what content format typically generates the most reactions in your niche? You might not. Along these lines, one important element in understanding how to increase your Facebook page followers is related to what content formats are preferred by your audience. In other words, you need to research trends to see what content format is performing the best in your niche or industry.  

For instance, with the right social media tool, you can analyze different content formats on Facebook, whether it is Stores, Pictures, Reels, etc., and see which format is correlated with better metrics, for example, post-interaction rates. If you see that Reels are getting much more traction than posts with pictures, then it makes sense that more of your posts should be in a Reels format.

3. Benchmark Yourself against Competitors

In keeping with the theme of social media research, it can also pay off to benchmark yourself against your competitors to see where your profile currently sits in relation to others in your industry or niche. This is important for goal setting and understanding what is realistically achievable for your Facebook page. It can also be a great way to learn from others.

Remember, comparing only the number of followers you have with other profiles is helpful for goal setting, but not much else. However, benchmarking and studying other profiles can understand WHY they may have more followers on Facebook. For instance, looking at overall engagement rates for profiles and other metrics such as post per day can help you see the type of metrics that are associated with high follower counts. In analyzing other profiles, you should also look at the various metrics associated with individual posts to see what content is performing best. Using a social media tool for benchmarking and content analysis can help you understand what is performing at a high level, as well as things to improve upon.

A banner with graphs and social media posts "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and dark background.

4. Post Often, Consistently, and at the Right Times

Posting as often as possible and at a consistent pace is important to maintaining and growing your following. First, you always want to stay on your followers’ minds while having them look forward to your next posts. Second, the more you post, the more content of yours is out there to attract new followers.

However, one often overlooked aspect that is important for learning how to gain more followers on Facebook is by researching the best items to post on Facebook. That’s right, posting at the right time matters since it can help your posts with the Facebook algorithm while also showing you when your followers may be most likely to interact with your posts. 

Finding the right times to post is not as difficult as you may think. We covered this topic in another article, so don’t miss it.

5. Encourage People to Follow your Page!

It may seem fairly obvious, but one of the keys relating to how to increase followers on your Facebook page is to actively encourage people to do just that! When you are curating your content, also be sure to ask them to follow your page. Similar to encouraging people to share your content, you should use CTAs to tell people that they should follow your page. It can also be helpful to give people a reason for following, such as the benefit of easily keeping up on all the new content on your page. 

While this doesn’t replace the need for engaging content, reminding people that they should follow you can be useful.

6. Be Active and Engage with your Audience

If you want to understand how to have more followers on Facebook, don’t forget that keeping them is almost as important as gaining them. Continuing to create engaging posts is important, but it is also crucial that you engage with your community. When you engage with your audience, it shows that you truly are interested in what they have to say and demonstrates that you care. This makes people want to stick around.

An example of a Facebook post with a thumbs up sign and a woman with her phone.

Engaging with your followers requires you to respond to posts, like their comments, and keep conversations going. This takes time and effort, but is essential to letting your followers know that they are not simply a statistic, but rather people that you look forward to interacting with. This can help you keep more followers on your Facebook page by having them look forward to actually interacting with the person creating their favorite content.

Effectively and authentically interacting with your community is made easier with community management tools that help you manage your conversions and be more efficient in responding to your followers. These tools can help you organize conversations or messages you need to respond to on Facebook as well as other social media networks. Many tools also come with automation features, which can save you time and effort, which is essential once your Facebook follower count grows.

7. Find the Right Hashtags to Use

Using the right hashtags can get your posts noticed by people not already following your page, which can help you gain new followers. Hashtags are one of the primary ways that you can highlight to others that your posts relate to a specific topic or trend. This is because when you use a hashtag, you can more easily reach those who are following that hashtag. In this way, others can more easily discover your posts, enjoy the content, and follow you as a result. However, how can you actually find what Facebook hashtags you should be using and are relevant to you?

Luckily, we have covered this topic in another article. For our purposes here, it is simply helpful to emphasize that if you are serious about gaining new followers on Facebook, then hashtag research is undeniably important.

8. Use Contests and Giveaways to your Advantage

Contests and giveaways can also be a great way for people to get excited about your product or simply be interested in following your profile. While winning a prize or content may be what originally brings them in contact with your page, this also gives you an opportunity to show off your content and/or offers. This may be what ultimately convert these contest participants into followers. Alternatively, they may want to follow your page so they don’t miss out on the next contest or giveaway as well. In both cases, they would then be following your page!

There are, of course, many different contests you can run or simple giveaways to set up. Be sure that you tie a contest or giveaway to people following your page or some other type of action such as commenting on a post or liking your page. It is also important to clearly define the rules of the contest or giveaway and follow through on running it correctly. 

Keep in mind that there are free tools available that can help you generate winners for contests run on your Facebook page, so don’t miss taking advantage of those.

A “Register Now” CTA with various charts and symbols to the side.

9. Build Relationships and Partner with Other Pages

Building relationships with other Facebook pages is a great way to help increase your Facebook followers. There are many different individuals or businesses that want to gain new Facebook followers and, if the situation calls for it, why not cooperate and help each other out?

Cross-posting and content sharing is a great way for two or more Facebook profiles, whether it is business or individuals, to introduce themselves to the followers of the other profile. In this way, two or more profiles can leverage the reach of other pages. While this may not make as much sense for competitors, there are definitely win-win opportunities for those who see it as mutually beneficial.

10. Link to your Facebook Page

One of the simplest ways related to how to increase Facebook followers for businesses is to simply link to your Facebook page wherever you can. The vast majority of businesses have a website as well as a host of other social media profiles on other networks. Always remember to link to the pages you want people to know about!

11. Become a Member of Relevant Facebook Groups

As we already pointed out above, you should know who your target audience is and what they are interested in. One of the advantages of Facebook is there are a huge number of different groups that focus on specific topics or themes. If you identify groups that are relevant for your page, why not join them? 

Depending on the group, you can choose to post in the comment sections and share your content. This can give people who are not already aware of your Facebook profile a chance to discover it. Keep in mind that different groups will have different rules and requirements for joining and posting in them, so always make sure you are up-to-date on this. 

A group of people working their social media activities on a computer.

12. Consider Working with Influencers

One way concerning how to increase your Facebook business page followers is to partner with influencers that work within your industry or have significant reach with your target audience. To be clear, working with influencers is not for everyone, and it can have its drawbacks, especially relating to how much you may have to pay to work with them. However, working with influencers can be a great way to use well-known profiles to reach potential new followers in a particular niche. While anyone can apply this strategy, this may be especially relevant for businesses that want to better build their brand but haven’t quite had the traction with their target audience that they initially hoped for.

An influencer can simply promote your page or there can be a more elaborate cooperation such as running a contest with that influencer. It is important to always define the cooperation carefully and make sure that it will deliver the results that you want, in this case generating new followers for your profile. Lastly, it is essential that you find the right influencer for your purposes. The good news is that there are some easy step-by-step processes to follow and tools you can use to find the right influencer.

Conclusion: How to Increase Facebook Followers

As you have seen in our 12 best practices for how to get more Facebook followers, there is no special trick that helps you do this. Rather, it is about putting in the work and making sure you have a well-thought-out strategy which incorporates as many of the best practices listed above as possible. 

Social media tools can be helpful in getting more followers on Facebook. This is because social media tools can provide you with various insights about what content format and types are driving interactions, while also helping you manage your growing community.

Fanpage Karma is an “all-in-one” social media tool that provides a free 14-day trial. Importantly, Fanpage Karma allows you to track an unlimited number of profiles, which helps you to more effectively analyze and benchmark yourself against as many Facebook pages as you want. There is also a free weekly webinar that discusses how to use the social media tool to get powerful insights, manage your social media community, research various trends, and publish your posts.

The post How to get more Followers on Facebook appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Influencer Marketing Tips Thu, 01 Feb 2024 10:59:47 +0000 Influencer marketing is a popular among businesses of different sizes. But what is the best way to do it? We will fill you in!

The post Influencer Marketing Tips appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Influencer Marketing Tips

Pictures of people around a phone that shows metrics of an influencer.

Many marketing managers may hear about the power of influencer marketing for businesses and brands who have enlisted celebrities to help market their products. However, if you are not a large multinational corporation, you may be wondering about how influencer marketing for small- and medium-sized businesses works and whether you can take advantage of working with influencers. 

This article will go over the core elements of influencer marketing and highlight some tips and best practices. The goal is to provide an effective and actionable influencer marketing guide that breaks down the best practice related to influencer marketing in four key areas: creating your influencer strategy, finding the right influencer, implementing your plan, and monitoring/evaluating your campaigns.

What is Influencer Marketing and Why you Should Consider It

Influencer marketing involves working with content creators (influencers) who have followings on various social media channels and will post content to promote the product, service, or brand of others. An influencer’s social media profile can be a useful marketing channel since influencers have a certain impact on their followers due to their reach, status, and trust that they have built. The idea is that people who follow a particular influencer will be more apt to buy your product or become aware of your brand if they see someone they trust or admire posting about it.

Influencer marketing is usually associated with promoting certain products or services that gain higher visibility since influencers with a large following are actively promoting them. However, there is also a specific brand influencer marketing approach that is not so much about a particular product or service, but rather highlighting the of a brand in general.

A man and woman around a mobile phone that shows social media metrics.

While some may associate influencer marketing with B2C uses, the reality is that B2B influencer marketing is also widely used. B2B influencer marketing is geared to using influencers who create content specifically for businesses that you consider to be part of your target audience. You can then cooperate with these influencers to more easily and effectively reach those business that you would like to advertise your product or service. 

Influencer Marketing Benefits

Influencer marketing can bring several benefits, most importantly the potential for reaching your target audience efficiently while leveraging the trust and authority the influencer has built with their audience. In this sense, the primary advantage of influencer marketing over other marketing approaches relates to the bond between influencers and their community that allows businesses to promote products more authentically. Where classical advertising reaches its limits, you can leverage the reach of well-known and trusted personalities to increase your brand awareness with your target audience.

We also want to emphasize the benefits of B2B influencer marketing, since many are most familiar with influencer marketing when influencers are promoting products directly to consumers. However, influencer marketing can work well for businesses of all sizes. In fact, influencer marketing for small businesses can be a great way to utilize a limited marketing budget if you find the right influencer and design a compelling campaign. The reason is that you can find influencers who have a following directly in your niche, thus helping you more accurately reach your target audience. 

Now that we have explained what influencer marketing is and why you should consider it, you may be wondering how exactly to use influencer marketing correctly. You may also be thinking about what type of influencer marketing tools exist to help you along the way. In order to answer these and other questions, we will highlight some important tips and best practices for influencer marketing below.

Influencer Marketing Tips and Best Practices

In the following sections, we will present our influencer marketing guide that highlights important tips and best practices that you should follow when developing your influencer marketing campaigns. You will learn more about relevant details and how to build up your first cooperation with the right content and the right influencer.  

Below, we divide our best practices into four sections: 

  1. Developing your Influencer Marketing Strategy
  2. Finding the Right Influencer
  3. Implementing your Campaigns
  4. Monitoring and Evaluating your Performance

Developing your Influencer Marketing Strategy

Successful planning and management of an influencer campaign requires a solid strategy. However, what is an influencer marketing strategy? Influencer marketing strategies involve clearly mapping out your target audience, developing your content approach, defining your objectives/goals, and setting a budget. The key to understanding how to use influencer marketing in the long term is through creating a comprehensive strategy at the start, while clearly defining what you are trying to accomplish with it.

1. Understand your Target Audience

There can be certain influencer marketing trends on different social media channels, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or any other channel. You need to always keep in mind that influencer marketing is only successful if your buyer personas match the target group of the influencer and whose campaigns are tailored to a specific social media channel.

The first thing that you need to do is know who your audience is and where they are active on social media. What demographic groups make up your target audience? What type of content or messaging resonate with these groups? What social media channels are they on? Answering these questions can go a long way in helping you in identifying what social channels you should be considering for your influencer marketing campaign and what influencers you should work with. 

2. Develop your Content Approach

Before contacting an influencer, you need to define a clear content approach related to your messaging, tone, and style. On social media, content is not just about words you are posting but also what images and post types (i.e. carousels, stories, reels, etc.) you are using. Most of all, you need to ask yourself about what you want to say about your brand, product, or service. You then must determine what is the best way to say it.

Along these lines, it is important to develop your content approach for the specific social media networks that you are active on. In reality, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest influencer marketing may have some differences in approaches. In other words, you should be aware of what content types are most successful on each platform. The key to understanding, for example, how to use influencer marketing on Instagram is to tailor your content to that specific platform and determine what type of content will work best for your business (e.g. carousels, Reels, etc.).

You need to ask yourself the question of where, on which profiles, and in what way your products should be shown. Do you want your product to be presented in an in-depth test via a You-Tube video, or just briefly presented in an Instagram Reel? Think carefully about how you can show your product most effectively, and consider all the important aspects.

Three people standing on a podium that has three levels.

It should go without saying, but you need to align your own content approach with that of the influencer you are working with. Think in advance about the details that should be included in the product presentation and which wording should be considered. In this way, you can create a well-defined content framework with the influencer but also leave the influencer with the freedom to bring in his or her own individual touch. At the end of the day, you want the influencer’s content to come off as authentic.

3. Define your Campaign Objectives

A goal-oriented strategy is a must when conducting an influencer marketing campaign. This is because you need to have clear goals and objectives so you can evaluate your campaign.

There are many objectives for an influencer campaign, and it is perfectly fine to have more than one. However, make sure that you are focused on specific goals and don’t try to make a campaign hit every KPI imaginable. Expanding your brand’s reach and generating more sales can both occur as a result of an influencer marketing campaign but, generally speaking, campaigns with very narrow and targeted goals are easier to manage. Some examples of various goals you may want to achieve with your influencer marketing campaigns are as follows:  

  • Improve reach and brand awareness
  • Generate sales
  • Increase website traffic
  • Create more followers for your business’ profiles

However, these goals require the tracking of specific metrics to help you assess whether you are meeting your goals. When determining what your ultimate goals are, it is always important to define what metrics you will track that will help you assess whether you are meeting these goals. These influencer marketing KPIs can be one or more of the following: 

  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Post Interaction Rate (i.e. comments, likes, shares)
  • Website Visits
  • Sales

Always be sure that you have clear goals in mind and that you can actually measure these goals. Without this, you will not be able to evaluate the success of your influencer marketing campaigns.

4. Set your Budget 

Setting a clear budget and tracking your expenses is essential for calculating your ROI. As any marketing or social media manager knows, there are budgetary restraints to any type of campaign. 

While you have specific goals in mind as discussed in the last step, it is also important to understand what it might cost you to reach those goals so you can determine if it makes sense to run the campaign. After all, the cost of influencer marketing is tied to what influencer you end up choosing. While a specific influencer may give you a better chance at reaching your overall goals (i.e. high number of sales, more website traffic), the price that they charge may exceed your budget. In this case, you may have to find another freelancer who doesn’t cost as much.

Two line graphs showing the development of social media profiles alongside a woman looking through a magnifying glass.

Finding the Right Influencer

There are a number of concrete steps to finding the right influencer for your business. For the most part, there are effective influencer marketing tools that can help you find the right influencer. Keep in mind that it is important to always review the relevant influencer marketing statistics associated with the profile’s of certain influencers. For instance, an influencer may have a high number of followers but, if their posts have a low engagement rate, you may want to think twice about working with them.

What we want to do here is to highlight the different types of influencers you can consider working with. Depending on your goals, target audience, and content strategy, you may want to look into what type of influencer is best suited for your needs. In reality, there are many types of influencers that differ in terms of audience size and focus, social networks utilized, and the type of content they post. Below are a few different types of influencers:

1. Social Media Influencers – Social media influencers are usually active on several social platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. These type of influencers usually have the largest following and most well-known profiles. 

2. Micro-Influencers – Micro-influencers usually have a comparatively small community and a rather limited reach. Most of them have a close relationship to their followers and post on a very narrow number of topics. However, they generally come off as authentic to their followers because of this focus. 

3. Bloggers – This type of influencer is mainly active on his or her own blog, as well as on social networks. Bloggers may write reviewed, paid articles about your product while promoting the article across their network. 

When looking for the right influencer, you should ask yourself the following questions: 

  • Is the influencer active on the social media channels that your target audience uses? Does the influencer reach your target group? 
  • Are the previous posts from the influencer in line with your content approach? Does the influencer’s content and style match with your company and/or brand? 
  • How many followers does the influencer have? What is the average engagement rate? 
  • How much does the influencer cost? Can they provide the KPIs for the previous campaigns they have done with other companies? 

We recommend that, before speaking with influencers, you clearly answer each question. In sum, you should take a close look at the social media presence of the person and ask yourself if the influencer matches with your company and carries the right message to the community.

Implementing your Plan: The Importance of Defining the Collaboration 

When starting with a new influencer, it is essential to determine the expectations that go along with the cooperation. By doing this, you can clarify important details in advance and clear up possible misunderstandings. In the end, both sides will know what they have agreed to and what the aim of the cooperation is. 

You should start by creating an influencer marketing plan that defines what will be posted and when. There are a few different ways you can approach this. One way is to generally define content in advance and give the influencer freedom to find their voice in creating the content without further input from your side. Another way is to have the influencer create the content while you review and approve content before publishing it. With this way, you have more editorial control over the content, although the influencer must also feel that their “true” voice is coming through.  

It helps to involve the influencer and work out together which types of content will be most popular among the community. If users see your product in the familiar format of their influencer, it is more likely to convince them that the product is right for them. Moreover, you should always discuss how to label the content correctly (i.e. sponsored content notice) in order to avoid any legal consequences of posting paid content on the platforms without making it clear that it is paid content. 

There are a few additional issues that you should think about when working with an influencer:

1. The Structure of the Collaboration

The collaboration between companies and influencers can be structured differently, with different input given from your side. For example, you can send a discount code to influencers, which they share with their community in their posts. Another common way is to send your product, which the influencer can test, review and mention on their profiles. It is also popular to invite an influencer to a corporate event. The influencer can then share their experience and draw attention to your brand. 

2. The Help you can Offer

Both your company and the influencer win if the campaign is a success. For this reason, it is best practice to provide the influencer with all the help you can. For example, if you are using a social media tool, you can run an analysis to determine what the best time to post may be or what hashtags they should use in their post.

3. The Duration of the Cooperation

You should always specify the time frame for the cooperation. Do you want an influencer to share a single post, or is it a long-term cooperation that will involve several posts? Under what circumstances might you consider extending the cooperation? It is important to define what the business relationship should look like so there are no misunderstandings on either side.

A banner with various graphs and social media examples and "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and light background.

Monitor and Evaluate your Campaigns

It may seem obvious, but closely monitoring and evaluating your campaigns is essential for effective influencer marketing. This means that you need to measure influencer marketing KPIs that you define and track. 

You can choose to monitor a number of influencer marketing KPIs such as: 

  • Clicks: How many users clicked on the link that included in the Influencer’s post of your product or company? 
  • Conversions: How many users bought the advertised product or visited your website during the campaign period?
  • Mentions: How often was the product or your company mentioned by the influencer or its followers on social media?
  • Number of Followers: Has the number of followers increased on the used networks?
  • Brand Awareness: Has the awareness of your company increased? 
  • ROI (Return On Investment): How much did you drive in revenue due to the campaign? Did the investment in an Influencer campaign pay off? 

You can also consider keeping an eye on other influencers you may want to work with to see if your campaigns may perform better if you partnered with them. There are influencer marketing tools that can help you monitor your own campaigns, as well as benchmark your performance against the profiles of competitors or other influencers you are considering working with. This can help you better evaluate your campaigns and give you an indication of whether you should change your approach. 


At the end of the day, influencer marketing opens a new door to reach your target group and convince them of your product’s worth. When it comes to influencer marketing, it is important to pay attention to the objectives of your cooperation and always keep them in mind for your strategy. This is key in understanding how to use influencer marketing to grow your business. It is also important to keep evaluating and adjusting your campaigns as needed in order to help better your performance.

If your business is looking to work with influencers, you should consider finding a social media tool that helps you find influencers and analyze your performance, as well as that of your competitors. Fanpage Karma offers an all-in-one social media tool that has benchmarking, publishing, community management, and influencer research features. Try it out with a free 14-day trial

You can also participate in Fanpage Karma’s free weekly webinar.

The post Influencer Marketing Tips appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How many Hashtags should you use on Instagram? Thu, 01 Feb 2024 09:54:14 +0000 Have you ever wondered how many hashtags you should use on Instagram? We analyzed the performance of 5 million profiles, and we will tell you want we found.

The post How many Hashtags should you use on Instagram? appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


How many Hashtags should you use on Instagram?

Three people around many hashtags with an Instagram symbol in the middle.

Hashtags are key to achieving a high organic reach on Instagram. With the right hashtags, you can attract new users, make posts easier to find, and increase brand awareness. For these reasons, it is no surprise that many people ask how many hashtags to use on Instagram when posting. While the question may be straightforward, many studies offer different answers to this question. 

In this article, we want to settle the debate once and for all. In doing so, we analyzed five million Instagram posts in order to see how many hashtags you should use. Below, we will share with you our findings related to how many hashtags on Instagram are optimal for your posts (spoiler alert: it’s 30). We will also discuss the impact hashtags can have on interactions and reach and even show you how to find the right hashtags for your posts.

How Many Hashtags Can I use on Instagram?

Let’s start with a slightly different but important question: is there a maximum number of hashtags on Instagram? You may be surprised to learn that there actually is a maximum number of hashtags on Instagram. In fact, you are allowed to use 30 hashtags in an Instagram post.

However, simply knowing how many hashtags are allowed on Instagram doesn’t answer the ultimate question related to how many hashtags you SHOULD use. 

Two women sitting around an Instagram hashtag while they look at their phones.

How many Hashtags Should I use on Instagram: Different Perspectives

There are many different perspectives on how many hashtags you should use on Instagram. Some may say that only two to four hashtags should be used. Others many recommend using up to ten hashtags. When we hear these types of suggestions, it appears that they are not geared to what will increase reach or interactions of posts, but rather about the unattractive sight of too many hashtags below a post text. In other words, these suggestions are not data-driven.

Of course, there’s no denying that the sight of many hashtags may be visibly unappealing. However, at the end of the day, influencers, social media managers, or other users want to focus on getting results. In determining how many hashtags should be included on an Instagram post, we need should base our conclusion on data. That is why we analyzed five million posts. 

To begin our study, we looked at the average number of hashtags used on Instagram posts. As you see below, the average lies between one and seven hashtags, depending on the size of the profile.

A bar chart that shows how many hashtags on average that people use on Instagram.

The chart shows that, as the number of followers increases from zero, the average number of hashtags per post initially rises to 6.8. However, once the number of followers reaches between five thousand to ten thousand, the number drops. Perhaps what is most interesting is that profiles with a size of over five million followers only use a single hashtag per post on average. The noteworthy finding here is that there doesn’t seem to any type of consensus about how many hashtags you should use on Instagram.

Overall, an average post on Instagram has a number of three to seven hashtags. However, it is essential to note that these results DON’T mean that such a small number of hashtags is recommended or corresponds to a higher reach or number of interactions. Let’s now look at why this is the case.

The Optimal Number of Hashtags for Instagram is….. 30!

What is the ideal number of hashtags for Instagram that you should add to your post? Unlike what many others may say, our study indicates that the ideal number of hashtags for Instagram is actually 30 hashtags

The problem with many other studies related to the ideal number of hashtags on Instagram is that they look at the absolute number of interactions per post for any number of hashtags used. According to many of these studies, a post with more likes would be more successful than one that gets fewer likes.

For example, a post with 300 likes would be more successful than a post with only 50 likes. However, this approach disregards a crucial point, namely that the follower count of the profile that published the post. Since large profiles often use fewer hashtags, the result would be that fewer hashtags per post are recommended. However, this conclusion would be incorrect.

If the first post was from a profile with 3,000 followers and the second from a profile with 100 followers, the second one would be clearly more successful than the first one because it gained more likes per follower. However, this way of measuring success creates inaccurate results. Because of this, it is absolutely necessary to first divide the number of likes by the number of followers of the profiles to more accurately compare the success of posts. If this adjustment is not made, a post from Adidas, for instance, would always seem more successful than other smaller profiles, no matter how many hashtags it has. In order to successfully determine how many hashtags should you use on Instagram, you need to look at posts by likes per follower.

As you can see below, the results related to how many hashtags to use on Instagram is crystal clear.

A line graph that shows the relationship between likes and how many hashtags are used in a post.

In looking at how many hashtags to use on an Instagram post, it is clear that, as the number of hashtags per post increases, the average number of likes per follower also increases (with the exception of going from 0 to 1 hashtag used). This analysis clearly shows that using more hashtags can achieve more likes, and that 30 hashtags is the ideal number to use for your Instagram posts. 

We should also point out that while some may wonder how many hashtags to use on Instagram Reels or Stories specifically, it is important to note that our analysis was done independent of any post type.

Do More Hashtags Equal More Reach?

When discussing the best number of hashtags for Instagram, we should also look at overall reach. As we have seen, if your goal is to get as many likes as possible, you should use 30 hashtags. But do hashtags also help increase post reach? 

To answer this question, we looked at the correlation between the reach per follower and the number of hashtags used per post. The result shows an interesting, but somewhat less clear correlation, than was the case with likes. As you see below, the graph indicates that the reach increases with the number of hashtags used. However, from 16 hashtags on, the increase becomes irregular. The sharp peak at 30 hashtags used indicates that the reach is at its maximum at this number of hashtags.

A line graph that shows how the number of hashtags used relates to the reach of a post.

Similar to our analysis regarding the correlation between the number of hashtags and likes, we can see that using 30 hashtags provides the most reach. However, you should note that a number of 25 hashtags also achieves a very high reach, which is only one percentage point lower than 30 hashtags. We should also note that the reach per post dips between 25 and 30 hashtags used, but is still at the highest point once it reaches 30 hashtags. 

While the trend here is not as clear as in the calculation based on likes per follower, our data indicates that using 30 hashtags is optimal to increase reach.

The Value of a Hashtag Generator

You now know how many hashtags you use on Instagram post has an indisputable impact on the success of your posts. The main takeaway from this article is that you shouldn’t let an unsightly block of 30 hashtags under a post stop you from using the ideal number of Instagram hashtags. As we have seen, using the right hashtags can help you increase likes and reach new users. 

However, how do you actually find what hashtags you should use in your posts? After all, using irrelevant hashtags will not help you reach the right target audience. Fortunately, tools such as Fanpage Karma’s hashtag composer allows you to harness AI technology in helping you find 30 relevant hashtags for your posts. This industry-leading tool is designed to generate dozens of hashtags that are relevant for your topics, as well as to provide you with the potential reach of those hashtags. Best of all, it is free to use!

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

Conclusion: How many Hashtags should you use on Instagram

As we have seen above, the key question to ask yourself is not how many hashtags CAN you use on Instagram, but rather how many hashtags you SHOULD use on Instagram. Our study shows that you should use 30 hashtags for your Instagram posts. Of course, simply using hashtags by itself won’t double your reach and interactions. Rather, hashtags should be seen as one of many factors that can help you improve your post interactions and reach. Moreover, using the right hashtag composer can help you find relevant hashtags with higher potential reach.

Using the right number of hashtags does not replace the need to create engaging content. In order to find what content is producing results, it is advisable to use a social media tool that can help you to monitor your progress and improve your performance with powerful analytical insights. Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of its all-in-one social media tool that offers benchmarking, research, publishing, and community management features. 

Fanpage Karma also offers a free weekly webinar that can help you see how a social media tool can improve the performance of your profiles.

The post How many Hashtags should you use on Instagram? appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

The Best Hashtags for TikTok Wed, 31 Jan 2024 13:05:51 +0000 What do you need to effectively manage multiple social media accounts? We tell you everything you need to know.

The post The Best Hashtags for TikTok appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


The Best Hashtags for TikTok

A best time to post chart for hashtags behind a woman holding a magnifying glass and TikTok posts to the side.

Formulating a TikTok hashtag strategy is a no-brainer if you are serious about trying to increase your reach on this network. However, what is the best way to do it? And how can you find out what hashtags to use on TikTok? Some may think that finding the most viewed hashtags on TikTok is all that is needed. Unfortunately, this is often the wrong strategy since simply finding the most popular hashtag on TikTok won’t help if your content is not relevant to the hashtag or your target audience is not interested in the topic that a specific hashtag represents. 

In reality, there is a need to research TikTok hashtag trends within your industry or niche in order to truly benefit from their use. But how do you find what hashtags you should use while relying on an approach that is data-driven? In this article, we will show you how to use a TikTok hashtag research tool to discover what hashtags you should use in your posts as well as how to utilize TikTok hashtag analytics to its fullest extent.

Why Using Relevant TikTok Hashtags is Important

Many people may ask themselves what are the best hashtags for TikTok. When looking for what hashtag to use on TikTok, you should always put a premium on relevance. Hashtags on TikTok are used to help people to more easily find specific topics or trends that interest them. Using hashtags in your posts can help increase your reach and, if you are producing high-quality content that meets the search intent of users, can also help you increase views and followers. Hashtag research also represents an important step in the TikTok SEO optimization process, which can help your profile and content be more discoverable.

For this reason, it is important to set up a TikTok hashtag strategy that helps you map the various hashtags you should be using. But how do you actually do this? It may be tempting to simply research general TikTok hashtag trends and decide which hashtags to use once you know what ones are trending. However, in order to truly understand how to find the right hashtags for TikTok, you need to be looking for which hashtags are most relevant for your industry, topic-focus, or niche as well as which ones are correlated with higher post interaction rates. 

The process of researching these hashtags requires a social media tool that allows for TikTok hashtag research and a few steps to create your data set. The key to finding the best TikTok hashtags for your posts is to research what hashtags are being used in your industry and are generating the most post-interactions. Below, we take you through the TikTok hashtag research steps to find these hashtags.

A social media post and graphs surrounding a woman with a magnifying glass and a man with binoculars.

How to Find the Best Hashtags for your TikTok Posts

Utilizing data-driven approaches is the best way to find hashtags for TikTok that will help your profile grow. In reality, the best hashtag(s) for a TikTok post would be the ones that correlate with high post interaction rates. In order to discover these hashtags, it is crucial to find an advanced TikTok hashtag analytics tool that allows you to analyze your own profile and numerous similar profiles in your industry or niche to uncover what hashtags you should use on your posts.

In order to show you how to use a TikTok hashtag research tool to discover you find the best hashtags for your TikTok posts, we will present a real-life example. In doing so, we will provide a detailed step-by-step overview relating to how to find the right hashtags for TikTok by highlighting what to do to if you are working in the home decor market and wanted to study the TikTok hashtags used by competitors in this industry.

In going through this scenario, we will be analyzing hashtags used by home decor companies with the assumption that we want to find what types of hashtags, on average, generate higher post interaction rates. The companies that we included for our analysis include as mix of US and European home decor companies: Crate and Barrel, Depot, Etsy, IKEA, Pottery Barn, Target, The Citizenry, Uncommon Goods, Urban Outfitters, Wayfair, West Elm, and World Market.

In conducting this analysis, it is important to have the right TikTok hashtag research tool at your disposal. In our example, we will be using the all-in-one social media tool, Fanpage Karma, that possesses advanced TikTok hashtag research capabilities. All the various charts and graphs below are generated by the Fanpage Karma tool.

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

Step 1: Select the Profiles for your TikTok Hashtag Analysis

The first step in learning how to find the best hashtags for TikTok posts involves identifying what companies you want to include in your data analysis. Remember, we are researching TikTok hashtag trends related to our industry. We should not focus on what hashtags are most popular in general, but ones that are relevant for your industry and niche, as well as for the type of content you are posting.

In order to correctly undertake hashtag research for TikTok, you need to track and analyze as many profiles as you can, provided they post content similar to yours and are focused on more or less the same topics or industry. It is helpful to include as many as you can so your data set is more meaningful. For this reason, it is recommended to have a social media tool that allows for unlimited profile tracking.

It is important to remember that relevance is key, and adding profiles to your data set just because they have many followers or attract a lot of attention can negatively affect your analysis. Along these lines, it is important to make sure that you are operating in similar geographical locations with the profiles you are adding to your analysis. If you are a local company that is only concerned with a geographically limited area, it probably is not helpful to be adding numerous large, international companies to your data set. This is because these companies may be using hashtags that are not as relevant to your target audience. However, if you believe that these companies would be targeting the same audience as your, then they may be relevant for your analysis.

A woman holding a megaphone inside a social media post with a hashtag in the background.

Step 2: Determine your Timeframe for your Data Set

Different months or seasons of the year may see different types of hashtags being used. After all, there are different trends that may take place related to home decor in the middle of Summer or right as Winter is approaching. On the other hand, you may want to take a more general approach when looking for what hashtags to use on TikTok and analyze the best performing hashtags for a given 6, 8, or 12-month period. 

It is important to keep in mind that the timeframe affects the size of your data set, with longer timeframes of analysis providing more data points, while the shorter timeframes means fewer data points. However, analyzing a shorter, specific timeframe gives you a more precise look at certain months or seasons which can be beneficial depending on your goals.   

Let’s provide an example of how different timeframes of analysis can affect your data output. First, we will simply look at the Top 15 hashtags in relation to post interaction rate in July 2023 for the companies we mentioned above.

A bar chart showing the hashtags with the highest post interaction rates for specified profiles in July 2023.

(July 2023)

The bar chart shows what hashtags correspond with hashtags with the highest post interactive rates just for just a single month (July, 2023). Simply from studying the data output, we can determine which hashtags are relevant for your company and the content you post. From this, you can choose what TikTok hashtags you may want to include in your posts based on whether they are correlated with higher post interaction rates. However, what would happen if we added two months to are analysis and looked at the data from May to July 2023?

A bar chart showing the hashtags with the highest post interaction rates for specified profiles in July-May 2023.

(May to July 2023)

As you can see from the results, there are differences both in terms of the hashtags in the chart as well as the post interaction rates that are correlated to these hashtags. While this is only a simple example, it helps illustrate how the timeframe of analysis can affect what TikTok hashtags you should consider using.

Step 3: Study the TikTok Hashtag Analytics Output

When using the right TikTok hashtag research tool, you can explore different ways to look at data in order to determine what are the best hashtags for your TikTok profile. Being able to study TikTok hashtag analytics can give you helpful insights about the hashtags you should consider using for your posts. 

To begin, we will look at three different ways you can look at the data output with a TikTok hashtag research tool. First is a simple bar chart that orders the Top 10 hashtags in our data set by post interaction rate. This bar chart clearly shows what hashtags are correlated with the highest post interaction rate in your data set and can be useful if you simply want to know what the top hashtags are.

A bar chart showing the top post interaction rates for the profiles in the study for the first half of 2023.

(First Half 2023, All Profiles)

However, perhaps you are interested in seeing the metrics for all hashtags in the data set as well as other important metrics such as the posts per day that used a specific hashtag or the average number of interactions per impression. Below is an example of viewing your data in a metric table.

A metric table that shows data for all hashtags in the data set for the first half of 2023.

(First Half 2023, All Profiles)

This metric table view is valuable for getting a more in-depth view on the performance of many different hashtags. There will, of course, be many hashtags in this table, but you can also filter to show the top hashtags for a number of different metrics that you may be interested in.

However, perhaps you are searching for hashtags that are correlated with high post interaction rates but are not used that often. The word chart view below can be valuable for that type of analysis. The large words indicate that a hashtag was used more often while smaller words mean it was used less often. The greener the word indicates a higher post interaction rate while redder words means those hashtags have lower post interaction rates.

A word chart showing hashtags and their relative post interaction rate as well as how often they were used compared to other hashtags for the first half of 2023.

(First Half 2023, All Profiles)

As you see above, this word chart view can be helpful to find high performing hashtags that may not be used frequently. This can give you an advantage over your competition that is not using a TikTok hashtag research tool.

In concluding this section, we want to stress how important it is to carefully select the profiles you include in your data set. The addition or removal of profiles from your analysis can change your data output. For instance, perhaps we want to remove some of the large companies from our data set, namely Target, IKEA, and Wayfair. What would happen to our results?

A word chart showing hashtags and their relative post interaction rate as well as how often they were used compared to other hashtags for the first half of 2023 with the Target, IKEA, and Wayfair profiles.

(First Half 2023, without Target, IKEA, and Wayfair profiles) 

We see that there are some similarities between the data output, but also some differences. The point of this brief comparison is to show that changes to the profiles you include in your analysis may alter your results and the types of hashtag recommendations you may receive. Similar to our example in Step 2 relating to the timeframe you choose to analyze, you should keep in mind that analyzing relevant and similar profiles in your industry or niche is key for effective TikTok hashtag research.

Step 4: Continue to Monitor and Assess Hashtag Performance

Using the right hashtags is not, by itself, going to dramatically increase your post interaction rate or better any other type of metric. Your content plays the essential role in this case. Creating engaging and interesting content is a must to help you expand your reach and gain new followers. Benchmarking and analysis of other profiles can help you see where you need to improve or learn from others. You should also monitor how your profile compares to other similar ones.

However, using the right hashtags can be one of the factors that gives your posts an advantage over the competition. When thinking about how to find trending hashtags on TikTok, you should keep in mind that popular and relevant hashtags in an industry or niche can change and new TikTok hashtag trends can emerge. Using a TikTok hashtag research tool can help you stay on top of these trends.


As we have seen, learning how to find the best TikTok hashtags is not impossible. This article has shown that it is best to use a TikTok hashtag research tool and follow an analytical approach. This is because it is important to research what TikTok hashtags correlate with key metrics, such as post interaction rate or impressions per post. 

If you are looking for a social media tool that comes with TikTok hashtag research capabilities as well as other “all-in-one” features such as analytics, publishing, research, and community management features, Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of its tool. Additionally, Fanpage Karma runs free weekly webinars that highlight how to use this social media tool can help you with your social media activities.  

The post The Best Hashtags for TikTok appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Efficient Social Media Content Planning for your Team Tue, 30 Jan 2024 14:27:58 +0000 Learn about the 4 key steps for efficient team content planning: With Fanpage Karma, you can perform every step in the content planning process with a single tool.

The post Efficient Social Media Content Planning for your Team appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Efficient Social Media Content Planning for your Team: Optimize Your Workflow with Fanpage Karma

Efficient Social Media Content Planning for your Team: Optimize Your Workflow with Fanpage Karma

In this article, we’ll discuss how you can simplify your social media content planning by making it more efficient and transparent for everyone involved. With Fanpage Karma’s new publishing functions, you can go through the entire content planning process with a single tool. Let’s discuss how it works. 

What is the Purpose of a Content Plan?

You probably look at your content plan every day since you can use it to plan and pre-produce posts and campaigns far into the future. However, it is not only important for you and your team’s daily work, but also for everyone involved in content production or who subsequently approves the content. 

As the size of your team increases, so does your workflow’s complexity related to content planning and creation as well as the approval of posts. The first step is to gather content ideas in a content calendar and subsequently coordinate content product with the team in another tool. Only after all stakeholders have given their approval can you add the finished posts to your social media tool. For a social media manager, this process involves a significant amount of work with different tools. However, the content plan should primarily be a practical tool for planning, oversight, and approval.

With Fanpage Karma, all these steps can now be carried out much more efficiently within a single tool. We have redesigned our publish feature so that it not only makes your work easier, but also simplifies the workflow for everyone else involved.

4 Steps for Efficient Content Planning in a Team – With the Best Tool for Team Work

1 – Brainstorm Initial Post Ideas

When planning social media posts, your work often starts with a brainstorming session, namely: What ideas do you or your team have for the next posts? Should it be a carousel post or perhaps a video? Importantly, at this point, it is not necessary to commit to specific images, captions, or videos, but you should already decide about the format of the individual posts. 

At Fanpage Karma, we have created a new function for this brainstorming process: the idea status. You can now collect your ideas directly in our publishing tool. You don’t have to worry about correctly selecting formatted images for each network or adding finalized captions. An image and a few bullet points are all you need to capture your thoughts. 

Idea State

Your team members, your manager, or your customers can directly provide feedback on your ideas – quickly and easily with just a single click. 

If your colleagues have more detailed feedback for you, they can also comment on your ideas. If you or your team members make a mistake while commenting, you can now edit comments, which ensures for communication without errors.

A banner with three people around a computer and a "Start your free trial" button and light background.

2 – Obtain Timely Feedback from All Stakeholders

When trying to create an efficient workflow, it doesn’t make sense to invite all stakeholders to contribute on each feedback step. Therefore, you should think about when you want to get feedback from colleagues, managers, or agency clients when creating your social media campaign. If you work in an agency, for example, you will need your client’s approval at a certain point before you can start the campaign. To save yourself the stress of having to make numerous changes before a post goes online, it makes sense to request this feedback at the right time.

With Fanpage Karma, you can create a free guest account for participants who are not part of your social media team. With this account, they can log in, view, share, or comment on posts at any time. They can create or receive tasks and be notified about them, just like you and your team members.

Thanks to the new and improved post list, everyone involved has all the relevant information they need at a glance. You can create guest accounts that only have access to certain campaigns or profiles. In the new post list, each person can see their open tasks, improved post previews, and the latest comments. With the choice between list and card view, the post list can be better adapted to your own needs. There are now also quick filters that make it easier for everyone involved to find what they are looking for.

Moreover, if you, your customers, or your managers want to complete tasks on the go, Fanpage Karma’s publishing function is now also mobile-optimized. You can view, comment on, and approve posts from your cell phone.

As soon as you have received feedback from everyone involved, you can revise the post ideas. We have implemented notifications 2.0 so that you don’t lose track during feedback rounds. From now on, you will only receive notifications that are relevant to you. You can adjust their settings as you wish. 

Additionally, Fanpage Karma now also has a new publishing home page. Here, you can see your drafts, open tasks, comments, and events at a glance. In the handy calendar overview, you can also immediately see when the next post is planned.

3 – Turn Your Ideas Into Posts Together With Your Team

After brainstorming and feedback, you can turn your ideas into a draft post with one single click. Captions and images from your post ideas are automatically updated and you can adjust them individually for each network. 

Three questions are particularly important for the implementation of your posts:

1 – When does the post have to be completed?

The first question you should ask yourself is when exactly your posts should go online. How much time do you and your team have until it must be fully implemented? As soon as you have decided on a posting date, you can set the day and time in your post drafts. This will help you keep track of when each post needs to be completed.

However, you should remember that your fans may not be online at the same time on different channels. For this reason, you can use Fanpage Karma to customize a post directly for multiple platforms. Not only can you adapt the text and image format for each social network, you can also flexibly adjust the posting times to optimally reach your target groups.

2 – Who is involved in the content creation?

The next step is to think about who you need help from when creating a particular post. For instance, you will most likely need input from your graphics or video team. Remember to brief your colleagues in good time. You may also want to delegate the text creation to a colleague or set a reminder for yourself. 

Fanpage Karma supports you with precisely these tasks by allowing you to create tasks directly in your post drafts and assign them to individual team members. By doing this, all the communication stays within one tool, and you avoid endless email loops or even losing important feedback.

3 – Is the actual Post part of a campaign?

Is the post part of your regular social media content, or should it be part of a specific campaign? Are you supporting activities on another marketing channel with your post?

To keep track of this and make it easier for you to evaluate your posts, you can use Fanpage Karma’s new publishing function to group all posts that belong to a specific campaign. In the campaign view, you can only display these posts, including the timeline and comment function. 

Have you worded all the captions, created reels and carousels, and has a team member proofread the content one last time? Perhaps you still need final approval from your managers or customers. Have you implemented all the feedback? With Fanpage Karma, you can create tasks for each of these steps directly within the post draft and no comment can get lost. In this way, nothing stands in the way of a successful go-live for your campaign!

4 – Evaluate Your Posts

Your work is not done once your posts are online. At the end of each campaign, you should evaluate your posts and present the results to all stakeholders. To do this, you can arrange a face-to-face meeting with everyone involved or use Fanpage Karma to automatically create a presentation with your campaign results. You can create a report with the analytics feature, export it as a presentation, and send it immediately to all team members, your managers, or agency clients. It is important to record everything you learned for future campaigns. In this way, you can improve your campaigns in the long term and the next campaign may be even more successful as a result.


In this article, we have discussed the four points you need to consider for efficient content planning in a team. Once you have brainstormed post ideas, you can gather feedback from various stakeholders and then develop them into the final posts with the help of your team. After completing a campaign, you should evaluate the posts and make the results available to everyone involved so that everyone can learn from them.

Fanpage Karma supports you in the entire content planning process as well as the implementation of social media campaigns by eliminating the need to switch back and forth between individual tools, as was previously the case. Every single step can be completed conveniently with our new publishing function. This means that not only you, but also every other team member, can maintain an overview and no feedback is lost.

Key Updates to the New Publish Function at a Glance

Idea Status for Posts

Collect and evaluate post ideas easily

Quick & Easy Cross-Posting

Add content for all networks in one go and adapt per network if necessary

Flexible Scheduling

Post to all networks simultaneously or set individual times for each network


Group posts by campaign for a better overview and planning


Create tasks and assign them to yourself or to others

Publish Start Page

Drafts, open tasks, comments and events for your posts and a practical calendar overview – all on one page

Free Guest Access

View, share, comment on posts and content calendars, receive & create tasks

Post List

All the relevant information about your posts in a single view

Mobile Optimization

Use Publish on your mobile device – easily and conveniently on the go

Do you want to find out how Fanpage Karma can make your content planning more efficient and easier for the entire social media team? Then sign up for our free trial version and try not only our new publishing function, but also our analytics, engage, and discovery features for 14 days, risk-free. Click here now and try Fanpage Karma for free today.

The post Efficient Social Media Content Planning for your Team appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to Find the Right Influencer for your Business Thu, 25 Jan 2024 07:41:07 +0000 You just don’t want to find an influencer for your brand or business. You want to find the RIGHT one. Find out how by following these steps.

The post How to Find the Right Influencer for your Business appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


How to Find the Right Social Media Influencer for your Brand or Business

Three people looking for influencers with a magnifying glass with three influencers off to the side.

Due to the rise and reach of various social media networks, it is clear that influencer marketing has become, and will remain, a staple of many brands marketing strategies. For many businesses looking to reach their target audience, knowing not only how to find an influencer, but how to find the right influencer for your brand or business is essential. However, sometimes it is not as simple as it seems. 

There are criticisms of some influencers for their seeming lack of authenticity with promoting a product, brand, or service. There can be a few reasons for this, such as the influencer not having knowledge of a product or brand, a lack of general lack of enthusiasm, or simply that an influencer is not reaching a company’s target audience. This lack of authenticity, in particular, is problematic, not least because you are paying the influencer, but because people may not come away with a good impression of whatever it is they are promoting. 

However, when there is a good match between an influencer and business, the results can be extremely positive. Consumers can quickly identify with content created by influencers because it genuinely speaks to them. The result can mean not only increased brand awareness, but also positive feelings or opinions of your brand.

As you can see, finding not only an influencer, but the right influencer, is essential. As consumer trust becomes increasingly important for businesses, it is crucial for marketers to understand how to find the right influencers for their brands if they want to take advantage of the additional reach influencers can create for them. This is why figuring out how to find the best influencers for your brand is so important.

So, when thinking about how to find the right influencers for your brand, you need to identify those who can act as genuine ambassadors and not just someone with many followers. If you are looking for influencers that are a good fit for your brand, but have no idea where to start and how to go about it, we have got you covered. Conducting social media influencer research with a social media tool, along with a little know-how, can yield positive results. Read on to find out how to find influencers to promote your product, brand, or service.

Steps to Find the Right Influencer for your Business

You might think that with the sheer number of influencers out there, it will be challenging to efficiently and effectively find the right fit for your brand or business without the help of a specialized agency. However, you can actually do this yourself. Below, we will outline the steps you need to take to find the right influencer for you, whether you are looking to increase your reach or wanting to drive sales. 

When trying to find the right influencer for your brand or business, you should follow these 4 steps with the use of a social media tool that has influencer research features:

  1. Clearly Define your Goals and your Content Strategy
  2. Conduct a Targeted Search
  3. Study Relevant Profiles
  4. Monitor your Campaign
A few different social profiles with images and metrics.

Clearly Define your Goals and your Content Strategy

In looking into how to find influencers on social media, the first step is to understand what you are looking for, so make sure to first set your campaign goals. What are you trying to achieve with your campaign? What metrics will you be using to assess the success or failure of your influencer campaign(s)? Perhaps your campaign is focused on generating brand awareness or, alternatively, you are looking to simply drive sales.

Depending on these campaign goals, you can decide which influencer metrics you want to focus on. For example, if you are looking to make your brand name known to a large set of people, a macro influencer with a large following might be a good fit. Conversely, if you are looking to create trust and interaction, your focus might not be finding a social media influencer with extensive reach, but rather collaborating with a micro influencer who has a smaller, but more targeted audience and high engagement on their posts.

Keep your eyes on the ultimate goal: reaching your target audience. It is important to always keep this in mind when thinking about how to find influencers to promote your brand or else you may not be reaching people who want to buy your product. No matter how many followers an influencer has or how much money you spend on your campaign, you will only benefit from a collaboration if both of you are targeting the same audience. For example, a real estate agency will not benefit from a collaboration with a beauty influencer, no matter how big their following may be. 

This brings us to the next point in looking into how to find a social media influencer: make sure the influencer’s content aligns with your brand. It can definitely be tempting to go for the latest reality star or whoever is being mentioned in the press at any given moment. However, always make sure the influencer’s content and their values align with your brand and your overall content and messaging strategy. 

Be sure to keep in mind how your content strategy relates to the audience size of the influencer you want to work with. While the smaller audience of a micro influencer may seem like a drawback for you, it can actually be an advantage. They can help you reach a more targeted and relevant audience for your brand. With the high engagement of a smaller, but relevant audience for your brand, you can get better feedback on your product. 

When studying how to find social media influencers for your brand, another benefit of micro influencers that you should consider is that they are more likely to be available for work and can be more cost-effective than some macro influencers. In this way, you have the chance to do several collaborations with a variety of micro influencers instead of just one. This makes it possible to maximize the use of your budget, while possibly even reaching a bigger, but more targeted, audience than with a macro influencer.

Conduct a Targeted Search

Now that we covered the importance of defining your goals and your content strategy, we will explain how to actually find social media influencers that fit with your brand and are related to your industry. If you do not want to hire an influencer agency, you will have to do the search yourself. While you can go through different profiles directly on social media, this requires a lot of manual work and can be very time-consuming.

Luckily, there are social media tools out there that can help you search for the right influencer and save you from a lot of manual work.

In helping to clearly illustrate the power of these social media tools, we will actually use one in order to show how to find influencers for your brand or business. In this case, we will use Fanpage Karma, an all-in-one social media tool, that comes with a discovery feature that can help you identify influencers you want to work with. In addition to this discovery feature, you can use this all-in-one tool to analyze not only your own social media profiles, but also those of your competitors or influencers you are researching.

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

In going through an example of how to find social media influencers, we will provide a concrete example. In this example, you will be looking at how to find local influencers for a vegan restaurant chain operating in Germany. The context is that we will be opening some new restaurants across the country, and we want to find some influencers to eat at our restaurants and post about it.

As a first step, we need to clearly define our market and network. As you can see in the screenshot below, we have the possibility to filter social media profiles by name or posted content. If we are conducting a simple search for those who post about vegan food, we should first choose the relevant network, and filter by country and whether we are looking for a person, brand, or business. In our case, we will select Germany as the country and look for specific people who are vegan food influencers. We will also be looking for influencers only on Instagram instead of a number of other social media networks.

To find relevant influencers for our vegan restaurant, we want to find Instagrammers that live in Germany and have posted about veganism within the current year. To do this, we will search by ‘post content’ (we want to find people who post about vegan food, not influencers with ‘vegan’ somewhere in their name) and enter ‘vegan’ in the search bar. Importantly, we will select the timeframe for our search which will focus on the last year which means we will search for those on Instagram who posted on this topic in the last year (although you can focus on any specific timeframe you want in your search).

With these filters, we get a list of influencers based in Germany who posted about veganism within the last year:

A view of many Instagram profiles with their main KPIs after conducting an influencer search.

For each of the influencers on this list, you can see important metrics listed on each card. This displays not only their follower numbers, but also how many posts they create per day and their average engagement rate. For some companies, they may want to focus on how to find local social media influencers, so it is important to always confirm the location of prospective influencers. 

Once you have done this, you have completed a targeted search for possible influencers. However, studying the key metrics you found through your influencer research is not enough. In reality, you want to find an influencer with the right number of followers and a good engagement rate who posts about the topics your audience is interested in – in our example, vegan food and restaurants.

Conduct a Targeted Search

As you see above, simply reviewing these results can save you a significant amount of time  compared to a manual search on the social networks themselves. It will narrow down your search while giving you a good idea of what profiles to further investigate. The results overview also makes it easy for you to filter out influencers that are not relevant to you by size, posting frequency, or engagement rate.

The next step is to closely study the relevant profiles from your search. After all, you are looking for the best influencer for your campaign and not just any influencer who is posting about the topics you are interested in. 

Once you identified the profiles of interest to you, you should investigate further. With the Fanpage Karma influencer research feature, you can simply click on a person featured in this list, and you can see even more statistics for the respective influencer. For example, you will see numbers such as their follower growth, post interaction rate, and a number of other key metrics.

A metric overview from a social media profile after an influencer search.

You can also analyze their performance on a closer and more qualitative basis by studying their best and weakest posts. In this way, you will be able to assess what they are posting about as well as the various metrics associated with individual posts. Maybe their posts about vegan food are among their most successful. In this case, the influencer might be a good fit for our chain of vegan restaurants. Or perhaps all the influencer’s posts about vegan food are among their worst performing, which may make you think twice about a possible partnership.

An example of various posts that a social media profile has posted.

As you can see above, you can study the content associated with various profiles on a qualitative basis to see if it is a good fit. But you will also have to do a deep dive in their content to also find out how they speak about the relevant topic. For your list of possible influencers you created in the first step of your research, you will have to actually go through their posts on the relevant topic and find out what they have to say about it and if it fits your brand. With Fanpage Karma, you can do a targeted search within the influencer’s posts and have it show you everything the influencer posted about vegan food, as well as when they posted about it. 

Make sure to check out what they say is in line with your brand values. You can make an assessment by looking at the type of content they post and the language they use to see if they might be speaking to the same target audience as you. To be 100% sure about the target audience, you will need to contact the influencer and have them send you their media kit with their audience statistics, but their content can be a great first reference point to find out if the influencer might be a good fit for your brand.

Another piece of advice if you want to conduct further analysis is to add the profiles of prospective freelancers to your tracking backboard (this is the “Analysis” part of the Fanpage Karma tool). This allows you to more deeply analyze them and make sure to find them again once you have decided who you would like to collaborate with.

Once you have narrowed down your list of possible influencers further and have analyzed their statistics, you can contact some of them to find out more specifics, such as their availability and pricing. If they are affordable to you and available within the timeframe you need, nothing stands in the way of collaborating.

Implementing and Monitoring the Influencer Campaign

Once you have found an influencer and are working with them, you should implement the content plan that you have planned with your influencer(s). One of the best ways you can help your influencer is to give them some insights about topics using Fanpage Karma’s analytics features, such as finding them the best times to post or which hashtags they should consider using. This also includes using our cutting-edge Instagram hashtag generator

Apart from this, it is important to monitor the campaigns you are running with them. This is another area where a social media tool can greatly help you. As we mentioned above, adding the profiles of your influencers to your tracking dashboard allows you to analyze the results of your campaign. You can also compare their performance to other influencers you are not currently using to see how their metrics stack up against each other. 

Thoroughly analyzing your collaboration makes it easier to evaluate if it has been a successful campaign and if you want to continue working with the influencer in the future. Alternatively, you can also keep your eye on other influencers who you may want to work with, especially if their following keeps growing.

Key Takeaways: How to Find Influencers

As you saw above, we didn’t simply cover how to find an influencer, but how to find the right social media influencer. To find a content creator that is the perfect fit for your brand, you need to define your campaign goals first and then start searching for a matching influencer who can help you reach those goals.

Conducting social media influencer research with a tool like Fanpage Karma makes finding the right influencer for your brand easy while saving you a lot of manual work, time, and, in the end, money. 

The advantage of using an all-in-one social media tool is that you can also monitor the outcome so you can learn from what went wrong, or what you should improve upon. All-in-one social media tools such as Fanpage Karma also come with benchmarking, community management and publishing features that can be a real asset to a business working with influencers. 

Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial that you can start today. If you are interested in finding out how social media tools can help you take your social media activities to the next level, sign up for Fanpage Karma’s free weekly webinar

The post How to Find the Right Influencer for your Business appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

The Best Times to Post on TikTok Mon, 22 Jan 2024 15:31:39 +0000 Do you know when you should post on TikTok to get the most Engagement? Chances are, you are missing an opportunity to improve your TikTok performance.

The post The Best Times to Post on TikTok appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


The Best Times to Post on TikTok

A woman looking through a magnifying glass at a best time to post chart with TikTok posts on the side.

When are good times to post on TikTok? If you are active on TikTok or aspire to be an influencer, you have probably asked yourself more than once about when the best time to post would be. You may be tempted to find some data online that tells you when is it a good time to post on TikTok. This can sometimes be helpful if you are simply trying to find some quick information. However, if you are serious about building your TikTok presence, and especially if you are posting to help grow your business or want to grow your following and become an influencer, then you should consider taking a more data-driven approach. 

So, what are the best times to post on TikTok? The question seems simple enough but, in reality, there is not a straightforward answer. When trying to determine when the best time to post on TikTok is, it is important to find out when your audience is most likely to engage with the content. This will maximize the likelihood of your video getting picked up by the TikTok algorithm and reaching the right audience. In this article, we will take you through the steps to find the best times to post on TikTok for your own profile using advanced data analytics. 

Is there a Best Time to Post on TikTok?

TikTok is popular because it creates a highly personalized mix of content for every user. However, many creators may feel like they don’t really understand how the TikTok algorithm works and, therefore, they may think that there is nothing they can do to influence who will see their video. 

Even though the exact mechanisms behind the TikTok algorithm are not public, there are a couple of things you have control over if you want to reach the right audience and grow your TikTok account. Optimizing your posting time will increase the chances of getting higher post engagement during the first few minutes and hours, which is a key criterion when it comes to how far the TikTok algorithm spreads your video. After all, you want your TikTok to be shown on as many users’ “For You” pages as possible. 

You will find many articles out there mentioning specific best times to post on TikTok, and while those times may give very general recommendations, the actual times when your particular audience is most likely to engage with your post may be different. For those who run these studies, their suggestions will be geared more at the global best times to post on TikTok. Because of this, many content creators may find that the time their audience is online varies widely from the generally suggested global best times to post on TikTok. 

Your TikTok profile is unique, and your best posting times are as well. Therefore, before committing to a posting schedule, it is important to do your research so you can find out what are the best times to post on TikTok for your own profile.   

A woman inside of a phone with different social media metrics around her.

The Challenge with Finding the Best Days and Times to Post on TikTok

Knowing the best days and times to post on TikTok in general can be helpful. This is because some of these hours and days appear to be connected to higher engagement rates. However, your posts will achieve the highest engagement on TikTok not when most people are online on TikTok in total, but when the people who are most interested in your content are most active. This may be different from the generally held ideas related to the best times to post on TikTok. After all, you probably operate in a certain niche with a specific target audience. 

If you are new to the video sharing platform and building an audience from zero, you might not have historical data that indicates the best days to post on TikTok that yield higher interaction with your videos. Whether you are just starting out on TikTok, or if you are looking for a larger data set to get more advanced insights based on many profiles similar to yours, there is an approach that can help you find when is a good time to post on TikTok. If you are taking TikTok seriously, it is important to know who your competitors on TikTok are, when and how much they are posting, and when your target larger audience is most active.

So how can you use data to get objective insights into when to post on TikTok? Let’s first address the simple way that may give you a quick answer, but also has its shortcomings.

Option 1: The “Do-It-Yourself” Approach and Its Drawbacks

TikTok offers creators some insights into the performance of their TikTok videos and can give you suggestions on the best days and times to post on TikTok. With a TikTok Pro account, you will be able to see an analytics section in your settings menu.

Your TikTok analytics will show you some information about your existing followers, for example their gender and location. Identifying where your audience resides can be helpful in finding out the best time to post on TikTok, especially when catering to a global audience across different time zones. Once you know where your audience is located, you can find out when they are active on TikTok. TikTok’s analytics lets you identify the hours and days when your existing audience was most active. However, this is limited only for the last 7 days.

You might think that by looking at this data, you will be able to clearly identify when the best time to post on TikTok for better engagement is. However, be careful. The above-mentioned times only show you when your followers are online, not when they are most likely to interact with your content.

Regarding your content’s performance, you might be able to find some insights in the TikTok analytics “content” tab, including total play time, average watch time, reach, and whether viewers found your content via your profile or their “For You” page. But again, these metrics will only be available for the last week as well as for your own content and your existing followers, so the insights you can get from this are very limited.

Another drawback of using only TikTok’s analytics section relates to not knowing the times when other profiles in your niche publish their best-performing content. By just using your own TikTok analytics, this information will not be available to you. If you are only starting out and have not collected a lot of data yet, you may be posting at the wrong time, and it could take you a while to find the best days and times to post on TikTok.

The good news is that all of these problems can be solved using advanced social media analytics tools.

Option 2: Researching the Best Times to Post on TikTok Using Advanced Analytics

Finding the best time to post on TikTok is in your own hands. You can use TikTok analytics but be limited in your analytical insights, or you can use an advanced social media analytics tool to help you analyze your competitors as well as other content creators in your niche. In this way, you will be able to gain valuable insights much faster than by just collecting data from your TikTok analytics week after week.

So, how do you go about determining what are the best times to post on TikTok for your business? There are 4 steps you need to consider: 

  1. Choose the TikTok profiles you intend to analyze
  2. Select your timeframe
  3. Study the data output
  4. Set up your posting schedule and monitoring

Finding out the best times to post on TikTok is easy with an advanced social media tool. In discussing how to find the best time to post for your profile, we will be using the all-in-one social media tool, Fanpage Karma, so we can illustrate what your data output will look like and how to understand it. Importantly, Fanpage Karma offers unlimited profile tracking, which can greatly improve your analytical insights for posting times.One last note is that in going through these steps, we will be analyzing the TikTok profiles of some large European football clubs: AC Milan, Arsenal, Borussia Dortmund, FC Bayern, FC Barcelona, Juventus, Liverpool FC, Manchester City, Manchester United, Paris Saint Germain, Real Madrid, and Tottenham. This will help us illustrate how to find the best times to post on TikTok for these clubs.

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

Step 1: Choose the TikTok profiles you want to analyze

For the first step, you need to decide on which profiles you wish to analyze. It is important to make sure that all the profiles you are adding to your data set are relevant to your business. You should not include profiles that are not similar to your own, as this may skew your data. In fact, your main goal is to compare your TikTok channel to others that have a similar target audience and post similar content, since this is what will give you the most accurate insights about when you should post.

You should always ask yourself a few things to help you decide what profiles to analyze and how they relate to your potential audience:

  • Where is my target audience located and which timezone(s) are they in?
  • What is my industry or specific niche?
  • Who are the most relevant content creators and competitors for my target audience? With whom will I be competing for their attention?

Always choose TikTok profiles in your niche that are targeting the same audience as you do. For instance, if you are smaller, regional football club, you probably don’t want to be included larger international clubs in your analysis, especially if they are outside your country or region. A larger data set will provide you with more reliable results, but be careful that the accounts you choose are relevant to your target audience. As a last step, you can add your own TikTok profile to the dashboard so that you can compare your results to your competitors’ results.

Step 2: Select your Timeframe

It is important to understand the timeframe you are analyzing for determining when is the best time to post on TikTok. There are several options or approaches that you can take in this regard. For instance, you may want to analyze general best posting times that use data collected throughout an entire year. This approach would give you a larger data set and can help you understand the best posting times more generally through a given time period. 

Alternatively, perhaps you are interested in looking at when the best times to post on TikTok are on a monthly basis. This involves a smaller historical data set that focuses on a given month and will be more prone to variations from what happened in that given time period. This approach can be valuable if you are creating a large campaign for a specific holiday season and want to make sure you are planning your posting times accordingly.

Let’s illustrate the importance of this issue with an example. In analyzing profiles of the selected European football clubs, we will look at two different timeframes related to the data we are collecting. The charts below display circles in different sizes and colors. The bigger the circle, the higher the number of posts and greener the circle, the more interactions there are on these posts.

For our first analysis, we will look at the performance of the profiles for the month of September regarding the best times to post for these clubs. The data output below highlights times that have high post interaction rates. What’s more, you can also find times that not only have high average post interaction rates, but also where few posts are being published (look for the small green circles).

(September 2023, all profiles)

But what if you want to analyze a larger timeframe to find out when to post on TikTok? Let’s see how the results change if you focus on a 6-month period.

A best time to post chart for April-September 2023 created with data from all profiles in the study

(April – September 2023, all profiles)

With a longer time period and a larger set of data to analyze, we can already see that our results have changed with new opportunities appearing as well as times that should maybe be avoided. Generally speaking, when trying to find the best days and times to post on TikTok, the more data you analyze, the more accurate your results will be.

As we have seen above, the timeframes you choose will affect your data output and your conclusions on when the best time to post on TikTok may be. Always be aware of what your aims are with your best time to post analysis, and make sure the timeframe you choose fits these aims.

Step 3: Study your Data Output

Once you have added all the relevant competitors and content creators to your dashboard, you can start analyzing them. In the content analysis part of the Fanpage Karma content tool, there is a “Best time to post” chart that displays the average post interaction rates for posts for certain times of the day and the week. As we mentioned above, the greener a circle is, the higher the average post interaction rate for that timeframe was, while the size of the circle indicates how many posts were at made at that time. This data output can give you powerful insights on when to post on TikTok today, tomorrow, or in the coming week. 

Analyzing and understanding your data is crucial to bring about good results. Let’s look at the example below. As we covered in the first two steps, the profiles you choose to include in your data set as well as the timeframe of your analysis will affect your data output. However, you also need to be aware of the actual timezones that the profiles of your analysis are in and how that may affect your posting times. 

Let’s briefly look at the best posting times for November 2023 for all the European football clubs mentioned above.

A best time to post chart for November 2023 created with data from all profiles in the study

(November 2023, all profiles)

However, what happens if we change our data set to only include clubs that are located in Central European Time? This means that we will remove all the profiles from GMT from our data set and then study the new data output.

A best time to post chart for November 2023 created with data from only Central European profiles in the study

(November 2023, profiles using CET)

In our example, the best time to post on TikTok for a European soccer team with a target audience located in Central Europe would be Tuesday or Thursday morning, around 8 a.m. 

Finally, we may want to select only for teams that are located GMT and see what the best times to post for those teams are. Below is how the data output when we select for only these teams.

A best time to post chart for November 2023 created with data from only Greenwich Mean Time profiles in the study

(November 2023, profiles using GMT)

As you can see from the examples above, seemingly slight adjustments in the data can lead to real changes in when you should consider to post. The important point here as well is to always know what timezones the profiles you are tracking are in so you can be sure that you are targeting the right audience in the right timezone. 

What this example shows us is that if you are still wondering when the best time to post on TikTok is for your business, you will have to analyze competitors and content creators relevant to your target audience. Generally, the larger your data set and the timeframe you are analyzing, the better. However, there are reasons why you would want to limit your data size or to take a look at only a certain number of profiles. This could be because you are running a campaign specifically geared toward a single country or region.

You may also want to pay special attention to the amount of posts going out at one time. After all, you want to have as little competition as possible while getting the highest number of comments, shares, engagement, etc. 

The main takeaway here is that you should adjust your data set and timeframe in order to gain the data insights that you need for your content plan. By analyzing not only your own data, but also your competitors, you can get much more advanced insights than simply following common wisdom about the best time to post on TikTok and seeing what happens. In this way, you will save a lot of trial and error.

Step 4: Set Up Your Posting Schedule and Monitoring

Once you know the best times to post on TikTok for your niche and target audience, use these insights to set up a personalized posting schedule. The advantage of using an all-in-one social media tool such as Fanpage Karma is that once you determine all the times you should post during a given time, you can easily schedule your TikToks for relevant days and times.

It is important to make sure to regularly monitor and analyze your posted content and adjust your strategy if necessary. Your audience behavior can change, and the actual content of your posts also has a major impact on whether they will interact with your content. Be sure to keep on monitoring your progress and make adjustments if you are not reaching your goals.


So, when is the best time to post on TikTok? As we have seen, this varies for each creator, depending on their location and audience. Use the tips shared in this blog post to find your personalized best times to post on TikTok. 

And if you want to find your personal best times to post with Fanpage Karma, you can start your free trial now here or sign up for a free webinar. The power to boost your TikTok engagement is in your hands.

The post The Best Times to Post on TikTok appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Hashtag Research for Twitter Mon, 15 Jan 2024 11:04:32 +0000 Learn how to find the Best Hashtags for your Twitter profile in just a few steps. Find out how to use advanced social media analytics to your advantage.

The post Hashtag Research for Twitter appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Twitter Hashtag Research

Three people around many hashtags with a magnifying glass showing the Twitter logo.

Like so many people, you probably want to find the best Twitter hashtags to help your Tweets be seen. There are, of course, many different websites that track the latest Twitter hashtag trends that show what people are talking about. However, the questions remain relating to what types of hashtags will benefit you or your business the most. Many times, it is not just choosing the trending hashtags for your posts, especially if those hashtags are not relevant. 

In this article, we will highlight how to do Twitter hashtag research and analysis with a social media tool so that you can find out what the best Twitter hashtags are to use with your Tweets. While there are only a few steps to follow, Twitter hashtag research results in enormous benefits that exceed simply relying on data that shows current trending hashtags.

What are Twitter Hashtags and Why Should you Use Them?

As you probably know, a hashtag “#” is a popular part of crafting a Tweet, since it indicates what type of topic or trend your Tweet is contributing to. The importance of hashtags on Twitter relates to getting your Tweet into a specific conversation, which makes it easier for people to see your content or opinion on something. 

Many profiles use Twitter hashtags as a means to get followers, since hashtags can help people who are not familiar with your profile to discover it. However, getting seen is only half the challenge in getting new followers. In fact, getting more followers can be related to finding hashtags that correspond to high post interaction rates in addition to producing engaging content for your Tweets. 

Inevitably, you are probably wondering what hashtags to use on Twitter to reach new potential followers or have your Tweets be seen by more people. Twitter hashtag research is the primary means to do so.

A woman working on a computer while sitting on a hashtag while a man sits off to the side.

Why Twitter Hashtag Analysis is Essential

First, let’s talk about why you need to conduct Twitter hashtag research. You may think that relying on publicly available Twitter analytics for hashtags is all you need. There are, of course, hashtag trackers for Twitter that show you what is trending at a given moment. But is this all you need?

In reality, the best hashtags for your Twitter account would be ones that are not only relevant for your account, but also correspond to high post interaction rates. In some cases, using trending hashtags can help you increase your reach but, as we covered above, this, in itself, is not necessarily all you need to increase your follower numbers. Using advanced Twitter hashtag analytics can help you find hashtags that are correlated with higher post interaction rates. 

How to Find the Best Twitter Hashtags for your Business

You always want to be on the lookout for the best hashtags for your Twitter account. However, you may be wondering how to actually do this. Luckily, there are some social media tools that allow you to conduct Twitter hashtag research (as well as hashtag research for other social networks) so that you can identify what hashtags give you the best chance of spurring post interaction.

To help illustrate the value of a social media tool in conducting Twitter hashtag research, it may be helpful to provide a concrete example. Let’s say we are an airline looking to break into the US and European airline markets and to find out what hashtags correspond to high post interaction rates in this industry. 

In going about this task, we need to analyze the various hashtags used by airlines that operate in the US and Europe. For our example, we will look at a number of major airlines based in the US and Europe (Aegean Airlines, Air France, American Airlines, Austrian Airlines, British Airways, Delta Air Lines, EasyJet, Frontier Airlines, JetBlue, KLM, Lufthansa, Ryanair, SAS, Southwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines, TAP, Turkish Airlines, and United Airlines). To conduct our hashtag analysis, we will use the all-in-one social media tool Fanpage Karma to help us analyze the profiles above. Of course, the goal is to analyze the hashtags our competitors are using to determine which ones have the potential benefit our Tweets the most. 

Below are 4 easy steps to follow in conducting Twitter hashtag research, analyzing your data appropriately, and monitoring your progress. 

Step 1: Select Relevant Profiles in your Industry or Niche

An important step in conducting Twitter hashtag research is to define your data set by making sure you select the correct profiles to analyze. It is essential is to select profiles that are relevant for your industry and that these profiles are tweeting on topics of interest to you and your target group. As we will show below, the way you select profiles can alter the type of data output relating to what hashtags you should consider using. 

For example, in looking at the various airline profiles we have selected above, you should ask yourself a few questions. The first is what type of audience are you most interested in. If you are Ryanair or EasyJet, which operate in Europe, analyzing the hashtags used by airlines that are US-based may not provide the most relevant hashtag for the markets you are working in. However, for larger airlines that wish to speak to a more global audience, it may make sense to analyze data coming from airlines that are not only present in both markets, but also those that may focus on only one of the markets listed above. 

A woman writing social media posts with a robot throwing hashtags in the air.

The second question revolves around determining who your target audience is. If you are an airline focusing on leisure or holiday travelers, it may not make much sense to include airlines that cater to customers that are largely business travelers. While many airlines serve a wide variety of customers, you should also pay close attention to the intended audience for the profiles you are using in your data set. 

Step 2: Choose your Timeframe of Analysis

Different hashtags may be relevant for different times in the year. When setting up your analysis, you need to decide between a general or specific timeframe. The general approach is not focused on any specific timeframe but rather focuses on a longer period of time, for example, the entire year of 2023. This approach gives you a good overview of high-performing hashtags that would not necessarily reflect specific seasonal trends. 

However, some businesses may want to take the specific timeframe approach to focus on hashtags that correlate with high post interaction rates for a particular time of year. For example, you can look at historical data for hashtags used around Christmas in the previous year to help you plan what hashtags you might consider using for the upcoming Christmas season. This would be valuable for businesses that want to promote specific products or services that are relevant during a specific time of the year.

It is important to always be sure to choose your timeframe carefully and understand the ways in which the timeframe you choose may affect your data output. 

A banner with graphs and social media posts "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and dark background.

Step 3: Analyzing Twitter Hashtags Data Output

Once you have chosen the profiles you would like to analyze and the timeframe of your analysis, it’s time to study the data output. There are some social media tools on the market that offer advanced hashtag analysis capabilities. These tools allow you to closely study various metrics associated with hashtags in your industry or niche. 

In order to help illustrate the usefulness of these tools, we are going to provide a concrete example of the various ways you can analyze your data. As we mentioned above, we will be using Fanpage Karma to analyze hashtags used in an industry, as well as illustrate how to understand your data. We will focus mainly on discovering what hashtags correspond to high post interaction rate, but we will also discuss some other metrics as well.

First, let’s look at the different data output presentations you can choose from for your analysis. For our airlines example, we will first look at what hashtags we should consider using based on data for November 2023. In this first example, we will focus on all airlines in our data set, which is split between US and European carriers.

The first view we will highlight is a hashtag chart that displays hashtags by their frequency of use and their relative post interaction rate for the given time period. In this chart, a larger word means that the hashtag was used more often, while greener words are ones with a higher relative post interaction rate. The advantage of this view is that you can not only see how often a hashtag was used, but also see what hashtags have a good post interaction rate.

A word chart that shows the relationship between different hashtags concerning post interaction rate and how often they were used.

(November 2023)

Another possibility is to simply look at the post interaction rates associated with hashtags used in a given time period by the profiles you are tracking. Below, a bar graph is used to show the top 10 hashtags in terms of post interaction rate in a given time period (in this case November 2023). This bar graph can be adjusted to see as many hashtags as you want, whether it is 10, 20, or more. The advantage of this view is that you can study the post interaction rates of individual hashtags closely.

A bar chart showing the 10 top hashtags according to post interaction rate.

(November 2023)

Studying Twitter hashtag statistics on a broad basis can help you understand various metrics associated with individual hashtags. With Fanpage Karma, you can also create a metric table that displays all the hashtags you used in relation to a variety of metrics, in this case: post interaction rate, posts per day, and interactions per impression. By studying a table such as the one displayed below, you can get a more granular view of how individual hashtags perform in a given timeframe.

A metric table showing the post interaction rate, posts per day, and interactions per impression related to various hashtags.

(November 2023)

These three views show you the different ways you can study Twitter hashtags to find out what ones you should consider using in your own Tweets. However, as we already detailed above, various changes to the size or focus of the profiles you track can alter your data set and give you new understandings of your data. 

Let’s look at the various changes in data if we specify a specific market we are interested in. As we detailed above, we are looking a various European and American carriers. However, what would happen to the data output if we analyze hashtags on a market-specific basis rather than pooling all these profiles? The first bar chart will look at the top 10 hashtags with regard to post interaction rate for just European carriers. 

A bar chart showing the top 10 hashtags related to post interaction rate for European-based airlines.

(November 2023, European Carriers)

Now, let’s restrict the profiles we are analyzing only to US carriers.

A bar chart showing the top 10 hashtags related to post interaction rate for US-based airlines.

(November 2023, US Carriers)

As you can see from this comparison, the various hashtags that you may consider using may change according to whether you are focusing on a specific market or grouping markets together. Depending on your company goals, you may consider grouping profiles together during your analysis and/or looking at it with a market-specific approach.

One last way we can look at our data is related to the specific time of the year you are interested in. Remember that above we distinguished between a general or a specific approach. For our profiles we are tracking across the US and European markets, let’s look at the various data outputs we would have if we analyzed the top profiles for a half year, or for a specific period, in this case December.

A bar chart showing the top 10 hashtags related to post interaction rate for selected airlines in the first half of 2023.

(First-Half 2023)

A bar chart showing the top 10 hashtags related to post interaction rate for selected airlines in December 2022.

(December 2022)

For the general approach, you get a good understanding of what types of hashtags you should consider using for the second half of 2023 by looking at the first half of the year. For the time specific approach (December 2022), you can better understand which ones you should consider using during December of the next year, which can be valuable if you are running a Christmas campaign and want to use relevant hashtags.

When conducting your research, it is important that you analyze Twitter hashtags carefully to understand which ones you should consider using in your posts. Always ask yourself what hashtags are relevant and which ones make sense to use with specific posts in your content plan.

Step 4: Implement and Monitor

Once you identify the hashtags that correspond with high post interaction rates, make sure that you include them in your content creation plans! While hashtags shouldn’t be the defining factor in deciding what to tweet about, they should complement your Tweets. They can also give you a good idea about what type of topics you should tweet about in general.  

Importantly, you should always be sure to monitor your Twitter hashtag statistics and adjust your strategy accordingly. The use of hashtags is not static, and changes in what hashtags you are using or what is working may come quickly. With many social media tools, you can also benchmark your performance against that of your competitors. This is a helpful feature to see how you are progressing with regard to rising the post interaction rate of your Tweets vis-à-vis your competitors.

Conclusion: The Value of Hashtag Research for Twitter

As we have covered above, hashtag research does not depend on simply a “gut feeling.” Rather, you should use data to your advantage and find out what hashtags correlate with a high post interaction rate. This can go a long way in helping you grow your follower count while reaching new audiences.

If you want to conduct the type of Twitter hashtag research we have shown above, you can take advantage of Fanpage Karma’s free 14-day trial. Fanpage Karma is an all-in-one social media tool that provides powerful analytical insights while also offering benchmarking, community management, publishing, and research features. 

Moreover, if you want to learn how a social media tool can improve your social media performance, you can participate in Fanpage Karma’s free weekly webinar.

The post Hashtag Research for Twitter appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to Increase Engagement Rate on Instagram Thu, 14 Dec 2023 14:01:52 +0000 Learn how to Increase your Engagement Rate on Instagram with these 8 Actionable Tips. Find out how to Improve your Performance on Instagram.

The post How to Increase Engagement Rate on Instagram appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


How to Increase Your Engagement on Instagram

How to Increase Your Engagement on Instagram

Pretty much everyone wants to increase the engagement rate for their Instagram account. However, for many, discovering a way to sustainably increase their engagement may seem impossible. After all, there is no shortage of content on Instagram, and many may simply scroll through posts without noticing your amazing content. 

Don’t despair. One of the keys to increasing your engagement rate on Instagram is knowing what type of content in your industry is driving engagement while following a few best practices in creating your own content.

In this article, we’re going to share 8 tips that can help you increase your engagement rate on Instagram. Our tips don’t involve paid means, but rather we will focus on how to increase Instagram engagement organically.

What is Engagement on Instagram?

To begin, we should clarify what engagement actually is. Engagement on Instagram is a metric that adds together the total number of interactions a post or an Instagram account receives. These interactions include: 

  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Likes
  • Saves
  • Story views
  • Interactions with story stickers
  • Mentions
  • Link click-throughs
  • Direct Messages (DMs)
  • Profile visits
  • Clicks on the “Get directions” button
  • Use of branded hashtags
A woman on a phone's home screen with different follower metrics around her.

How to Measure your Instagram Engagement Rate?

Your engagement rate is a key indicator of success since it measures your audience’s interactions with your content. In calculating your engagement rate, you take the total number of your interactions and divides it by either your reach or total number of followers. The resulting number is then multiplied by 100 so that the engagement rate is displayed as the percentage of your audience who has interacted with your post.

Now that we have established how the engagement rate is measured, you are probably wondering how to check your engagement rate on Instagram. Unfortunately, Instagram only shows you how many story and post interactions your post(s) had in total. It also doesn’t provide any insights into your average engagement rate on Instagram.

So how to check your overall engagement rate on Instagram and compare it to others? You have two options. You can either do the work yourself and calculate your Instagram engagement rate manually, although this doesn’t help you with a comparison. Or you can use a social media analytics tool that does all the work for you.

If you are serious about your Instagram performance, you should consider getting a social media tool to give you advanced insights. Social media tools not only allow you to easily calculate your own engagement rate, but they also give you access to the engagement rates of other accounts so you can better benchmark your performance against your competitors.

Why does Instagram Engagement Matter?

Engagement is a metric that measures the success of an Instagram post or an Instagram profile. At its core, it lets you know how well people respond to your posts. At the end of the day, producing content that your target group loves is the best way to gain followers and build a successful brand on social media. Therefore, having a good engagement rate is essential for your overall Instagram performance.

Additionally, the Instagram algorithm also considers engagement when deciding what content to show users. So, if you want to increase your reach, you should aim for high engagement rates as well. This is not only essential if you are an influencer, since higher engagement rates will improve your chances of getting better brand deals, but also for brands themselves. The higher your brand’s engagement rate on Instagram, the higher your reach will be, and the more people will discover your products organically. For this reason, content creators should constantly be looking for ways to increase their Instagram engagement rate.

What is a Good Engagement Rate on Instagram?

Now that you know how to calculate your engagement rate on Instagram, you probably want to know what the average Instagram engagement rate is so you can see if you are keeping up with others. However, simply knowing the average engagement rate on Instagram is not an overly helpful piece of information. Why? That is because average engagement rates on Instagram can depend greatly on your industry or niche.

Similarly, what is considered a “good” engagement rate on Instagram can vary a lot between different industries. The better way to approach this is by trying to find what a good engagement rate on Instagram in your niche is, so you have a meaningful benchmark.

If you quickly search the web, you can find different numbers about what the average, or a good, engagement rate is for Instagram. However, sometimes the findings of these studies can vary widely. It seems like a good engagement rate benchmark, according to some studies, may be around 5%, but again, this can depend greatly on your industry and different studies say different things. 

In reality, the best way to find out what a good engagement rate in your niche is, involves calculating the average engagement rates of several Instagram profiles in your industry or niche. This is the best approach to compare your own engagement rate on Instagram to your competitors. We will talk more about this soon, but don’t get disappointed if you think your engagement rate is low. Once you start comparing yourself to competitors, you may find that your engagement rate is better than you think.

A banner with various graphs and social media examples and "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and light background.

How to Increase Your Instagram Engagement Rate: 8 Valuable Tips

Let’s be honest, you are reading this article not to hear about how to define engagement rate, but because you want to learn know how to increase your Instagram engagement rate. In detailing how you can increase your Instagram engagement, we want to emphasize that we are presenting actionable tips that are accessible for both professionals and casual Instagram users alike. 

Below are 8 tips that will help you increase your Instagram engagement rate.

1. Know Your Audience

The first way to entice more Instagram users to engage with your posts is to identify the type of content your target audience likes to watch on Instagram. If you don’t know what intrigues and motivates your core audience and what they want to see when they are scrolling through their feed, then how can you strategically and consistently create content that will speak to them?

Here is how you can identify the content that has the highest potential of achieving good engagement rates on Instagram in your niche:

  1. Define your audience personas. It may sound self-explanatory, but you should clearly identify who your ideal viewer is. Once you do this, you should ask yourself the following questions: What content do they want to see? What are their interests? What type of content formats do they like?
  2. Look at your Instagram audience insights. Here you will find demographic information about your audience. Under the “Insights” section, click “Audience.” You’ll find details about people interacting with your posts, including their location, age, and gender.
  3. Study your competitors’ profiles. You should always consider doing some competitor research in order to learn from others in your industry or niche. Ask yourself: Who likes and comments on their posts? What content are they sharing? How do they interact with their followers? It is important to note that social media analytics tools can help give you these types of insights.

2. Study Content with the Highest Engagement Rates on Instagram

The core message here is to learn from what works. Find accounts in your industry or ones that have high engagement rates and learn from the type of content they post. Is there a particular content format they generally post in? What is the main messaging from their posts with high engagement rates?

This is a crucial step in determining how to increase engagement on Instagram for businesses, since you can analyze the data coming from your competitors. These types of comparisons are made much easier with a social media benchmarking tool that allows you to study the data associated with various accounts of your competitors or others in your industry or niche. Instead of simply relying on the metrics associated with your own posts, you can use a social media tool to analyze what others in your industry and niche are doing and determine what types of posts are driving engagement for them. This is a great way to avoid a long period of trial and error with your own posts and more quickly find out what works and what doesn’t. 

A woman in front of a phone that displays an Instagram Reel.

3. Actively Interact with Others on Instagram and Build Relationships

A good way to increase your Instagram engagement rates is to interact with other Instagram accounts and build relationships. In this sense, you should consider researching other accounts in your niche (i.e. posts from creators that produce content around similar topics as you do). In taking this a step further, you can also make yourself known in your niche by actually engaging yourself with other Instagram users’ posts. While this may not be a scalable approach in the long term, it is one with the potential to create long-lasting relationships with your audience.

Actively seeking other users’ posts and engaging with them has two added benefits. First, they may, in return, like or comment on a post of yours in return for you liking or commenting  on their post. The second advantage of this method is that people will get notified once you like or comment on their posts. This can be helpful since, if they see that you publish content around topics that they enjoy as well, they are likely to follow you and like your posts. 

If you want to increase the number of comments you get on your video, try including your viewers in your post by asking them questions or for their opinions. Let them share their own perspective. You should always reply to their comments or DMs in a timely manner. In reality, relationship building is one of the best ways to increase engagement on Instagram.

One challenge that building an active Instagram community brings with it is, once your Instagram account starts growing, it can become time-consuming to keep up with all the messages and comments you get. If you are trying to increase your Instagram engagement rate, don’t stop replying. Not replying is a fatal mistake if you want to increase Instagram engagement rates on your posts. Not answering comments and DMs makes your followers feel like you don’t care about them.  There are some community management tools for Instagram and social media in general that can help you answer comments and DMs efficiently. They allow you to automate workflows when it comes to answering comments and DMs on social media. You can also see this guide for more information on how to manage your community effectively.

4. Stay in the Spotlight

People generally engage more often with brands and people they like or can relate to. One of the best ways to make people like you on Instagram is to post about things that interest your target audience. In order to stay in the spotlight, you should share stories and build a strong connection with your audience. If you do this regularly and consistently, this will spur your audience to come back daily to get updates from you.

Along these lines, Instagram stories are a fantastic way to build a relationship with your audience. If people see your stories daily, they feel more connected with you.

5. Share the Stage with Other People

If you share a co-authored post or tag someone else in your post, this can help increase the chances that that person’s followers will see your post as well. Doing this creates opportunities to get more likes, comments, and shares from a new audience. In addition to your own followers, this larger reach may help you in increasing your own Instagram engagement rate.

A customer service person and another individual asking a question in an Instagram comment.

6. Use Hashtags to Attract New Instagram Users in your Target Group

Hashtags are one of the best ways for how you can increase your Instagram engagement organically and to attract new users to your Instagram profile. If you post engaging content, it goes without saying that you also want to make your post known among the Instagram users who are most likely to find your post entertaining, inspiring, or helpful. You can do this by using hashtags that are relevant to your post. 

People actively searching for your hashtags actually want to see content like yours. Therefore, there is a higher probability of engaging with your post than other users who are just mindlessly scrolling through their feed. To find the perfect hashtags for your post that will increase your engagement rate on Instagram, you can use a free hashtag generator to identify hashtags that are not only relevant, but also help to increase your post’s reach.

7. Understand Instagram SEO and Use Relevant Keywords

In the last few years, social media platforms have placed more emphasis on utilizing not only hashtags, but all the text that accompanies a post. Users who are interested in a particular topic and who see your posts on their Explore page or as a post suggestion in their feed are more likely to engage with your content than users who are not. 

For Meta, utilizing keywords that are mentioned in posts and showing them to new users is beneficial, since people who see personalized content that is interesting to them will spend more time on the platform. On Instagram, this includes:

  • how to rank a post in search 
  • whom to show a post to organically as a recommended post in their feed
  • whom to show a post to on their explore page
  • whom to show a post to in their Reels feed

So, if you are wondering how to increase Instagram engagement organically, one way is by inserting special keywords that interest your target audience. For example, you can mention keywords in your caption, create text boxes when uploading your videos, and mention the keywords in those text boxes. You can also enable captions and make sure to speak out loud relevant keywords. 

These factors represent signals that the Instagram algorithm uses when deciding which users to show your content to organically. By adding these so-called SEO keywords to your posts, you can increase the likelihood of your post showing up in the feeds and search results of people who haven’t heard of you yet but are interested in your topics.

A man in a phone with a megaphone with three social media posts in front of him.

8. Engage your Audience Through Creative Interactive Stickers

If you are wondering how to increase engagement on Instagram stories, you should utilize interactive stickers. Instagram has plenty of interactive stickers that you can use in your stories and Reels to increase engagement. You can consider doing the following:

  • Use the music sticker to add sounds, music, or lyrics to your stories or Reels. You can be creative and match the song with the mood.
  • Use the poll sticker to ask for your audience’s opinions. Consider including your audience in your posts, since this can help increase engagement on Instagram organically and build a supportive community.
  • Use the quiz sticker to ask your followers fun questions, including multiple-choice questions.
  • Ask for your followers’ thoughts about something with the questions sticker. You can also prompt them to ask you about something. If you’re willing to open the floor, host an “Ask me anything.”

Story stickers can make your audience feel recognized and that their opinion matters. Every question asked or poll taken can help increase your Instagram story’s engagement.


Learning how to increase follower engagement on Instagram is not impossible. In fact, if you follow the 8 tips we covered above, you could be well on your way to increasing your Instagram engagement rate. 

If you are serious about increasing your engagement rate on Instagram, then you can get valuable insights with Fanpage Karma, an all-in-one social media analytics tool. You can start your free trial of Fanpage Karma today. 

You can also take part in a free weekly webinar that details how to use social media tools to improve your overall performance.

The post How to Increase Engagement Rate on Instagram appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Why Unlimited Profile Tracking Is a Game Changer Mon, 11 Dec 2023 09:11:19 +0000 Unlimited profile tracking is rarely talked about as an essential feature of social media analytics. Learn why it is perhaps the most important feature.

The post Why Unlimited Profile Tracking Is a Game Changer appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Why Unlimited Profile Tracking Is a Game Changer for Social Media

Why Unlimited Profile Tracking Is a Game Changer for Social Media

When searching for a social media tool, you may initially be looking for one that allows you to track various metrics, compare your own profile against others, and gain insights into what type of content drives results. There are many articles out there, several of which say more or less the same thing, about the same basic features you should look for in an analytics tool. 

However, there is one key feature that nobody talks about when it comes to social media analytics, and this may be the most consequential feature of all: unlimited social media profile tracking.

But why is this so essential for effective social media data analysis? It is because being able to add dozens or even hundreds of profiles for analysis opens up a whole new world of analytic possibilities. In fact, unlimited profile tracking enables:

  1. Deeper Analytical Insights
  2. Better Benchmarking Capabilities
  3. Discovery of New Approaches and Best Practices

In this article, we will explain why, for many, unlimited profile tracking is one of the most decisive features when it comes to growing their social media presence.   

Why Unlimited Profile Tracking is a Must for Social Media Analytics

Social media data analysis is essential in today’s marketing landscape since it provides statistical backing that allows you to justify your overall social media strategy. Along these lines, your social media analytics tool can help you in gaining unparalleled insights that go far beyond the native analytical insights provided in your social media account. This can include cross-channel insights letting you compare profiles across different social media networks, benchmarking your profiles against different competitors, or studying the correlation between two or more metrics for dozens of profiles.  

Being able to track unlimited social media profiles may be the most overlooked, but important, features you can have in a social media analytics tool. This is because, to a large extent, the benefits of social media analytics are tied to how much relevant data you can collect and analyze. Having a large and meaningful data set plays a major role when analyzing topics such as what the best time to post is or what hashtags may help bring higher engagement rates to your posts.

In reality, there are many social media analytics benefits that come with unlimited profile tracking. Below, we detail all the ways in which your social media analytic insights can benefit.

A woman looking through a magnifying glass at different charts and social media posts in the background.

Deeper Analytical Insights: Enabling Advanced Social Media Analytics

Social media managers are well aware of the importance of social media analytics, so the question you should ask yourself when it comes to social media analytics is why you would limit your data set when you have the option of tracking unlimited profiles? 

When you are restricted to only a small number of profiles for tracking, then you may not have a statistically significant data set to work with and draw the wrong conclusions. When you collect more relevant data, on the other hand, then your larger data set will make it less likely that you will have outliers affect your insights and conclusions. For this reason, unlimited profile tracking greatly enables advanced social media analytics by making meaningful data sets possible. 

Better Benchmarking Capabilities: Taking Competitor Analysis to the Next Level

If you are looking for the best tools for competitor analysis in social media, you should look for those that allow you to see how your profiles are performing against a wide variety of competitors and others in your industry. It is important to note is that companies may want to track various competitors across many different channels. For this reason, we shouldn’t think of benchmarking as something we should do only on one platform. 

Rather, you can use it to benchmark your profile’s social media performance against your competitors’ on all the major social media platforms. But this will only be possible if your analytics tool offers you the option to track dozens of profiles.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now"

Discover New Ideas: Learning from What Works

All social media managers are looking for inspiration for their next campaign. The search for inspiration often starts with looking at what other brands have been doing. However, how do you identify the campaigns of your competitors that actually worked? And how do you quickly sort the campaigns that are not working? Lastly, are there ways to find topics, words, and hashtags that drive the highest engagement to a post?

Unlimited profile tracking can provide you with a large enough data set that you can confidently say which profiles or types of content (i.e. carousels, stories, reels, videos, pictures, etc.) are producing results. In fact, there could be some profiles or post types that you think are performing well, but after analyzing their metrics, you see that this is not the case. There could be others that you think the approach doesn’t work, but according to the data, it does. The main takeaway here is that you should let the data be your guide as part of the creative process. 

Bonus: You May Just Avoid Extra Costs!

When purchasing a subscription for an all-in-one social media tool, you may think that you are getting everything you need. However, the reality is that many of the so-called “all-in-one social media tools” restrict the number of profiles they allow their users to track. They may even make you pay extra if you happen to track more profiles than what your plan says.

Conversely, when purchasing a tool that offers unlimited profile tracking, you don’t have to worry about all of this. In fact, choosing a social media tool that gives you unlimited profile tracking can end up being the cheaper option, as you can be sure you will not have to pay extra just because you need to analyze more competitors in the future.

A social media post and graphs surrounding a woman with a magnifying glass and a man with binoculars.

Who Needs Unlimited Profile Tracking

Being able to track unlimited profiles is not for everyone. For instance, if you just have a small business and only want to monitor your own profile and a few competitors, then you probably don’t need to analyze dozens or hundreds of profiles. 

However, there are many businesses that should consider a tool that allows for this unlimited profiling tracking. The following businesses may benefit from tracking unlimited profiles.

1. Businesses with many Competitors or Relevant Profiles to Track

There are businesses of various sizes that have many competitors or social media profiles that they want to keep track of or analyze. Tracking all these profiles does not only provide important data for determining how your own brand is performing compared to your competitors, but also allows you to gain unique insights about what time is best to post in your industry, among other things. 

If there are a lot of social media accounts that are relevant for your business or industry, being able to analyze a large data set will allow you to make more accurate, data-backed decisions when it comes to your own social media strategy.

2. Social Media Agencies

As a social media agency, you need to monitor hundreds, if not thousands, of social media profiles for your clients. Being able to track an unlimited number of profiles with your social media tool can not only enable you to serve dozens of clients with a single tool, but also can save your agency real money since you don’t have to pay more to track more profiles than the allowed by your plan. 

3. Franchises or Businesses with many Branches

Whether it is a real estate agency, bank, or restaurant chain, there are various franchises or businesses who have branches throughout a region or country that have unique social media management needs. For instance, a business may have a national social media account as well as several local accounts for each branch. Because of this, you may need to track dozens of profiles of your own as well as those of your competitors on the national, regional, and local levels.

A picture of a graph and a circle symbolizing 24 hours in a day.

A tool offering unlimited profile tracking is perfect for these types of businesses since you can create different dashboards with profiles you need to track and analyze on the national, regional, and local levels. This not only helps you organize different affiliates or branches to focus on social media performance, but you also gain powerful analytical insights into your national, regional, and local audiences.

Unlimited Profile Tracking = Better Social Media Analytics

For anyone who truly wants advanced social media analytic insights and all the advantages that come with them, unlimited profile tracking is essential. But where can you get unlimited profile tracking nowadays? And where can you get other important features for social media management such as community management, publishing, and research capabilities

Fanpage Karma offers all of this as part of its all-in-one social media management tool. You can try Fanpage Karma with a free 14-day trial.

You can also join the free weekly webinar that is focused on how to use social media tools to improve your overall social media performance.

The post Why Unlimited Profile Tracking Is a Game Changer appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to Increase Your YouTube Engagement Rate Thu, 07 Dec 2023 10:52:30 +0000 What do you need to effectively manage multiple social media accounts? We tell you everything you need to know.

The post How to Increase Your YouTube Engagement Rate appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


How to Increase Your YouTube Engagement Rate

How to Increase Engagement Rate on YouTube

Are you unhappy with your YouTube channel’s performance? Are you wondering how to increase engagement on YouTube? In reality, knowing what constitutes a good engagement rate on YouTube and understanding how to improve it is key to building a successful YouTube channel. 

In this article, we will not only discuss how to increase YouTube engagement but also explore how YouTube itself is designed to boost user engagement. We will touch upon topics such as how to optimize your content, as well as how to best interact with your audience. Throughout, we will share actionable tips that will help you to increase your YouTube engagement rates.

What Is the YouTube Engagement Rate?

The engagement rate on YouTube is a metric that measures the interaction between a YouTube channel’s audience and its videos. Similar to other platforms, the engagement rate is presented as a percentage. The higher the value, the better the engagement rate.

Why Is the Engagement Rate Important for YouTube Channels?

The engagement rate is an important success metric for YouTube channels because it provides valuable insights into how well the channel’s content resonates with its audience. 

High engagement rates indicate that a large portion of a channel’s audience is actively engaged with the content. High engagement rates also increase a channel’s visibility and growth, which, in turn, can generate more views, subscribers, and revenue. At the same time, low engagement rates may indicate a need to improve content and engagement strategies. 

Overall, tracking engagement rates is critical as it can allow channels to maintain high performance, recover from poor performance, and inform future content strategies for boosting engagement, growth, and search engine optimization. It can also be helpful to compare or benchmark your engagement rate next to profiles you consider to be successful. In this way, you can set goals about how high your engagement rate should be.

How to Calculate the YouTube Engagement Rate?

You can calculate the engagement rate on YouTube by dividing the total engagement (total number of likes + comments + shares) the channel has received by the total number of views that the channel has received. 

Similarly, to calculate the engagement rate of a single YouTube video, you divide the total engagement (total number of likes + comments + shares) that the video has received by the total number of views it received. 

What Is the Average Engagement Rate on YouTube?

If you want to know the YouTube average engagement rate, you need to know the factors influencing the calculation of the YouTube engagement rate. These are: the type of content, the number of views, and the level of competition.

Studies suggest that the average engagement rate YouTube is between 2 % and 3.5 %. By comparing your own YouTube engagement rate with this YouTube engagement rate benchmark, you can see if there is room for you to grow or if you are already making your viewers interact more with your YouTube videos than other people.

What Is a Good Engagement Rate on YouTube?

Besides knowing the YouTube average engagement rate, it’s also useful to know what is a good engagement rate on YouTube. For YouTube, a high engagement rate is one that earns an above-average engagement rate compared to all other channels within a certain niche, industry, or on YouTube in general. 

Generally speaking, an engagement rate on YouTube of 3 to 7% is considered good to very good, while an engagement rate that’s over 10% is exceptional.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now"

How to Increase Your Engagement Rates on YouTube: 10 Tips

If your current videos fall short against expectations, you may be wondering how YouTube is designed to help you increase user engagement?” Are there tips that can help improve your channel’s performance? Don’t despair. Learning how to increase YouTube engagement  is not impossible. Even if you have had a consistently below  average engagement rate on YouTube, sometimes a few minor improvements can go a long way. 

Below, we have compiled a list of 10 proven tips that focus on how to increase your engagement on YouTube.

1 – Know What Your Viewers Want To See

If you are wondering how to increase engagement on YouTube, the first thing you should do is to get to know your target audience. Research what kind of video styles they enjoy watching, what questions your audience has that you can answer, and which kinds of videos in your niche get the most views and generate engagement. 

You should always start by taking a look at and studying what content is already out there. Search for questions or keywords on YouTube itself and find videos of other video creators in your industry. If you are wondering if these are good profiles to learn from, you can conduct a benchmarking analysis using a social media analytics tool to help show what channels are preforming the best in your niche. This will give you an idea of what topics your audience wants to learn about or what entertains them.

You can also go to the comments of your own and other high-performing videos and find out the questions your target viewers ask and the feedback they provide to you and other content creators in your niche. 

Take notes of topic ideas, questions, and video styles that your target viewers enjoy. Always review this list and check if what you are trying to produce is likely to be interesting for your audience

2 – Spread Shareable Content

A fantastic way to increase your engagement rate on YouTube is to make content that other people want to share. 

But here’s the thing: Some content is just more shareable than others. And the most shareable videos are either funny videos or videos that many people can identify with.

If you make a funny video, your fans can share it with their friends and make their friends feel good. In the end, your viewers will associate all those positive feelings they get from watching your videos AND from the approval they get from their peers with you. 

Another video format that can boost your YouTube video engagement is showing relatable situations. Videos that make people go: “Oh, that’s so ME!” or “That is totally my friend Adam, Kelsie or Lindsey!” are highly shareable. The YouTube algorithm favors videos that are being shared and commented on, so making relatable videos will likely not only increase your engagement rate, but also your reach and views.

3 – Interact With Your Audience and Ask for Comments

If you want to increase the amount of comments you get on your video, try asking your viewers questions. Ask your viewers for their opinions. Ask what they think about something you do or show in your video. Let them share their own perspective. Open a conversation. 

Calls to action such as “What do you guys think about XYZ?”, “Let me know in the comments!” or “Should I do XYZ?” can really make your viewers feel valued and that they are a part of your community. 

There are other ways to interact with your audience. You can create a video which focuses on answering their questions, by doing a meet and greet with your fans, and by listening to their suggestions and tips. There are some of the best ways to build a strong community with your subscribers long-term. These activities make your viewers feel listened to, which is important if you want to develop a strong relationship with your audience. You can also show your viewers that you care about their questions and comments by integrating them into your video and replying to their comments quickly.

One challenge that building an active YouTube community brings about is that, once your YouTube channel starts growing, it can become time-consuming to keep up with all the messages and comments you get. Many YouTubers choose to answer only a few comments and DMs (or stop answering all together). 

This is a fatal mistake if you want to grow and have high engagement rates on your YouTube videos. Not answering comments and DMs makes your viewers feel like you don’t care about them. And why should they take time to comment on your video and support you if you don’t show them that their actions are appreciated? 

There are some community management tools for YouTube and social media in general that can help you answer comments and DMs efficiently. They allow you to automate workflows when it comes to answering comments and DMs on social media. See this guide for more.

A group of friends that are posing together for a photo.

4 – Tell Your Viewers To Like and Subscribe

It might seem simple, but including a clear and compelling call-to-action can encourage viewers to like, comment, and share the video.

Tell your viewers that their likes and comments are important to you, and prove it to them by actually responding to each of their comments relatively quickly. You can also tell them to activate notifications, so every time you post a new video to your channel they’ll get notified.

Some YouTubers go so far as to create a challenge for their viewers by telling them that if their video reaches a certain number of likes, they will have a surprise for them or they will do a special video for them. By doing this, your viewers will feel more motivated to like your video.

5 – Edit Your Videos in a Way That Encourages Interactions

Always focus on telling an engaging story. In doing so, think about how to inspire your audience or how to include emotions in your videos. Consider creating inside jokes with your audience and include their names, suggestions, and questions in your videos. Mentioning your viewers can help create a stronger bond between you and your audience. Remember, relationship building is what you should focus on most if you want consistently high engagement rates across your videos.

6 – Surprise Your Audience or Do Something Unheard Of

A perfectly polished video often gives too little room for people to find something funny or interesting to comment on. The videos that receive the highest number of comments actively insert special moments into their video that they know viewers will want to comment on. YouTube viewers generally react to and comment on the following: 

  • Surprising moments
  • Shocking moments 
  • Awkward moments 
  • Relatable moments 
  • Unexpected moments
  • Empathy provoking moments 
  • Astonishing moments

If you want to have more comments and higher engagement rates, it is your job is to create those surprising and emotionally charged situations. In other words, give people something to talk about. Hand those moments to your audience on a silver platter and your comment section will flourish.

7 – Show Your Personality

People connect with people that they identify with. For this reason, it is important to show your character and what you stand for. Show your passions and knowledge. The more your viewers feel like they know you – your tastes, your values, your history, your goals – the closer they will feel to you and the stronger their support will be.

8 – Jump on Trends

If people are already talking feverishly about a certain subject, why not jump on the bandwagon? Buzzing topics and trends have the advantage that you don’t have to create any discussion around the topic anymore. However, make sure the topic you choose is somewhat related to your channel and your target audience. 

9 – Track Your Engagement Rate

If you want to improve your engagement rates on YouTube, you should start measuring it and see what’s working and what’s not. By focusing on a clear engagement rate goal, you can keep a constant eye on your progress. This also necessarily involves analyzing your performance and adapting your strategy based on what is working and what simply doesn’t generate engagement.

The best way to find out what goals to set for yourself is to conduct a YouTube engagement rate benchmark analysis for your niche. In this way, you can better understand what works for other creators who produce similar content.

Three co-workers around a computer with data in the background.

10 – Be Consistent

Relationship building requires regular posting. You don’t want to be forgotten and your viewers should know that you are creating videos for them regularly. Regularly publishing videos that your audience wants to watch will make them come back and keep you top of mind. 

YouTube is one of the best storytelling platforms on the internet and by consistently creating high-quality content, you can be sure people will keep coming back and support your channel.

Final Thoughts on Increasing Your Engagement Rate on YouTube

Enhancing engagement rates on your YouTube videos is about building a community and connecting with your audience. By understanding what drives engagement and by tracking and analyzing your engagement rates, you can tailor your approach to meet the interests and needs of your viewers. 

The key to a successful YouTube channel lies in consistent posting, engaging storytelling, and genuine interaction with your audience. As you implement these tips and continuously adapt to your audience’s preferences, you’ll find that your YouTube engagement rates will grow. This will greatly contribute to making your channel a dynamic and sought-after destination on the platform.

If you are searching for an all-in-one social media tool to help bring your social media performance to the next level, you can try Fanpage Karma’s free 14-day trial. Fanpage Karma also offers a free weekly webinar that focuses on how you can use social media management tools to improve your social media activities.

The post How to Increase Your YouTube Engagement Rate appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Social Media Monitoring Tools Thu, 07 Dec 2023 10:52:29 +0000 Searching for a Social Media Monitoring Tool? Be careful, many tools don’t give you want you need. Learn more about what you should be on the lookout for.

The post Social Media Monitoring Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social Media Monitoring Tools

Social media monitoring is an increasingly important approach used by different businesses to understand what is being said about their products, brand, or business online. For this reason, many businesses are searching for the right tool that allows them to monitor what is being said about them on social media. But what are the essential features that the best social media monitoring tools would have, and how do you know which one is right for your business? 

In this article, we will go through what you need to be on the lookout for when looking for    social media monitoring solutions. Unfortunately, there seems to be some misunderstandings out there about what social media monitoring really is and how it should be done. There are many different tools that claim to do social media monitoring while not making clear what this really means. 

But don’t worry, we will explain what you should look for so you can get the social media monitoring tool that fits your needs.

What is Social Media Monitoring?

Before getting into what you should look for in a social media monitoring tool, we should define what social media monitoring actually is, since some may confuse it with other aspects of social media management. Social media monitoring is the process of tracking and recording mentions of your brand across different social media channels. In other words, social media monitoring allows you to know what people are saying about your brand, product(s), or business. 

Importantly, a tool for monitoring social media would track comments or mentions of your brand or business, even when someone doesn’t tag your business or reply directly to one of your posts. When monitoring social media accounts where your brand may be mentioned, it is essential to ensure that you know what your audience thinks about your business.

Is there a Difference Between Social Media Listening and Monitoring Tools?

Social media listening and monitoring tools are often talked about together but are, in reality, two different things. Social media monitoring, as we have seen above, is geared toward knowing what people are saying about your brand, product(s), or business.

Social media listening tools are designed to help you to understand, or listen to, the various topics or issues being talked about in a particular industry or among a specific audience. It does not concern your brand or business directly, but it can give you an idea about what the trending topics for an industry are and detect pain points and questions that your target audience has. 

For some businesses, there will be a need for both a social media listening tool and a social monitoring tool. However, if you are looking just for a tool that alerts you when someone mentions your company or brand on social media, a social media monitoring tool is what you should be looking for.

A woman looking into a magnifying glass with social media posts and charts around her.

A Word of Warning: Make Sure You Are Actually Buying a Social Media Monitoring Tool!

There may be some social media tools out there that claim to include social media monitoring features. As a rule, you should always take a hard look into what these monitoring tools for social media are actually offering. 

Let’s talk about a concrete example. There are some social media tools that claim to offer social media monitoring, since they notify you when someone replies or reacts to one of your posts. However, this has more to do with community management than social media monitoring. In fact, many social media platforms themselves tell you when someone responds to a post or tags you, and the value of a social media tool in this case is simply to help you manage all social media channels in one place. However, this does not help you actively monitor your brand or business across other profiles or when you are not tagged in posts. This is a much more extensive task that takes a tool with more capabilities. 

As the above example shows, some tools might claim to offer social media monitoring when, in reality, it is simply a community management function. For this reason, we want to go over what you should look for so you don’t make the mistake of buying a tool that is not offering you the functions you need. 

Features of the Best Social Media Monitoring Tools

When you are looking for effective social media monitoring solutions for your business, you should investigate what the tool actually offers. Below, we will highlight the 4 key features of social media monitoring software that you should look for when you are shopping for your tool. 

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

Keyword Tracking for the Social Media Channels you Need

When looking through different tools, you need to ensure that you can effectively track your chosen keywords throughout the platform. Remember, you don’t want a tool that notifies you when someone comments on your own posts or tags your brand or business in a post or a comment. Rather, your social media monitoring tool should help you find mentions of your business or brand in other people’s posts even when your business or brand is not tagged.

What might surprise you is that most social media monitoring tools probably won’t provide  you with true monitoring capabilities for every single social media channel. Therefore, when reviewing social media monitoring tools, you should confirm that, at a minimum, they allow you to track specific social media channels. For instance, if you absolutely need a social media monitoring tool for a platform such as Facebook, then make sure the tool you are looking at explicitly says Facebook monitoring is included.

Webpage Tracking

You might be thinking that tracking comments or mentions of your brand outside social media doesn’t have to be part of a social media monitoring tool. After all, we are talking about monitoring on social media channels. However, not all of your mentions or discussion about your business or brand will be conducted on social media.

The ability to combine mentions and comments from sources outside of social media channels is crucial for effective brand monitoring. For this reason, the best social media monitoring tools should allow you to track various keywords on different web pages in addition to the social media platforms that you need. This way, you can be sure that you are getting a comprehensive overview of where and when your brand or business is being mentioned online.

Social Media Metrics Dashboard and Analytics Features

Compiling data is one challenge when it comes to social media monitoring. However, once data is collected, it is helpful to effectively analyze it. With social media monitoring, you will probably be working with a large data set of various mentions of your brand or business across social media and web pages. On the most basic level, this means having a clear and functional social media metrics dashboard that gives you an overview of everything you need to know.

Good dashboards will also enable real-time social media monitoring, which is essential to make sure you see where your company is being mentioned and whether or not you need to react to it. Social media monitoring and analysis tools can also give you a leg up on understanding various metrics such as how often people are mentioning your brand, what is being said, and what countries these mentions are coming from. These types of insights can give you a much more targeted analysis of different markets and audiences. 

Examples of different social media posts with images and content.

Sentiment Analysis Capability

When discussing monitoring features in conjunction with social media tools, you may hear about sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis can take your monitoring to the next level since it focuses not just on if, or how often, people are mentioning your business or brand, but whether the mention is positive, negative, or neutral.

Sentiment analysis can be extremely helpful when dealing with a high number of mentions of your company since it can give you a broad understanding of how people speak about your brand. While you shouldn’t rely exclusively on sentiment analysis to determine how people feel about your business or brand, it can be a helpful approach to capture the satisfaction with and overall mood towards your brand. As you can see below in the sample screenshot, a sentimental analysis presented in a simple graph can give you instant insight into how people are talking about your brand or business.

Finding the Right Social Media Monitoring Tool

Remember, it is essential to make sure that your social media tool actually does social media monitoring rather than community management or other simply tasks you can do with a simple social media management tool. Social media monitoring requires a tool that is designed specifically to find mentions and comments that are not happening on your social media profiles. 

If you are looking for a social media tool that provides advanced social media monitoring capabilities, you can try Fanpage Karma’s free 14-day trial.

You can also sign up for the free weekly webinar to find out how social media management tools can improve your social media performance. 

The post Social Media Monitoring Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to Increase Views on YouTube Thu, 07 Dec 2023 10:52:28 +0000 Everyone wants more views on their YouTube channel. But how can you generate more views? We will explain how with 9 easy tips.

The post How to Increase Views on YouTube appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

How to Increase Views on YouTube: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Increase Views on YouTube: A Step-by-Step Guide

Starting a YouTube channel can be a real challenge. After all, it can take a lot of work to get started and requires consistency over a sustained period of time to increase the video views and overall subscriber numbers. 

Even though getting started can seem daunting, and the path to increasing your YouTube views can be filled with ups and downs, we want to provide some actionable advise that can help you grow your channel. In this article, we will highlight 9 essential tips that will help you grow your YouTube channel. You should be aware that this article is not about going viral on YouTube, but rather about how to steadily increase your views and on YouTube while building your YouTube community.

What Are Views on YouTube?

First, let’s go over what a “view” on YouTube actually means and how YouTube tracks them. “Views” is the metric that YouTube uses to measure how many times your video or channel has been watched. Each time a viewer plays a video and watches it for at least 30 seconds, YouTube counts it as a view. If someone watches your video several times, each time is counted as a new view. So, the questions that we often hear: “Does watching a YouTube video on loop increase views?” and: “Does rewatching YouTube videos increase views?”, can both be answered with an emphatic “Yes!” 

You should also note that video views are also counted across all devices, whether a person watches on his phone, his tablet or his desktop computer. Moreover, a view is not limited to the people who watch your video on YouTube itself. If you decide to share your video on social media or embed a video in your blog, then people watching your video on those sites will also increase your video’s view count.

How to Increase YouTube Views: 9 Important Areas to Focus On

Now that you know what a view is, we can discuss the main issue of this article, which is how to increase YouTube views and subscribers. Below, we will show you 9 core areas to concentrate on for those asking “How can I increase my views on YouTube?”. 

1 – Know Your Audience

Understanding your niche and the content your viewers enjoy is essential for increasing YouTube views. It’s important to grasp their interests to identify in-demand topics.

Know Your Niche and Your Ideal Audience

If you’re a new to the platform, the first step to increase your views on YouTube is to define your niche and to know your audience. Research YouTube videos related to your niche and analyze the creators and videos that get the most views and interactions. 

You can also explore comments on successful videos for inspiration. This will give you an idea of what topics your audience wants to learn about or what entertains them as well as what style of videos they prefer. 

Two people around a question mark thinking.

This is the first step when answering the questions: “How to build an audience on YouTube?” and “How to increase my YouTube views?”

However, you should remember to consistently create content that solves your ideal customer’s problems or meets their needs and see how your YouTube community of fans gets bigger and your YouTube video views increase. Understanding your audience and providing them with consistently relevant and helpful content is a great way to grow your channel.

Focus on a Good Video Idea

Once you know your core audience’s preferences, you can start brainstorming video ideas. But what makes a good video idea that leads to an increase in YouTube video views? Here are a few questions to ask yourself when choosing a topic for your YouTube video:

  1. Is the video feasible?
  2. Does the idea excite me? 
  3. What is my goal with the video?
  4. Why would people want to watch a video that’s X minutes long about this topic? 
  5. Can I package that idea into a good title & thumbnail? 
  6. Is there any evidence that such a video can become successful?
  7. Would my core audience like this video? But at the same time, does this video have the potential to attract new viewers that don’t know me yet?

This last question is especially important in understanding how to increase YouTube reach  while increasing YouTube followers.

You should always consider spending more than an hour on brainstorming video ideas. By focusing on finding ideas with high view potential before producing them, instead of running with the first idea only to find out that there is no demand for such a video, you’ll save time, money, and avoid frustration. 

2 – SEO Optimize Your YouTube Videos and Research Trends

Having a good YouTube video idea is very important. However, even the best video idea doesn’t help you if nobody finds your video in the first place. Your video needs to be found in the search results or suggested in people’s “Recommended” feed. 

If you are looking to increase the reach of your YouTube videos, then always be on the lookout for trends, keywords, and phrases that people search for on YouTube and then include them into your YouTube video title, description and subtitles.

A woman with a headset next to graphs with a CTA saying "Register Now".

Tap Into YouTube Trends and Challenges

Engaging with current trends or challenges is a great way to increase reach on YouTube. This can especially help you when it comes to the discoverability of your videos. However, you should ensure that trending content aligns with your channel’s long-term content plan or focus and is not significantly different than other videos.

SEO-Optimize Your YouTube Videos

YouTube is the second-largest search engine and requires strategic SEO for your content to reach the right audience. SEO involves knowing what people search for and integrating those keywords into your videos and channel. When it comes to the question of how to increase video views on YouTube, SEO optimization is definitely part of the answer. There are two steps you have to take when it comes to SEO:

  • Knowing what people search for through keyword research
  • Integrating the keywords into your channel and videos

And here’s how you do it:

Know what your target audience searches for through keyword research

One of the best hacks on how to increase YouTube views by yourself is to conduct keyword research, so you can see what your audience searches for on YouTube. There are tools such as or WordStream’s Keyword Tool that can help with that. While you are researching, write down a list of keywords that are related to your target keyword or topic and that people are searching for, as well as the search volume. You can then organize them into clusters that correspond to the different videos that you will make.

When you use the right keywords, your videos will not only appear on YouTube, but can also show up on Google search pages which can get you free promotion for your channel!

Even thought SEO is an important component in understanding how to increase your YouTube views, remember to not “keyword stuff”. Use keywords when it makes sense and in a meaningful way, not just for the sake of having them.

Integrate the keywords into your channel and YouTube videos

You can integrate your keywords in a number of different ways, that includes: 

  • Video titles and descriptions: Add the target keyword (plus related keywords) to your video title and description. 
  • Thumbnails: Create custom thumbnails with SEO keywords that reinforce the title.
  • Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to reach more viewers.
  • Categories: Use categories to help YouTube get a better understanding of who you want to watch your videos.
  • Tags: In addition to categories, you can also add tags to your videos to give YouTube more context about your content. 
  • Captions and subtitles: Add captions and subtitles and make sure to mention your SEO keywords in your video. 
  • Playlists: Integrate your SEO keywords into the titles and descriptions of your YouTube playlists.

Add Timestamps to Your Videos

Google announced in September 2019 that they’ll link to key moments in YouTube videos directly in Google search results. By integrating time stamps into your video, you can improve the user experience by giving structure to your videos and simultaneously increase the likelihood of your video being shown in Google and YouTube search results.

 3 – Generating Interest

When discussing how to increase reach on YouTube, we inevitably are talking about how to increase your views on YouTube. By creating eye-catching thumbnails and coming up with curiosity-piquing titles, you can create interest and increase the probability that someone will click on your video, and not somebody else’s.

A woman looking through a magnifying glass at different charts with the earth in the background.

Design Attention-Grabbing Thumbnails

Your YouTube video consists not only of the actual content and storyline, but you also need to think about what makes people click on your video in the first place. If you can’t get people to click on your video, then you can have the most amazing content, but it will never take off.

Learning how to increase your views on YouTube is about discovering what generates interest while packaging your video in an appealing way. The first way to do this is by creating custom thumbnails. Creating thumbnails yourself makes your videos look more appealing and signals a certain sense of professionalism. So, how do you create a good YouTube thumbnail?

There are plenty of ways to create good thumbnails, such as:

  • Using the right thumbnail dimensions (16:9 aspect ratio, 1280 x 720 pixels) (see this article for more information on image sizes on YouTube and social media)
  • Taking clear, high-resolution photos for the background or other elements
  • Creating a simple, uncluttered design: A thumbnail should have a clean design (not cluttered) (3 objects max)
  • Using bright, inviting colors
  • Stick to one theme or idea
  • Close-ups of faces tend to perform well

To increase the likelihood that a YouTube viewer clicks on your video, try showing a situation about to unfold, a dangerous thing about to happen, or an unbelievable item that no one’s ever seen before in your thumbnail. 

Alternatively, you can portray the feeling (the emotion) you are trying to create in the viewer. Do you try to astound her? Excite him? Make him dream of being on vacation? Try to come up with a thumbnail that depicts this feeling.

Warning: Make sure not to deceive users by promising something in your thumbnail that you don’t keep in your video. Eventually, you want not only an increase in your YouTube views, but YouTube followers increase as well. Using clickbait thumbnails will do everything but create trust with your viewers and are the opposite of how to increase followers on YouTube. 

Write “Must-See” YouTube Titles and Descriptions

The second way you can increase your views on YouTube is by coming up with a “must see” title. With YouTube titles, you want to get in the habit of writing for emotion and not just describing the video. The real question revolves around why people should care about one particular video.

The answer, once again, is emotion. A great title taps into the viewer’s deepest fears and desires. It promises to change your life in 30 days with a new workout routine, or it scares you into pulling all your money out of the stock market. Either way, an enticing title makes you want to click it.

Here are some tips on how to increase YouTube video views by coming up with a good video title: 

  • Choose a simple title (easy to read): YouTube is present across the globe, and many don’t have English as their first language. So when coming up with a title, make sure that non-native speakers understand it just as native speakers do.
  • Use punchy language. Get straight to the point. Don’t say: “Here’s why XYZ benefits your health” or “5 habits to become more healthy.” Instead, say: “X will make you live longer.”
  • Don’t be vague
  • Don’t try to be clever with puns
  • Don’t use too many adjectives or complicated words
  • Include relevant SEO keywords
  • Keep your titles under 50 characters. This gives you the most room to create a compelling title, while also ensuring that it won’t be cut short in search results.
  • Listicles, question-based titles and hyperboles (“insane,” “…of all time”), “Best-of” lists and “how-to” titles have high search volume and are liked by viewers
  • Focus on the outcome: What value or benefit do you provide? 
  • Use specific, impressive numbers: People like numbers. 
  • Appeal to user curiosity: We humans are curious beings. We want to be in the know, and so you should consider using your video title to appeal to user curiosity.

You should also spend some time coming up with engaging titles. If you can’t think of a captivating title yourself, try using AI tools. Use ChatGPT or other AI tools to give you title variations on your ideas by telling it to add more emotion or make the title shorter.

Once you have a good title, focus on the video description. Make sure to accurately describe your video in your YouTube video description. You should also add relevant SEO keywords to your video description, as well as links to other videos of yours, products, and your social media profiles. Lastly, don’t forget to include your SEO hashtags in your video description. 

4 – Perfect Your Content

When creating your content, you should keep in mind two things. First, make sure viewers can grasp what your video is about in the opening moments. Second, remember that on YouTube, quality reigns supreme! YouTube’s algorithm favors videos with high average watch times, so the best hack related to how to best increase YouTube views by yourself is to focus on creating content that keeps viewers hooked for minutes, not just seconds. 

Put More Effort Into Your Video Intro

Your video intro is especially important. This is because it has two roles: 

  1. It has to generate interest in your viewer
  2. It needs to explain what your video is about and introduce your story in a quick and easy-to-understand way.

Keep in mind that the video intro is the first thing viewers will see. And if they don’t instantly understand within the first ten seconds what your video is about, they may stop watching. You must “hook” the viewer and arouse emotions. Tell the viewer why he or she should stick around for the full video. 

Learn How To Tell Engaging Stories – Quality Is More Important Than Quantity

This is probably the most important part when it comes to understanding how to increase YouTube views and subscribers. Once you have completed your introduction, it’s time to build an engaging story that people will want to watch.

On YouTube, you need to entertain in order for people will watch until the end and for the algorithm to suggest your video to a wider audience. Take viewers on a transformative journey and focus on making your viewers feel something at the end of a video — inspired, motivated, curious, excited. There’s no better way how to increase your YouTube followers and how to build a loyal audience on YouTube that keeps coming back to your videos and initiates a YouTube views increase for all of your videos over time. To create better content that your audience loves, study your retention curves and improve the points in your video that people are skipping or where people quit watching.

5 – Promote Your Content

Now you have fantastic content! Be proud of it! And don’t forget to tell the world about it! Tell your viewers after watching your video to share the video, and share the video yourself on all of your social media accounts.

Below are some ways you can promote your content: 

A megaphone inside a phone and surrounded by different social media symbols.

Boost Your Engagement With a Call to Action

Wouldn’t it be nice if most viewers…

  • Shared your video with their friends?
  • Subscribed to your YouTube channel?
  • Liked your video?
  • Watched multiple videos of yours?
  • Engaged in the comments? 

The truth is: Even though they might have liked watching your video, most viewers don’t think about taking those actions. So you need to remind them that this helps you and encourage them to take action.

Post Shorts

Following the massive success of TikTok and Instagram Reels, YouTube has enabled viewers to upload vertical short-form videos as well. YouTube Shorts have a higher probability of going viral. Moreover, YouTube Shorts give you a chance to generate attention and maybe even get people to become aware of your longer-form videos. However, you may be wondering how to increase YouTube Shorts views?

There are some tips to relating to how to increase reach on YouTube Shorts and how to increase views on YouTube Shorts that you should follow:

  • Open with an attention-grabbing statement. The first five seconds are the most important. If you don’t capture someone’s attention during this time, they might scroll past. Consider asking a question or telling someone what they’ll learn if they watch the entire video. 
  • Keep it simple and stick to one topic. Since YouTube Shorts are limited to 60 seconds, you want to get to the point… fast.

6 – Build Relationships

YouTube is more than just a search engine or a place to watch videos. In reality, it’s like a big online hangout. In order to get more people to watch your videos, you need to connect with your viewers and other creators. When you talk to the people who watch your videos while answering their questions, they’ll feel special and want to watch even more. You can also consider connecting with other channels to get more visibility and increase your YouTube video views that way. Sometimes the key to getting more YouTube views is by teaming up with other channels

Build a Strong Relationship With Your Audience – Engage With Your Community

It isn’t enough to just regularly share videos. When it comes to the question of how to build an audience on YouTube, you also need to actively engage and foster a community with your audience if you want to increase your YouTube followers and increase your views on YouTube.

So how can you accomplish this? You can start by responding to the comments under your video, engaging with your subscribers, and answering their questions. Other viewers will be more likely to comment on your video if they know they’ll receive a response.

If you want to take it up a notch, you can host a live stream or do Q&As or polls on the YouTube Community tab. In your videos, you should also consider integrating your fans’ comments and messages and posting challenges.

A group of friends that are posing together for a photo.

As we’ve mentioned earlier, asking your community what they’d like you to make videos about is a fantastic way to create videos that people want to watch. If you engage authentically, viewers will notice your channel and you can build a loyal audience. It will also be much easier to increase views on your YouTube videos because your fans will keep coming back to your videos. 

Collaborate With Other YouTube Channels

YouTube collaborations are a good way to increase YouTube reach while also increasing YouTube followers. This is because collaborations will get your channel in front of a new audience that likes watching videos coming from similar creators. When looking at how to increase your YouTube reach, you may consider collaborations, since they can help you get seen without having to rely solely on the YouTube algorithm sharing your video. 

The key to a successful YouTube collaboration is finding the right partner. Here are a few tips on how to do YouTube collaborations:

  • Collaborate with creators in your niche that share similar passions as you do
  • Brainstorm video ideas before you reach out to collaborators
  • Pick a video collaboration style (in-person, remote, video takeover, etc.)
  • Focus on authenticity, not only on potential reach
  • Promote collaborations to boost reach 

Keep in mind that the ultimate goal of collaborating with other channels is to create value for viewers. However, the best part is gaining new viewers as a result of working with a content creator they already know, like, and trust.

7 – Promote Your YouTube Videos and Make Them Accessible

To increase views on YouTube, you need to be your own marketer. Let people know that you have a new video out. And do so not only on YouTube. Create additional content such as previews and announcement posts and post them on your Instagram, Facebook, TikTok accounts, as well as on your blog, in your e-mail newsletter, and whatever marketing channels you use.

Leverage Your YouTube Channel and Your Other Social Channels To Promote Your YouTube Videos

It is important to show your viewers that you have videos on similar topics already uploaded on your channel and that they should check them out. By doing this, you can increase the likelihood of getting more views on not only one video, but also on multiple older ones.

There are plenty of ways to promote your videos to increase YouTube views, such as:

  • Using YouTube cards within a video to recommend other content on your channel
  • Using YouTube end screens to suggest more content to watch at the end of a video
  • Pasting a link to a related video in your video description

You can place cards throughout a video to suggest related YouTube videos on your channel. Consider using end screens to direct people to another video or a YouTube playlist of yours and to encourage your viewers to share the video or subscribe to your channel. 

Another way how to increase views on your YouTube videos is if you have uploaded a new video is to go spread the news across YouTube and other social platforms. 

You can make an announcement post on YouTube itself. This post will be sent to your followers, so you can let them know that there is a new video coming (or already out, in case they didn’t see it yet).

Three people working on their computer and creating social media posts.

8 – Video and Channel Setup Tips

People who liked watching one of your previous videos are the best candidates to enjoy other videos of yours. So to get more YouTube video views, optimize your channel and videos by organizing your videos into playlists around a main topic.

Create YouTube Playlists and Series

YouTube playlists offer you multiple benefits related to how to increase your YouTube video views:

  • Playlists and series around a common topic bring a sense of order to your channel.
  • Playlists encourage people to binge your content and bring more watch time to your channel. If you click on a video that’s embedded in a playlist, the next video in that playlist will automatically start as soon as the current video ends. As a result, a viewer can watch several related videos without lifting a finger, resulting in increased watch time of your videos. Videos with high watch time have a better chance of being promoted by YouTube’s algorithm.
  • A third advantage of creating playlists is that people who liked watching your videos are more likely to enjoy your other videos in this series as well.

Create a YouTube Trailer Featuring Your Best Content

If you’re still wondering to yourself how can I increase my views on YouTube, then you should definitely consider creating a YouTube trailer. A YouTube trailer is a short video that is shown to new visitors that click on your YouTube channel. It’s a fantastic opportunity to:

  • Show new viewers what kind of content you create
  • Highlight the benefits your channel provides
  • Encourage them to subscribe
  • Make visitors watch more of your videos

How does a trailer help you get more views on YouTube?

Consider your YouTube trailer as your company card. It’s a signboard showing who you are, what you do, and why you do it. A nice short video that conveys your story, ambitions, and vision is the best way to do that. Make sure to sprinkle your personality throughout your trailer. Personality is key on YouTube.

How do you set a YouTube trailer?

You can create your trailer and upload it to YouTube the way you would with any other video. Simply head back to your channel homepage and click the “Customize Channel” button. In the “For New Visitors” tab, you can now select the trailer video that you uploaded as your “YouTube trailer”.

9 – Check Your YouTube Analytics Often

The best YouTubers take their analytics very seriously. They use the data to constantly improve their videos, their titles, their thumbnails, and much more. This is how they constantly increase their followers and views on YouTube. You need to regularly check your YouTube Analytics and analyze what’s working in your niche to build a YouTube channel that flourishes over time.

A man in the middle of a number of floating computer screens showing charts and graphs.

In YouTube’s analytics section, you can detect how many impressions your video received and how many people clicked. These metrics metric are important to analyze in order to understand how to increase the reach of your YouTube videos. If your video got no impressions in search, then maybe you should make sure you are doing your keyword research correctly. 

If, on the other hand, you’re wondering how to increase your YouTube views, then look at how many people saw your YouTube video (impression count) and how many people clicked on your video (view count). If you have a high impression count, but only very few people clicked, then you should work on your title and thumbnail. If many people clicked your video but quit watching after a few seconds, then go back to our tips on improving the intro of your YouTube video. 

Similarly, you can find out if there is an obvious retention danger zones that you consistently lose viewers in by looking through your retention curve. Watch time is one of the most important ranking factors when it comes to how often your video is suggested to other viewers by the YouTube algorithm. 

Beyond looking at your own data, you can learn from the best creators in your niche and on YouTube in general and find out what they do differently and why some of their posts are performing so well. Social media benchmarking tools can make it easy to analyze what’s working and also where you can improve your videos. By using a social media benchmarking tool, you can analyze the best performing videos of creators in your niche and understand what makes those channels successful. Learning from those channels is a great first step in finding out how to increase your YouTube video views.


There you have it! 8 tips that you can use today to get more views on your YouTube videos.

If you are interested in improving your YouTube performance and increasing your views, Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of their all-in-one social media tool which can help you gain the insights you need. 

Additionally, Fanpage Karma offers a free weekly webinar that is designed to show you how you can improve your overall social media performance. 

The post How to Increase Views on YouTube appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

TikTok SEO Thu, 23 Nov 2023 14:51:34 +0000 Find out how to use TikTok SEO, so your videos rank higher in search results and increase the discoverability of your content.

The post TikTok SEO appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


TikTok SEO – Tips for Better Performance

A man with a video camera and a video script for TikTok SEO behind him.

Whether you are a seasoned content creator on TikTok, or an average user aiming to boost your TikTok visibility, having an understanding of SEO for TikTok is essential for helping you succeed. But how exactly can you use it to your advantage?

In this article, we will discuss how you should go about perfecting your TikTok SEO strategy. This will involve sharing some TikTok SEO tips and strategies, while explaining what tools you should consider using to help you along the way. Ultimately, we want to provide you with actionable tips as well as practical steps you can take to perfect your TikTok SEO performance. 

What is TikTok SEO?

TikTok SEO, or Search Engine Optimization for TikTok, is a scalable and effective way to give your TikTok videos a boost so they show up more on the platform. At its core, TikTok SEO is the art and science of optimizing your TikTok videos for TikTok’s algorithm, so your profile shows up in the search results.

The ultimate goal of optimizing for SEO on TikTok is to increase the visibility and discoverability of your videos on the platform, especially among those people who are actively searching for videos that cover the content of your videos. Importantly, when you use SEO optimization best practices in your TikTok content creation process, you increase your chances of people seeing your content at the right time.

How the TikTok SEO Algorithm works

Similar to Google’s algorithm, the exact details of how the TikTok SEO algorithm works are not public. However, we can make guesses based on what TikTok has told us as well as through practical experience. To begin, we should point out that the TikTok and Google algorithms work in different ways. However, that doesn’t mean there is no connection. For instance, when you search for something on Google, you might get some suggestions of TikTok videos that help you find what you need.

The TikTok SEO algorithm is designed to look at various ranking factors, as we discuss in more detail below. These ranking factors, or  “signals”, are important data points that are calculated by the algorithm to determine what video best answers the search of a particular user. 

Of course, one of the core elements of TikTok SEO is the use of keywords that you use in your post captions and subtitles (more on that shortly). However, you should have a holistic understanding of all the ranking factors to better implement your own TikTok SEO strategy. 

So what does this mean in practical terms when it comes to thinking about TikTok and SEO? It means that in order to optimize your TikTok videos for SEO, you should label your content in different places with relevant tags that people are searching for. This can be locations (so-called geotags), hashtags and keywords, music or sounds, as well as filters and video templates you use in your video. In the future, this could even include more specific data such as restaurants, shopping addresses, and more. 

TikTok SEO Ranking Factors

Two AI robots helping with the TikTok scripts and captions for better SEO on TikTok

To optimize TikTok SEO, it’s important to understand the factors that influence how content is ranked and displayed on the platform. Here are the four key ranking factors when it comes to TikTok and SEO: 

1. User Interaction

TikTok pays close attention to how users interact with your content. This includes likes, comments, shares, follows, and the amount of time spent watching your videos (completions vs skips). 

Videos that are similar to what users have interacted with in the past will be shown to them more often. That’s why it is so important to understand what your audience likes.

You can, of course, use social media analytics tools to help you discover the TikToks your target audience interacts with the most. As you can see in the example below, with a social media tool you can select TikTok profiles that you want to analyze and learn from, and then see their best and worst performing posts as well as other relevant information

A screenshot of the "Fanpage Karma" tool that helps to discover the TikTok videos with which the target audience interacts the most.

2. Information Included in Your Video

The details you provide for your video play a vital role for SEO on TikTok: Captions, hashtags, screen-text that you place over your video, sounds and music as well as topics discussed in the comment section all play a big role. The point is that you should use everything you have control over to improve your TikTok video’s SEO.

3. Device and Account Settings

Even though harder to influence, the device settings, language preferences of the audience, and their location also play a role when it comes to which videos TikTok suggests to a user. 

4. Performance of Past Content

Your previous content’s performance can impact your current content’s visibility. Consistently creating engaging content will help you build this momentum.

Creating your Own TikTok SEO Strategy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Now that we know what TikTok SEO means and what it takes to rank highly, let’s talk about how to use SEO keywords the right way throughout your TikTok content. Unfortunately, there is no foolproof SEO TikTok tool that will do the work for you. However, if you follow these TikTok SEO tips in crafting your strategy, you are well on your way to better results.  

A TikTok SEO strategy should include these 3 simple steps: 

  1. Do your research
  2. Place your TikTok SEO keywords at the right spots within your TikTok profile and videos
  3. Track and analyze your progress

Below, we go into more detail about what you need to do for each one of these steps. 

Step 1: Do your Research

There are two main components that you need to look at when it comes to enhancing your TikTok SEO strategy through research: 

  1. Analyzing what content is successful (and what is not)
  2. and conducting keyword research.

1. Content Analysis: Understanding what Your Audience is Looking For

To optimize TikTok videos for search, you must understand your target audience. This includes knowing their preferences, interests, and what they share with friends. At a minimum, we recommend using TikTok’s search page to discover currently trending hashtags and topics. 

However, if you want to go a step further, you can get even better insights with social media tools that are designed to help you discover and research existing content from other profiles that perform well or you are interested in.

Another screenshot of the "Fanpage Karma" tool that helps to discover the TikTok videos with which the target audience interacts the most.

Additionally, it is helpful to monitor and analyze the most popular creators within your niche and explore their TikTok profiles. With some social media tools, you can analyze their content, the topics they address, what content formats they focus on (Q&As, entertaining content, collaborations, dances, etc.) and also dive into the audiences’ discussions in the TikTok’s comments.

A banner with graphs and social media posts "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and bright background.

This also includes learning from their hooks and their storytelling, the words or hashtags they use in their post that correlate to high post interaction, and also from how they optimized their video for SEO. 

A screenshot of the "Fanpage Karma" tool that helps to discover keywords and hashtags for SEO on TikTok.

2. Conduct Keyword Research

Putting in popular words that people search for and using hashtags in your TikTok posts is a good way to make more people find your videos. Using these special TikTok SEO words and hashtags that match what your video is about makes your TikTok video easier to find and more people will see it.

Keyword research tools such as, AnswerThePublic and can give you additional insights into what people are searching for when looking for your product or content niche. Besides using external tools to build your TikTok SEO strategy, you can also directly search on TikTok to see what’s trending and what your audience is interested in. Go to the search bar and type in a couple of keywords that you produce content around. However, don’t hit “Enter.” TikTok will give you suggestions on what topics other users are interested in once you have entered a few words.

Lastly, make sure to look into what the title and the captions of videos that appear high up in your search results are, as well as what audio they used, etc.

Step 2: Place your TikTok SEO keywords at the right spots within your TikTok profile and videos

Now that we have discussed how to research keywords that you should integrate into our content, we should talk about how to actually do it. There are a number of different areas that you can optimize for SEO on TikTok. 

1. Using TikTok SEO keywords for your TikTok profile

First, make sure that your TikTok profile is fully SEO optimized. Include relevant keywords that describe your TikTok page in your bio, and make sure your profile picture and username are aligned with your brand. It is also important to make sure to link to your website in your profile description.

2. Craft captivating captions for your videos

When creating captions for your videos, be sure to put in the keywords that you have identified earlier. Make sure this is done in a natural sounding way and pay attention not only to what the algorithm might like, but what your actual viewers are looking for in terms of captions. 

3. Use Hashtags for better TikTok SEO

It is advisable to use a mix of popular and niche hashtags to increase your TikTok video’s reach. Along the way, you can experiment with TikTok SEO hashtags that are specific and relevant to your content. Be sure not to forget to use hashtags in your TikTok video description as well into your captions as well. 

You may be wondering how to find the right hashtags to use. While there is no TikTok SEO tool that relates directly to hashtags, you can research what hashtags performed well for others. One effective way is to use a social media benchmarking tool, where you can analyze the hashtags used by others as a means to help you find what hashtags you should use.

Generally, you want to use hashtags that will give you the highest reach per follower, and learning what hashtags have performed well for others on TikTok is a great way to get a leg up in this regard.

4. Use keywords in your speech throughout the video

Make sure to not only write your keywords in your video’s caption and bio, but also use them when you speak in the video. You can then switch on auto-captions for your TikTok post. This will ensure that TikTok ranks your video also based on your spoken words. 

And even if you don’t want the auto captions to show up on your viewer’s screens, you should still enable them. After enabling them, you can drag them off your screen. This way they won’t cover any screen space and won’t bother you or your audience, but are still being used by TikTok and benefit your TikTok’s visibility in search.

5. Use keywords on screen for better TikTok SEO

Besides using auto-captions, make sure to type out keywords and place them in your video. Create text blocks within the TikTok app and place them over your video. Again, if you don’t want your videos to be shown on screen, just slide them to the side. Now your video will be listed for every keyword you manually typed in as well.  

6. Don’t Forget to Think about Content Quality and Community Building

Even though you want to improve the visibility of your TikTok videos by optimizing it for SEO, don’t focus exclusively on keywords and hashtags.

Ask questions, run polls, and engage with your audience in the comments section. Mention other accounts that people are already searching for, do Stitches of popular videos in your niche, or start joined collaborations with other TikTokers. All of this will make your account seem more relevant and help the SEO value of your TikTok videos.  

You should also focus on building a community with your audience. Having a strong community that engages with your content will boost your reach and discoverability, as TikTok interprets high interaction rates and share counts as something people are interested in. In the end, the TikTok algorithm will share what people like and what they engage with. 

A woman who monitors her social media performance to improve her SEO on TikTok

Step 3: Track and Analyze your Progress

Success on TikTok doesn’t come overnight. Being consistent and tracking your progress is key when it comes to TikTok SEO. Here’s a good way to do this is:

1. Select your Goals / Metrics Carefully

Every creator on TikTok has his or her own goals.Some want to build a tight and highly engaged community. Others want as big of an audience as possible. And still others want to sell their products or maximize their ROI. 

Whatever it is, you should never lose track of your goal. There are various metrics you can choose to reach including, reach/impressions, your follower growth rate, post interaction rate, and so much more. Be sure to understand what your metrics are telling you before you select them, so you can better understand your performance. 

2. Track and Study your Results

One of the most powerful features of social media tools is that they allow you to track your performance and benchmark it against similar profiles. This is the primary way for you to judge your success and to see how it matches up against others. Along these lines, it is important to compile enough data from your own performance and your competitors to gain meaningful insights. For this reason, it can be beneficial to look for social media tools that allow for unlimited profile tracking.

3. Review (and perhaps Adjust) your Approach

Doing TikTok SEO right is a process, and along the way you may have to refine and adjust your approach. Just because you don’t immediately see the results you expect, it doesn’t mean that TikTok SEO optimization is a waste of time. Keep at it, refine your strategies, use your SEO keywords on TikTok videos consistently, and watch your TikTok presence flourish with time.

Concluding Thoughts on TikTok SEO

Mastering TikTok SEO is an ongoing journey. By understanding the platform’s algorithm and goals, you can significantly boost your videos’ visibility on TikTok. In turn, the TikTok audience will boost the SEO value of your posts more than you could ever do yourself.

If you are interested in improving your TikTok performance and increasing your reach, Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial of their all-in-one social media tool which can help you gain the insights you need. 

Additionally, Fanpage Karma offers a free webinar that is designed to show you how you can improve your overall social media performance.  

Common Questions and Answers about Making Your TikTok Videos Easier to Find

Below are the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions related to TikTok SEO. 

What does SEO mean on TikTok?

SEO on TikTok is all about tweaking and improving your TikTok videos so that more people can find and watch them. This involves figuring out which hashtags to use, picking the right keywords, and jumping on board with the latest trends.

And guess what? Your TikTok videos can even show up on Google search results! So, if you play your cards right with SEO, you’re looking at grabbing the attention of even more people.

But isn’t TikTok SEO just about using the right Hashtags?

Using hashtags has been a proven way to increase reach and engagement rates on social media. However, one of our first TikTok SEO tips is to not focus solely on hashtags. There are ways that you can find out how to find what hashtags work and result in higher interaction rates, but don’t rely simply on using the right hashtags. 

How can I make my TikTok videos show up more?

To boost your TikTok video’s chances of being seen, start by doing your homework on keywords. Look for popular words and phrases that relate to your video, and make sure to include them in your video’s captions and the audio.

Don’t forget to stay on top of TikTok’s hottest trends and use hashtags that make sense for your video. This can really help your video stand out in TikTok searches, upping its visibility.

How do keywords make a difference on TikTok?

Keywords on TikTok act just like they do anywhere else – they’re the words and phrases people use when they’re searching for stuff. Using the right keywords in your area of interest can help TikTok’s system notice your video and show it to more potential viewers.

Is TikTok considered a search engine?

While TikTok isn’t a search engine like Google, it does have its own way of helping you find content. It looks at how many views, likes, and comments a video gets, and also pays attention to what users are searching for. In this way, TikTok can show each person content that matches their interests based on their past activity on the app.

The post TikTok SEO appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Social Media ROI Thu, 23 Nov 2023 14:35:31 +0000 Learn how to calculate and analyze your ROI in just 5 easy steps. This article walks you through everything you need to know.

The post Social Media ROI appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Social Media ROI: Your Comprehensive Guide

A woman and a man standing by a giant question mark with smaller question marks around them.

Determining the return on investment for your social media marketing campaigns is essential for being able to tell if you are creating new customers, extending your brand’s visibility, or, alternatively, if your efforts are not reaching expectations. So, how do you measure the ROI in social media marketing? In the simplest terms, just use this formula: 

ROI = (Return – Investment) / Investment

However, if you truly want to gain real insights from your ROI calculation, there is much more you should first understand about the entire process. 

In this article, we are going to discuss why measuring your social media marketing ROI may not be as straightforward as you think while showing you 5 easy-to-follow steps to make sure you are getting the most out of your ROI calculation. 

What is Social Media ROI, and Why is it Important?

ROI stands for Return on Investment and is used to determine if your marketing campaigns are actually helping your company achieve your goals. Social media ROI is what you get back (the return) from all the time, effort, and resources you commit to social media. 

ROI in social media marketing means the amount of money you get back from an investment relative to the amount of money you put into it. It is different to profit, which is simply the amount spent subtracted from the amount earned. In the simplest terms, a positive ROI means your campaign earned more than it cost. A negative ROI means that your campaign cost more than it earned.

All this seems simple, right? Perhaps on the surface, but be aware that there are some things you need to think hard about related to the metrics you set, your investment, and the ultimate goal you want to reach when calculating your ROI. Before getting into how to measure the ROI of your social media marketing campaigns, we should quickly go over the challenges related to accurately measuring your social media ROI. 

Challenges with Social Media ROIs

While the formula to measure the ROI of a project is pretty simple, many brands struggle with calculating their social media ROI. This is because there is not something like a single social media ROI metric that everyone should use to determine whether their social media strategy is effective or not. 

Here are some things to consider when discussing social media marketing ROI measurement in your company: 

1. Many Touchpoints in the Customer Journey

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell where a sale comes from. For instance, there can be times someone may click on an ad and not buy right away. In another scenario, someone may see an ad on social media one day and then another ad on a non-social media channel that both come from your company. If the customer buys a few days later, which channel gets the credit? Put simply, a sale has many touchpoints, and it is essential to define what counts as a sale for the different approaches you take. 

2. There are Goals other than Financial Goals

Maybe your social media posts did not cause a sale, but have increased awareness for your brand and may result in people talking more about your company and sharing your posts with their friends or partners. After all, social media is one of the best places to building your brand, connect with your fans and increase awareness. Having a popular brand is a massive benefit to any organization. However, how should you measure this in terms of an ROI calculation? For this reason, it may be important to consider using non-monetary ways of calculating your ROI. 

3. One-Time Purchase vs. Customer Lifetime Value 

Social media is a place where you can build trust and create loyal customers. The value such a customer has for your company is called customer lifetime value, and it goes beyond the amount he or she spends as a reaction to a single campaign of yours. Loyal customers have a higher customer lifetime value, and social media marketing is a major way to build trust and increase the customer lifetime value. To calculate the return of your social media efforts, you could choose to consider not the effects on immediate sales, but rather focus on the lifetime value of each of those audience members. 

4. Calculating Your Costs

To calculate the investment on a campaign or campaigns, you need to add all costs that went into making your campaign(s). You may just calculate the costs for your actual ad spend. But what about the costs for the time which members of staff spent working on it, the costs for equipment, rent, etc? Calculating those costs takes some time and effort, but only this way you get a better idea of the real costs of your campaigns.

Understanding ROI for Social Media Marketing: Step-by-Step

Three people working on computers with examples of social media posts and a graph behind them

All of those reasons make it difficult to calculate an average ROI of your social media marketing campaigns. Rather than feeling stressed about accurately tracking your social media ROI, let’s walk through some steps to help you out. 

If you want to improve the overall returns of your campaigns, it is essential to understand the entire social media marketing ROI process. Here are 5 simple steps that detail what you should consider when creating your campaigns with an eye on calculating your ROI: 

  1. Select your Goals and Metrics – what is important
  2. Determine Your Total Investment
  3. Set up your Tracking
  4. Calculate your Return on Investment
  5. Assess your Results and, if necessary, make adjustments

Step 1: Select your Goals and Return Metrics

The question on the return metric depends on what you want to achieve with your social media efforts. What is your overarching goal with social media? What types of actions do you want to drive with your campaigns? 

You can choose relatively simple metrics such as new followers, likes, or impressions and calculate the ROI for each metric. However, measuring the social media ROI based on those return metrics may be shortsighted since you don’t know how these actually result in more sales or leads.

Alternatively, here is a list of some of the more common financial goals that brands set for themselves:

  • Order value of purchases coming directly from social media (Impressions x click-through rate x conversion rate x average basket value)
  • Average customer lifetime value (Impressions x click-through rate x conversion rate x customer lifetime value)
  • Total sales volume through the links in your social media bio
  • Total lifetime value (Filled out contact forms x average conversion rate x average customer lifetime value)
  • Lower PPC costs than on other marketing channels. Here, you compare the amount you would pay in other marketing channels for a sale, a new follower, click, impression, etc. with what your organic (i.e., not paid) social media sharing costs you per sale, follower, click, impression, etc. An advantage of measuring PPC is that you can compare your social media efforts with all of your other marketing channels such as Google Ads, Meta ads, influencer collaborations, and many more.

Step 2: Determine Your Total Investment

While it’s true that publishing content on social media is free, your time is costly. Moreover, you probably need different tools to create your content and campaigns that can also be costly. To receive a more accurate picture of your social media investments, you want to add up all associated costs:

Advertising spend – The amount you spend on social media advertising— this can include boosting Facebook posts, promoting tweets, etc.

Your time – Multiply labor-cost per hour by the number of hours you’ve committed over a given period (depending on whether you’re measuring social media ROI for the week, the month, per campaign, etc.). 

Your equipment and social media tools – Add up the costs of all the equipment, tools, and services you use for social media. This can be content creation tools such as Adobe Express or Canva, video editing tools such as CapCut or Premiere Pro, or AI tools that you use like ChatGPT or FlikiAI. You can calculate the weekly or monthly costs of all of those investments.

Importantly, the average cost per campaign related to the tools or time you use may decrease if you are running numerous campaigns. For instance, if you pay $100 a month for these tools and run two campaigns, then your spend in this case would be $50 per campaign. However, if you run four campaigns for the month, your average cost per campaign decreases to $25 as the costs for your tools are distributed across campaigns. 

All these costs added together will equal your investment that you have to factor in when you want to measure the ROI of your social media marketing.

Step 3: Set up your Tracking

Before launching any campaign, you should have a clear understanding of what your goals are, and what metrics you are tracking to understand if you are reaching those goals (see: Step 1). Doing this step correctly is essential when calculating your social media marketing ROI since inaccurate data will render your ROI calculation useless. There are a number of social media ROI tools that can help you with this. For instance, many use Google Analytics can help you track actions (clicks, downloads, signups, purchases) that people take on your website. Here, you can find out which traffic is coming from a social media campaign if you use UTM links or other tracking mechanisms. 

There are also a number of social media analytics tools that can help you track specific metrics and give you a better understanding of your progress. This includes benchmarking capabilities to give you a better idea where you stand in relation to your competitors. 

A banner with three people around a computer and a "Start your free trial" button and light background.

Step 4: Calculate your Return on Investment

After completing the steps above, it is now time to talk about how to calculate the ROI for Social Media. While you may have thought it is just about using a simple formula, the sections above have demonstrated how important necessary prep work is in order to make the process of calculating your social media ROI even more fruitful.

With steps 1-3 in mind, let’s go over how to calculate and measure your social media ROI. As we already discussed, in the simplest form, the social media ROI formula looks like this:

ROI = (Return – Investment) / Investment

However, as we demonstrated above, calculating the ROI on social media depends on an accurate tracking of metrics/goals, as well as a close calculation of your entire investment which can include things such as the tools you are using, as well as your own time spent on the campaign.

Another consideration you should make when measuring the ROI on social media relates to the size of your dataset. In other words, look at the ROI for all campaigns during a given time period or every campaign by itself, or both.

If you are calculating your ROI for all social media campaigns, then a small adjustment should be made to your formula. In this case, you add the returns and costs for all campaigns: 

Social media ROI = (Return of your social media campaigns – Time and Money invested in your social media campaigns) / Time and money invested in your social media campaigns

When it comes to the question of how to exactly measure the social media ROI for a B2B business, it might be helpful to look at a concrete social media ROI example with real numbers.

Let’s say that company A has run a social media campaign that has resulted in an order value of $5,000 through the links in their posts. The product cost totaled $3,000 and the campaign spend (salaries of employees managing the campaign, video editing software, ad spend) amounted to $1,500. The calculation of the social media ROI of this campaign would look like this:

Social Media ROI = [(5000-3000) – 1500] / 1500 = 33.3 % 

One last point we should make is that if you are using a social media ROI calculator for these calculations, remember to consider everything we talked about above.

A man working on his computer with a graph and social media post in the background with the worldwide metrics of that post.

Step 5: Assess your Results and, if necessary, make Adjustments

The final step is to assess your results. If you are not achieving your goals, then study why that might not be the case and adjust your campaigns accordingly. The point here is that calculating your ROI is not something that you do once. Rather, you should continue to track and study your ROI data if you ultimately want to increase the ROI of your social media marketing. This is because when you track and analyze your data, it is easier to compare different strategies to find out what works and what doesn’t.

Experienced social media managers track their social media ROI regularly, comparing different time frames and campaigns to find out how various content formats, platforms or campaigns are performing. Using a social media analysis and benchmarking tool or a website analytics tool can help you get more in-depth insights.

What Is A Good Social Media ROI?

We should start off with the obvious here: For a social media strategy to be considered financially successful, it has to have a positive ROI. This means your return is larger than your investment. In terms of numbers, it means having a social media ROI higher than 0. The B2B example above shows such a positive B2B social media marketing ROI.

However, aiming only for a higher than zero is a very low goal to set for yourself. Some may say that an “acceptable” social media advertising ROI is 100% (or 2:1) which means that you have doubled your investment.

Many may be interested in searching for the average ROI for social media marketing campaigns. That is not too difficult because there are a lot of different social media marketing ROI statistics online which may give you some baseline estimates about where you should be with your campaigns. However, we should caution against relying too heavily on those since your industry, customer base, and location are factors that may affect averages.

In reality, it is important to communicate and converse with your entire marketing team as to what the initial expectations for a campaign are, and what types of improvements should be made with each campaign. 


Tracking the return on investment of your social media efforts can be a challenge. You need to be clear about what your goals are and how you should track them. You also need to measure all types of costs that go into your social media efforts. Only when you have an overview of all the returns from your social media campaigns and all the investments that have gone into your social media management can you measure the ROI of your social media marketing. This tells you whether your social media strategy is delivering the results you want. 

If you are interested in finding out how an all-in-one social media tool can help you better understand your social media performance, you can try Fanpage Karma’s free 14-day trial.

There is also a free weekly webinar that shows you how to improve your overall social media performance with the use of a social media too. 

The post Social Media ROI appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Social Media Image Sizes Tue, 07 Nov 2023 13:26:41 +0000 Are your social media images optimized? Find out the recommended dimensions for all social media channels here.

The post Social Media Image Sizes appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Social Media Images Sizes – Your Guide

As a content creator, you want to shine in your digital storytelling. Having a strong social media strategy, innovative content ideas, and a growing audience is the focus of many social media managers. However, you should also keep the basics in mind when it comes to designing your posts. One important area that is sometimes neglected relates to image sizes for your social media profiles and accounts. The “best” or optimal image sizes for social media may vary depending on the channel, and you should always stay up to date with the latest recommendations. 

For this reason, we’ve compiled the most important image dimensions for social media across all the major channels. This includes specific insights into social media image dimensions, cover image sizes, profile image sizes, image post sizes, and more. 

Simply select the channel you are interested in, and we will give you the optimal social media image sizes for the different elements of your profile or page: 

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. Youtube
  5. LinkedIn
  6. Pinterest
  7. TikTok

Facebook Image Sizes

The optimal Facebook image sizes will depend on whether you are creating images for your profile, cover, event, or story. The “best” or recommended image sizes for different Facebook posts may change, so it is important to always keep up to date on our page.

A banner with three people around a computer and a "Start your free trial" button and light background.

Facebook Profile Image Size

The Facebook profile picture shows your brand or personal profile and is above your cover. It also appears when you post or comment, so it is important to understand the best image size for Facebook profiles. Keep in mind that your Facebook profile image is displayed in a circle. 

Recommended: 360 x 360 px
Minimum: 180 x 180 px

Facebook Image Sizes for the Displayed Profile Picture

Desktop: 170 x 170 px
Mobile: 128 x 128 px
Thumbnail: 32 x 32 px

Please note that the same dimensions apply to the profile picture on a business page.

Facebook Post Image Size

You want your posts to shine, so you should also have the best image size for a Facebook post in mind every time you post. The Facebook image post size is different from the profile picture shown alongside the post, but rather refers to the image you actually post. The image size for a Facebook post is as follows:

Recommended: 1200 x 630 px

Facebook Cover Image Size (Facebook Header Image Size)

The Facebook cover picture will only appear in your specific timeline and will be located behind your profile picture. Please note that all images smaller than 820 x 312 px will be stretched. It is best to upload your cover picture as an sRGB JPG file under 100 KB. If your cover picture contains photos or text, it is advisable to upload a PNG file.

Recommended for mobile: 851 x 315 px
Recommended for desktop: 1200 x 628 px
Minimum: 400 x 150 px

Facebook Image Sizes for the Displayed Profile Picture

Desktop: 820 x 312 px
Mobile: 640 x 360 px

Facebook Share Image Size

Shared images always appear in your timeline and, in the best case, also show up in most of your followers’ newsfeeds.

Recommended: 1200 x 630 px
Minimum: 600 x 315 px
Recommended aspect ratio: 1.91:1

Facebook Carousel with 2 -10 images

Recommended: 1080 x 1080 px
Aspect ratio: 1:1 

Keep these carousel dimensions in mind since it is especially important for your Facebook Carousel Ad Images to be standard across your campaign. 

Facebook Displayed Shared Image

Newsfeed: max. width of 470 px
Facebook page: max. width of 504 px

Facebook Shared Link Image Size

You can share a link with a larger square image on top and with text underneath, or with a small square image on the left and the text on the right. Facebook scales pictures that are below the minimum dimensions. You should always remember the minimum size to get the best result in image resolution.

Recommended: 1200 x 630 px

Facebook Displayed Shared Linked Image Size

Square photo: min. 154 x 154 px in feed
Square photo: min. 116 x 116 px on page
Rectangular photo: min. of 470 x 246 px in feed
Rectangular photo: min. of 484 x 252 px on page

Facebook Highlighted Images

For certain milestones in your timeline, a highlighted image appears that takes up more space than a shared link or image. Your ideal Facebook image size in these cases would be as follows:

Recommended: 1200 x 717 px

Facebook Displayed Highlighted Images

On your page: 843 x 504 px

Facebook Events Image Size

This image visually supports your event published on Facebook and helps you to attract the attention of your audience.

Recommended: 1920 x 1080 px
Minimum: 470 x 174 px

Facebook Panorama or 360° Photo

Recommended: 30,000 pixels in each direction and less than 135,000,000 pixels in total size

Facebook Stories

Recommended dimensions: 1080 x 1920 px
Aspect ratio: 9:16 and 4:5 to 1.91:1

Max. length: 5 seconds (6 on Messenger)
Max. file size: 30 MB

Similar to IG Stories, you should leave 250 pixels free at the top and bottom if text is included.

Feed: 470 × 174 px

Facebook Video Stories

Minimum width: 500 px
Aspect ratio: 9:16 to 1.91:1
Max. length: 15 seconds
Max. file size: 4 GB

Facebook Feed Ads

Recommended: 1080 x 1080 px
Minimum: 600 × 600 px
Aspect ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1

Facebook Ads in the right column

Recommended: 1080 x 1080 px
Minimum: 254 × 254 px
Aspect ratio: 1:1

Facebook image sizes 2023

Twitter (now X) Image Sizes

There are a lot of questions about the best, or more accurately ideal, image sizes for Twitter. In our Twitter image size guide, we will go over all the Twitter image sizes that you should know about. 

Twitter Profile Image Size

Your Twitter profile picture represents you or your brand. For this reason, it is important to make sure you are using the ideal Twitter profile image sizes.

Recommended: 400 x 400 px
Max. file size: 2 MB

Twitter Displayed Profile Picture

Size in round format: 200 x 200 px
Size as a square image: 400 x 400 px
Places of appearance: on your profile (largest display), in-stream, who-to-follow

Twitter Header/Cover Image Size

Your Twitter header is the large image behind your profile picture (which is sometimes known as your background image), and is one of the first images visitors to your profile page will see. Therefore, it should be uploaded in as high a resolution as possible. Please note that the maximum file size for this is 5 MB.

Recommended: 1500 x 500 px
Aspect ratio: 3:1

In-Stream Image/Tweets

The best image size for Twitter tweet (or post as some may say) is of course important for getting your message across. Twitter may reduce the size or formats of your images to fit the stream of users. You should make sure that your tweet actually shows the portion of the image that you want your followers to see.

Recommended: 1200 x 675 px
Minimum: 440 x 220 px
Optimal aspect ratio: 16:9

Twitter Displayed In-Stream Image

Enlarged: 1024 x 512 px
Reduced: 506 x 253 px (desktop)
Max. file size on mobile devices: 5 MB for photos
Max. file size on the web: 15 MB

Twitter Multiple Images Post Size

You can post up to 4 images at once on Twitter. The size of these images will differ slightly in the final post.

Tweet with two images: 700 x 800 px per image
Tweet with three images: 1st image 700 x 800 px / following images 1200 x 686 px
Tweet with four images: 1200 x 600 px per image

Twitter Card Image Size

The optimal twitter card image size is as follows: 

Aspect ratio: 1.91:1
Summary Card: 120 x 120 px
Summary Card with large image; maximum dimensions: 4096 x 4096 px
Player Card: 262 x 262 px, or 359 x 196 px with 16:9 aspect ratio
Website Cards: 800 x 320 px

Twitter image sizes 2023

Instagram Image Sizes

Your success on Instagram largely depends on the images you post. For this reason, it is essential that you know the ideal Instagram image sizes. Keep in mind that the correct image sizes for Instagram depend on the type of content you are posting. Below, we go through the dimensions that you need to know about. 

Instagram Profile Image Size

Understanding the best image sizes for Instagram should begin with your profile picture. This is displayed in a circle, so keep that in mind when choosing your image. 

Recommended: 320 x 320 px
Displayed: 110 x 110 px

Instagram Image Thumbnails

The content of your Instagram profile page is displayed to visitors as “The Grid.” All images and videos you have posted are listed as scaled-down thumbnails in a grid. 

Displayed: 161 x 161 px

Instagram Post Image Sizes

There a number Instagram post image sizes to keep in mind before you post. Below are the recommended dimensions for different image types on posts. 

Square: 1080 x 1080 px
Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px or 4:5 format
Landscape: 1080 x 566 px
Recommended aspect ratio: 1.91:1 – 4:5
Recommended width: 1080 px
Recommended height: 566 – 1350 px

Instagram Displayed Picture Image Sizes

In feed: 510 x 510 px
Square or rectangular with an aspect ratio between 1.91:1 and 4:5

Instagram Story Image Sizes

Instagram Stories gives you both video and image options. Stories have become an increasingly popular way to share visual content on social media. For that reason, you should pay attention to the suggested image size for Instagram stories.

Recommended: 1080 x 1920 px
Minimum: 600 x 1067 px
Aspect ratio: 9:16
Max. file size: 4 GB
Recommended top and bottom spacing: apprrox. 14 % (250 px)

Instagram Carousel Image Sizes

The recommended sizes for Instagram carousel images are as follows:

Square: 1080 x 1080 px
Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px
Landscape: 1080 x 566 px
Aspect ratio: Landscape: 1.91:1, square: 1:1, vertical: 4:5
Recommended width: 1080 px
Recommended height: 566 – 1350 px

Instagram Reels Size

Remember that the Instagram Reels cover image size is a bit different from the recommended size for the carousels. 

Recommended: 1080 x 1920 px
Aspect ratio: 9:16

Please remember that Reels in your profile feed will be cropped to an aspect ratio of 1:1.

Instagram image sizes 2023

YouTube Image Sizes

YouTube is the social video content platform that no content creator in the video sector can avoid. For this reason, you need to be sure that you are using the ideal sizes for your images. 

YouTube Profile Picture

When you post a video on YouTube, you should ensure that you have the correct image size for your profile. This is an important part of your YouTube branding strategy. 

Recommended: 800 x 800 px
Displayed: 98 x 98 px

YouTube Cover Image Size

It is important that you be aware of the YouTube cover/background image size. In reality, the cover is the figurehead of a channel and should make visitors stay longer on the channel to watch more of its videos. 

Recommended: 2560 x 1440 px
Minimum: 2048 x 1152 px
Max. file size: 6 MB

Since YouTube content is viewed on different devices, the aspect ratios and formats that your cover image is displayed to users also varies. So make sure your YouTube channel banner image size is optimized for each streaming device.

YouTube Displayed Cover

Tablet: 1855 x 423 px
Mobile: 1546 x 423 px
TV: 2560 x 1440 px
Desktop: 2560 x 423 px

YouTube Thumbnail Image Size

Recommended: 1280 x 720 px
Aspect ratio: 16:9

YouTube Video Image Size

Minimum: 1280 x 720 px (minimum size Full HD)
Recommended: 1920 x 1080 px
Aspect ratio: 16:9
Full HD: 1920 x 1080 px
HD Ready: 1280 x 720 px
Max. video file size: 128 GB
Max. video length: 12 hours

YouTube Shorts Image Size

Maximum length: 60 sec.
Aspect ratio: 9:16
Recommended format: 1080 × 1920 (1080p) / min. 240 × 426 (240p) and max. 2160 × 3840 (2160p)
Video formats: MOV, MPEG4, MP4, AVI, WMV, MPEGPS, FLV, 3GPP and WebM
Maximum playing time of music from YouTube library: 15 seconds
Maximum title length of the YouTube Short: 100 characters

YouTube Community Post Image Size

You can include up to 5 images for a community post (max. 16 MB). 

YouTube image sizes 2023

LinkedIn Image Sizes

As an important social media channel for business, it is important to be aware of the best image sizes for LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Profile Picture

This is the main image of your personal LinkedIn account and acts as a sort of application photo. 

Recommended: from 400 x 400 px
Minimum: 200 x 200 px
Max. file size: 8 MB

LinkedIn Personal Profile Image Size

Recommended: 1584 x 396 px
Max. file size: 4 MB

Company Profile Picture

Recommended: 300 x 300 px or larger
Minimum: 300 x 300 px
Max. file size: 4 MB

LinkedIn Company Cover Image Size

Recommended: 1128 x 191 px or larger
Max. file size: 4 MB
Displayed in: 1400 x 425 px

Shared / Link Images

Many users share articles on LinkedIn. For this reason, you should know the appropriate LinkedIn article image size for sharing. 

Recommended: 1200 x 644 px
Displayed in: 552 x 289 px

LinkedIn Posts

For LinkedIn posts, there are different sizes for portrait or square images. 

Square Image Posts: 1080 x 1080 px
Portrait Image Posts: 1920 x 1080 px

LinkedIn Hero Image

The Hero Image is located as a banner at the top of your Business Page and is usually larger than other LinkedIn images.

Recommended: at least 1128 x 376 px
Max. file size: 2 MB

LinkedIn Square Logo Image Size

This business or brand image will appear when people search for you. Please note that despite the small size, the image is easily recognizable to your audience. 

Image size: 60 x 60 px (will be adjusted to this format)
Max. file size: 2 MB

LinkedIn Business Header

Recommended: at least 646 x 220 px
Max. file size: 2 MB

LinkedIn image sizes 2023

Pinterest Image Sizes

Below we will detail the ideal Pinterest image sizes for your profile, pins, and more. As one of the premiere channels to share your businesses’ projects, making sure you have the correct Pinterest image sizes is essential. 

Pinterest Profile Cover / Banner Image Size

Recommended: at least 165 x 165 px
Display on profile page: 165 x 165 px
Display on other pages: 32 x 32 px
Max. file size: 10 MB

Pinterest Cover Image Size

Recommended: 1440 x 810 px
Aspect ratio: 16:9

Pinterest Pin Image Size

The Pinterest Pin (some may call it post) image size has a number of different formats that necessitate different dimensions. The recommended sizes are as follows: 

Standard Pin: 1000 x 1500 px
Story Pin: 1080 x 1920 px
Square Pin: 1000 x 1000 px
Long Pin: 1000 x 2100 px
Infographic: 1000 x 3000 px

Please note that Pinterest limits the width, but not the length, of a pinned image.

Pinterest Displayed Pins

On the main page and a pin board: width 236 px – height scaled
Enlarged Pin: minimum width 600 px – height scaled
Recommended aspect ratio: 2:3 – 1:3.5

Pinterest Displayed Thumbnails

Large thumbnails: 222 x 150 px
Smaller thumbnails: 55 x 55 px

Pinterest image sizes 2023

TikTok Image Sizes

The image sizes for TikTok are fairly straightforward, but pay attention to the following specifications for things such as your profile picture or video.

TikTok Profile Image Size

Recommended: 200 x 200 px
Minimum: 20 x 20 px

TikTok Video Size

The TikTok cover image size and video aspect ratio is as follows: 

Recommended: 1080 x 1920 px
Aspect ratio: 9:16

TikTok image and video sizes 2023

Concluding Thoughts

As we have seen above, the ideal social media image sizes depend greatly on the channel you choose and what exactly you need an image for. If possible, it is helpful to keep up to date on all social media image sizes.

If you are looking for an all-in-one social media tool to bring your social media presence to the next level, Fanpage Karma offers a free 14-day trial. 

You can also find out how to improve your social media performance with Fanpage Karma’s free webinar

The post Social Media Image Sizes appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Influencer Management Tools Tue, 07 Nov 2023 10:27:59 +0000 What should you consider when looking for an influencer management tool? We take you through all the important things to know.

The post Influencer Management Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Influencer Management Tools – Measuring Performance

Influencer marketing is an increasingly important method for businesses to advertise their products or services. There are a number of different approaches that can be taken in creating campaigns with well-known influencers to this end. However, this article will not focus on why you should do influencer marketing or how to do it. Rather, we will focus on a very important topic that is often overlooked topic related to influencer management: performance analysis. 

In reality, social media influencer management for Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, or any other social media platform involves not only creating a strategy, but assessing and altering this strategy based on your research and the data you collect. 

With any influencer campaign, it is essential to use continually measure and analyze your performance. Many social influencer managers use social media tools that help them gain these insights. However, there are a number of influencer management platforms that claim to provide everything you need. What should you be looking for? We will go through all the important details below.

Influencer Marketing: Key Aspects of Performance Management

At the end of the day, you want to know how the influencers your company is working with are performing. If you are working as an influencer marketing manager, your social media tool should be able to help you gain key insights that will help both you and the influencers you work with to make your campaigns a success. 

When you are searching for the right influencer management platform, make sure to keep in mind that individual influencers usually focus on only one channel to grow their following. However, as a business, you may be using different influencers who have different channels. For this reason, it is absolutely essential that your tool can help you analyze a wide-range of metrics on several different social media channels.

One of the essential tasks of effective influencer marketing management is performance management. Therefore, we have delved into a few areas that relate to performance and how an influencer management tool can help you create successful campaigns.

A man and woman around a mobile phone that shows social media metrics.

1. Monitoring Performance Metrics

The first thing many think of when it comes to influencer management is looking at how your campaigns are performing. For this reason, your influencer management platform should provide you with all the necessary performance metrics as well as functions that allow for monitoring several different campaigns on several social media channels. On top of this, you should be able to analyze and present your performance data in different charts, tables, and graphs.

2. Benchmarking Analysis

A woman with a magnifying glass looking at different social media metrics.

An influencer marketing management platform ideally allows you to benchmark the performance of the influencers you hire against other profiles. This can then help you understand how your campaigns are performing and what goals you should aspire to. However, for this to work well, it is often helps to have the ability to track unlimited profiles with your social media tool. Many tools restrict the number of profiles you can track, but others allow for unlimited profile tracking

3. Posting Times

Can you help your influencer but telling them what times are best for them to post? With the right social media tool you can!. With the data you collect from your various influencer campaigns and the interactions that accompany their posts, you can begin to analyze when it is the best time for them to post. 

For this reason, your influencer marketing management software should give you the ability to analyze both your own influencers’ data, and that of other profiles of your competitors. Once you have compiled this data, you can use your social media tool to find out what times correspond to the highest post interaction rates. Keep in mind that you will have to go through some steps with finding the time for your influencer to post. 

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

4. Hashtag Research

Social media influencers often use hashtags in order to help extend their reach. As a social media influencer manager, you can help your influencers find what hashtags are the most effective. In this sense, an important task of good social influencer management is to conduct hashtag research and analysis to discover which hashtags the influencers you are working with should use. 

Now that we have gone over some of the areas where social influencer managers can help their influencers, there are a few other topics to discuss. Unsurprisingly, there are important implications for both campaign management and relationship management, which we will address now.

Influencer Campaign Management

How do the points above relate to campaign management? In reality, there is a close relationship between performance management and campaign management, since measuring and analyzing your performance can help you set the right goals and gain important insights into what is working and what is not.  

The collection and analysis of your past and current campaign data is essential to manage influencer campaigns. For this reason, your influencer campaign management software needs to give you the option to track a variety of metrics related to accounts on different social media channels. It can also be helpful if you can organize all your campaigns in different dashboards, so you can more clearly monitor and analyze your data. 

Relationship Management

Influencer talent management is, of course, important when discussing any influencer marketing strategy. However, what is absolutely essential when it comes to influencer relationship management is clear communication and constructive feedback. This is why an influencer relationship management platform should come with functions that enable the sharing of data and other organizational features.   

When looking for influencer relationship management software, the first thing you should look for is not only a feature for exporting reports, but also one that allows for direct access to your reports even if the influencer does not have a subscription to the tool. For instance, some social media tools allow you to grant access to reports by simply sharing a link. Having a feature such as this can help you better share and illustrate the data you are collecting from an influencer campaign.

A group of people around a computer working on social media posts.

Finding the Right Influencers

Sometimes finding influencers can be a bit difficult. However, finding the right influencer who will bring value to your company can be even more of a challenge. Your influencer marketing management tool should not only give you the ability to find new influencers on different social media channels with just a few clicks at a minimum. However, you would ideally have a number of filtering and search options, which would help accelerate the entire process.      

However, just finding influencers who seem to match what you are looking for is not enough. Your influencer management software should give you options for studying the various metrics and historical data of influencers you may be interested in working with. Having access to these insights can help ensure that you have found the influencer who can help you meet your goals. 

Influencer Management Tools

As detailed in this article, there are many tasks that influencer marketing management platform must perform. Most likely, you are looking not only for a social media tool that can handle all the tasks above, but also one that has the functions and features you need to help you with your entire social media activities. This can include benchmarking, publishing posts, community management, and research.

Fanpage Karma is an all-in-one social media management tool that not only provides the powerful influencer management features mentioned above, but so much more as well. You can start your free 14-day trial today!

If you are interested in finding out how social media tools can help you take your social media activities to the next level, feel free to sign up for Fanpage Karma’s free webinar

The post Influencer Management Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Discover the Next Generation of Publish Mon, 30 Oct 2023 08:55:41 +0000 We’ve listened to your feedback and are pleased to share with you the latest update for our tool.

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Discover the Next Generation of Publish: An In-Depth Look at Our New Features!

We’ve listened to your feedback and are pleased to share with you the latest update for our tool.

Faster and Improved Post Creation

The New “Idea” Status

Whenever you want to start a new post, your journey will begin with the “Idea” status. Here you can:

Easily Gather Post Ideas

Without having to worry about selecting profiles or adding a caption and images for each network separately. One image or a small text is enough, and everything else is optional.

Idea State

Get Feedback

Share and evaluate ideas directly with your customers, managers, or colleagues – no more Excel spreadsheets and endless email chains.

Turn Your Ideas Into Post-Drafts With a Single Click

Captions and images are automatically applied to all networks. As before, you can continue to make individual adjustments to each network if needed.

Create unique images with AI

Unleash your creativity and create stunning images for your social media channels quickly and easily. With our AI image generator, you can create custom images for your posts in just a few clicks, all without time-consuming design or outside help.

Flexible Timing for Your Posts

You can decide, on an individual basis, if you want to post to all networks at the same time, or set individual times for each network to best reach your target audience.

Communicate Flawlessly With Clients & Colleagues

Spelling mistakes in the Publish comment section are a thing of the past. With the new update, you can easily edit and even delete your comments.

Advanced Post Organization With Campaigns

You’ll soon be able to group posts by campaign. This will give you a better overview of related posts and allow you to plan more efficiently.

The new Campaign Overview page brings together all the related posts for a campaign and includes the ability to comment on the campaign. Additionally, a timeline will be displayed which gives you a better overview of what is planned.

Never Miss a Thing

Task Creation

The new Tasks feature in Publish helps you keep track of important to-dos. It will automatically create tasks for important things such as approvals or incorrect image sizes. You can also create tasks yourself, as a reminder of things you need to do, or to delegate tasks to others.

The New Publish Start Page

Everything you need at a glance. All your drafts, open tasks, related comments and events, plus a handy calendar overview.

Notifications 2.0

Reduce information overload. Receive only the notifications that are relevant to you and customize the notification settings to suit your needs.

Offering Free, Guest Access to Publish for Customers & Managers

Get your clients, colleagues, or managers directly involved in the process with our new free guest access. This includes the ability to

  • Log in
  • View posts and content calendars 
  • Approve and comment on posts 
  • Receive & create tasks
  • Receive notifications

All Your Post Essentials in One Place With Our New Enhanced Post List

  • More information at a glance:
    • Improved post preview
    • Latest comment
    • Latest task
  • Find what you’re looking for with our quick filter options

Mobile Optimization

Yes, you heard it right! Publish has been optimized for mobile devices. In the new version, you can view, edit, and comment on posts, as well as create, delegate, and check off tasks, all from the comfort of your phone.

All of these improvements are designed to make your social media workflow smoother and more efficient. Your feedback is what drives us, so feel free to share your thoughts on these innovations. Together, we can continue to revolutionize the social media space!

The post Discover the Next Generation of Publish appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Social Media Content Management Tools Fri, 27 Oct 2023 13:13:37 +0000 Content Management involves more than publishing posts. Find out what you should be looking for in your content management tool.

The post Social Media Content Management Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Social Media Content Management Tools

Nearly every marketing team that has a significant social media presence can use a social media content management tool to help them with their social media activities. However, instead of looking at content management as just a part of a social media tool, you should view it as an all-around function that different parts of an all-in-one tool contribute towards. 

In this case, a more holistic understanding of content management involves not only the content itself, but the processes that go into creating, publishing, and measuring the success of that content. However, one question still looms: what features should a social media tool provide you, so your content management is effective? 

While there are a number of social media content strategy templates that you can find on the internet, our focus will not be on how to craft your strategy. Rather, we want to discuss content management within the framework of an all-in-one social media tool.

Features of the Best Social Media Content Management Tools

Content planning on social media involves more than just working on a content calendar that details when and where you will post. In fact, an effective social media content planning tool should be able to provide you and your business with a number of features that help make your content a success. 

Below, we break the features you need into four categories: Research, Planning and Publishing, Post Management, and Analysis. For each category, we will explain what is needed in terms of managing your social media content.

A group of three social media posts by a piece of paper with text on it.

1. Research

Many may not associate research functions with a social media content management tool, but this function is crucial. Since we are talking about the entire process of content management, this necessarily involves discovering what type of content works, and what doesn’t. We have already written articles relating to topics such as how to find the best time to post or hashtag research that give you insights about those topics. However, what we want to do here is to highlight the importance of being able to research content and to manage and observe content approaches that inspire you.   

In reality, being able to monitor and analyze content that is performing well or that inspires your own content creation is an important part of content management. It is important to keep learning from content or profiles that you see as successful so you can begin to craft your own content strategy. What is needed, in this case, is for a social media tool to be able to discover other profiles that are in your industry and be able to get an overview of their metrics and content approach.

2. Planning and Publishing

For many, the content planning and publishing features represent the core “content management” part of a social media tool. While many may look at various scheduling tools for social media, there are a few points related to planning and publishing as a whole when it comes to content management. 

A social media content calendar showing the dates of different posts.

First, content planning for social media needs to be done transparently and usually is closely related to the overall marketing strategy of a company. The creation process of social media posts involves different steps including drafts, review, edits, and publication. Various posts are also part of a more comprehensive social media content schedule. Marketing teams must have clear visibility over the planned post to keep everything coordinated. For this reason, content management tools should offer features that enable the sharing of schedules for those who don’t have a subscription to the tool. 

Second, effective social media content planning tools should provide you with a simple way to manage and organize your images. This is done through an image library, where you can upload and manage all the images and pictures you will be using in your posts. The best content management tools for social media will enable organize for images and allow for easy upload. 

3. Post Management

Post management incorporates a few different activities that will be discussed in this article. The first is simply being able to edit or change a post if an error needs to be corrected or if something else needs to be changed. Generally, this can be relatively easily and quickly done so we won’t go into more detail here.

The second area involves managing the various responses and interactions with your post. An effective social media post management tool would also incorporate powerful community management features so you can make sure you are keeping up with all the interactions of your post. 

A banner with graphs and social media posts "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and dark background.

4. Analysis

As part of a holistic understanding of content management, the ability to analyze and understand the performance of your content is paramount to any content management strategy. How else can you determine whether or not your content is preforming? This is another reason why your content management solution should also include social media content analysis tools. 

Regarding your social media analysis, you should be able to not only track the performance of your own posts, but also to benchmark your performance against your competitors. Important insights include using the data you collect to find the best times to post or to determine what hashtags correlate with higher engagement rates. At the end of the day, content management is not just about setting up publishing processes, but is also about understanding what the best approaches are for future content.  

Finding the Best Social Media Content Management Tools

When you are reviewing the many content management tools out there, you should ask yourself if what you need it just for planning and publishing, or if you want to concentrate on more comprehensive content management functions. As we have shown in this article, if you are looking for a holistic content management solution, you should always consider the four areas above. 

Fanpage Karma offers an all-in-one social media tool that involves strong content management capabilities. You can take advantage of a free 14-day free trial to see for yourself how a holistic content management solution may look. 

In addition to this free trial, Fanpage Karma also offers a free weekly webinar focused on how to improve your social media performance and management. 

The post Social Media Content Management Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Social Media Scheduling Tools Fri, 27 Oct 2023 10:10:44 +0000 Effective scheduling and planning is essential for your social media activities. But what are the features that social media schedulers have? We will tell you.

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The Best Social Media Scheduling and Planning Tools

Creating an effective social media content plan while scheduling posts into the future can be a mammoth task that requires a significant amount of attention, especially when you are managing multiple social media profiles. For this reason, a social media planning and scheduling tool is a great way to help you organize and plan your posts. However, you might be wondering what functions this tool should have. 

At its core, a social media scheduler for Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok (along with other social media channels) not only allows you to draft and publish posts, but it would also give you the option to plan and map out your posts for the days, weeks, or months ahead.    

While many may initially be looking for just a free social media post scheduler, you should be aware that several schedulers and planners come standard with an all-in-one social media tool. This is understandable since many individuals and businesses need much more than just post scheduling and planning. If this sounds like you, then be aware that looking for a free tool may end up costing you more rather than looking for the best price for a comprehensive all-in-one tool.    

With that in mind, we will discuss the top 6 features that your social media post scheduler should have, whether it comes as part of an all-in-one social media tool or not. 

Social Media Scheduler Tools: Features that you Need

Social media scheduling and planning tools are essential for marketing social media teams that produce a lot of content while simultaneously formulating a multipronged social media plan. However, the question that many may ask is how to pick the social media scheduler that will give you all the functions you think you need, as well as some features that you didn’t even think of yet. 

If your company is looking for the best tool for scheduling social media posts, then you should be sure that it has the following functions and features.

An image of a computer that displays a social media tool for posting.

1. Centralized Planning

First of all, an effective social media scheduler must be centralized, meaning that social media managers should be able to plan, create, and edit social media posts and drafts on all their social media channels, from one single platform. This may sound simple at first, but remember that there are many different social media channels with different text length limits and recommended image sizes. For this reason, the best social media schedulers will allow you to draft your content while providing you with needed information about text length, image sizes, and other aspects of the post. 

Having centralized control over all your social media profiles also means that you can set publishing times well into the future. This involves setting the post in a future time slot, posting immediately, or just creating a draft of various posts and showing up in a comprehensive content calendar, status, or list view. Additionally, for many who are using some sort of social media scheduler app, there may be a need for post targeting or even having the opportunity to write the first comment on a post. This is a crucial feature for those who are looking for more advance posting features for their social media planning. 

It is also important that, when discussing effective social media management, a post scheduler should provide a preview display of your posts. This is so you can confirm it looks like you planned when it is actually posted. Of course, this should be possible in the social media scheduling tool itself, ensuring that your review of all posts is quick and efficient.

2. Image Library

When you are using a social media posts scheduler, you expect it to do more than merely allow you to post content. Pictures and images, as we all know, are crucial for effective social media posts that drive reach and interactions. 

When you are looking to produce social media post content, your scheduler should allow for the easy upload and organization of the various images and pictures you want to use on your posts. Additionally, it is often also helpful if your tool provides your team with a free image library, which can be a great addition to your already existing selection of images. 

A group of people around a computer working on social media posts.

3. Automation

Many businesses are looking for a social media auto scheduler, but this term can mean different things for different businesses. So what features are we talking about in this case? First and foremost, there should be the option for auto-publishing during a specific time. Publishing automation features can allow social media teams to set a post for publication at a later time, without having to remember to actual click “post” when you want it to go online.

Second, there is, with many businesses, a need to post similar content across multiple social media platforms. It can be tedious to copy and paste text, upload images, and prepare posts across several social media platforms. The best social media scheduler tools would allow for easy, one-click transfer of images and content to your various posts on your social media channels when the content and images are the same. This dramatically increases efficiency when it comes to creating posts across multiple channels.

4. Approval Processes 

For many businesses or agencies, there is a post approval process that needs to be completed before a post on social media is published. For this reason, social media scheduling tools should allow for an in-tool approval process to be set up and implemented. 

Generally, the best social media planners and schedulers would help users set up a notification process so that, once a post draft is finished, the approver is automatically notified. This initial draft of the post would either be confirmed for publishing or, alternatively, edits may be requested by the approver. There should also be an option to have the post published once it is approved or, if changes are required, for it to be published at a later time.

5. Schedule Sharing

Being able to create a social media schedule for the weeks ahead is most likely one of the main reasons why you are looking for a scheduling tool for your social media profiles in the first place. However, most teams would probably want to show their schedule and strategy with others who may not have access to their social media scheduler tool. Generally, it is convenient not only to be able to export the schedule or plan to email it to others in your company, but also to share a secure link that allows someone who not using the tool to access and view the schedule with just a click. 

There are two primary scenarios related to why sharing your social media plan to those who don’t have access to your social media scheduler is essential. The first scenario is if you want to share your plans with other managers or C-level executives who don’t have access to the tool, but need to be kept in the loop related to social media planning. In this case, this would involve sharing drafts and asking for feedback from management.

This is also an essential feature for social media agencies who need to share the strategy and posting scheduler with their clients. Normally, clients who hire social media agencies don’t need full access to the social media tool of the agency. However, there is constantly a need to know what’s coming next on the social media schedule. A strong schedule sharing feature, such as what is mentioned above, is a great workaround in this case. 

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

6. AI Integration

AI is increasingly being used to help create content, whether it be for a post, caption, or even a reply to a post. For this reason, forward-looking social media scheduler software should be integrating this new and exciting technology into the tool itself. 

A social media posting scheduler will most likely integrate AI capabilities to help social media managers write content for their posts and picture captions. These types of AI features can save a significant amount of time in the content creation process by either writing posts and captions for you, or at least getting a first draft going. 

Best Scheduling Tool for Social Media

So now that you know what features and functions your social media scheduler should have, you may now be looking for a social media scheduler comparison so you can choose a tool that is right for your needs. Below are four all-in-one social media tools that excel at scheduling and planning.

However, before going over these tools, it is important to keep in mind that the cheapest social media scheduler for your needs may not necessarily be the free social media scheduler. There are many other functions that businesses usually need with their social media tool that go above merely scheduling posts. For this reason, it is important to think carefully about all the various functions you need your social media tool to offer, which can include benchmarking and analysis, community management, and research functions.  

Fanpage Karma

Fanpage Karma represents one of the best social media scheduler for agencies for two core reasons. First, it provides the scheduling functions as outlined above that include sharing your social media post schedule with your clients even if they don’t have a paid subscription to the tool. Second, it allows for unlimited profile tracking which can be a big benefit for agencies that need to perform extensive benchmarking analysis for their clients.

Additionally, it is an effective social media scheduling tool for both large and small businesses since it provides the functions that they need to make their work more efficient. As part of an all-in-one social media tool, Fanpage Karma offers an affordable social media scheduler that also allows you to analyze unlimited profiles which greatly strengthens your benchmarking analysis capabilities. 

If you are looking for social media scheduling tool that offers a free trial, Fanpage Karma also has you covered there. There is also a free weekly webinar that focuses on how to improve your social media performance with the tool.

An overview of the content calendar as displayed on the Fanpage Karma tool.


Many of those who are looking for a known social media auto poster and scheduler may be considering Hootsuite since it not only provides the scheduling capabilities you want, but also many other features. Hootsuite, of course, comes with a high price tag, which may force you to pay for features you don’t need. With that being said, for those looking for a scheduler and more, Hootsuite may be a worthwhile option. 


There are, of course, many who are looking for a social media scheduler that is free to use. Buffer represents one of the best free social media schedulers since it offers the basic features that many associate with social media schedulers in it’s freemium plan. This can be especially useful for individuals who don’t want to pay for a subscription while, at the same time, only needing basic features that come with all-in-one social media tools.

The downside of Buffer as a social media scheduler is the lack of ability to tag other profiles on your posts from within the scheduler itself. This means that if you want to tag another profile on, for example, a LinkedIn post, you would have to do this manually for each post. This can cost you a significant amount of time. However, if you are just looking for a social media post scheduler that is free and can do some simple things well, Buffer is a good option to consider.  

Social Pilot

Social Pilot may not be as widely known as some of the other tools on this list, but it has developed a sizable number of users. Social Pilot’s social media scheduler comes with many of the core features that individuals need for scheduling posts. However, the downside is that its plans limit the number of profiles that you can track, which restricts the overall usefulness of the tool, especially for agencies and larger businesses.

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Community Management Tools Wed, 25 Oct 2023 14:06:01 +0000 Learn more about the Essential Features and Capabilities your Community Management Tool Should Have and Why!

The post Community Management Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Community Management Tools – The 5 Essential Features and Capabilities

Many businesses use their social media channels not only to advertise their products or services, but also to engage with their community of followers. Additionally, it is important not to forget that social media channels have become an increasingly important way for customer service teams to answer questions and solve problems for their customers. 

Therefore, it comes as no surprise that many community management strategies revolve around quickly and effectively responding to comments, questions, and interactions with your posts. For this reason, a number of tools for community management have been created to give social media management and customer service teams the capabilities they need to effectively and efficiently manage their community.

This article will focus on what the best online community management software will offer in terms of core functions and features. While many social community management tools may claim to offer you everything you need, our goal here is to give you a clear checklist related to what you should look for and why. 

What the Best Community Management Tools Offer

A social media manager or community manager can, at least in theory, respond to each comment manually on their social media profiles. However, this is senselessly inefficient and does not represent a practical solution. For this reason, social media managers must look for an online community management solution where they can handle all tasks from a centralized platform, enabling efficient community management.  

Finding a suitable tool may seem straightforward, but there are many open questions about what essential functions this tool should have. First, it is usually best to have a community management solution as a feature of an all-in-one social media tool that provides you with powerful analytics/benchmarking, publishing, and research capabilities. This is because a business generally has many other needs related to social media management beyond just community management.         

Second, keep in mind that community management tools must effectively manage various comments, replies, and direct messages for channels as diverse as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, and Pinterest. Not all these social media channels are the same regarding how followers interact with your content. With this being said, the best community management tools would, of course, allow you to manage multiple channels from one platform. 

In the hunt for the best social media community manager tools, there are essential functions that you should look for. Below, we have compiled a list of 5 core features that are must-haves for your tool. As a side note, in the images used below come the Fanpage Karma’s all-in-one social media management too to help illustrate the various features and functions that are being discussed.

Three colleagues working on their computers with social media posts and a graph in the background.

1. Centralized Organization

As we already alluded to above, a centralized platform for community management is the first thing that many think about when looking for a community management tool solution. Many businesses have several different social media profiles that they must efficiently manage. Therefore, community management teams must be able to reply to comments and message all from one place. This includes being able to include attachments from the common platform. While these features definitely must-haves, there is so much more when it comes to centralized organizational features that make an effective community management solution.  

For many businesses who have profiles on multiple social media platforms, the sheer number of various messages and comments from your community can be enormous. Many times, these must be organized and divided among various team members. For this reason, being able to assign tasks and having an overview of what a colleague is dealing with, and who is responsible for what messages and comments, is crucial. This includes being able to quickly see where open conversations are, who is responsible for what, which issues have been resolved, or whether there is a deadline for a response. The social media community management tools should also have a search function to allow for a quick retrieval of messages.  

Other types of organizational features such as message tagging are also generally a must to enable more advanced organization. Allowing for tagging and filtering for those tags can be a helpful way to organize various questions or problems thematically to allow for more efficient handling of messages. 

Lastly, effective team-work usually requires more than just assigning tasks and tagging. Having an overview of what has happened and what other team members should know is important. A feature which allows for the inclusion of internal notes for a particular conversation is useful so that colleagues working on the same conversation have the latest information. Therefore, this would be another crucial feature to have as part of a community management tool’s functions.

2. Automation Functions

When we discuss social media post management tools, we should always focus on ways to save time and make work more efficient. It is important to remember that responding to, and interacting with, users’ posts is an important part of a social media manager or community manager’s job. However, how exactly can this be made more efficient?   

When we talk about automation features, we should begin with the simple ability to create and use saved templates. While this may seem like a rather basic feature, but it is absolutely essential in creating scalable community management practices. Having the option to create and update pre-written templates will ultimately save time in responding to common questions or problems that require more or less the same basic answer. 

However, there is more to consider when talking about automation. Community management tools should also include the option to set up helpers and other features such as being able to create automated responses to specific comments or actions such as likes. This could also include the option to hide specific comments, automatically assigning a message to a colleague during a certain time slot, and so much more. These and other automated features  can remove some tedious work from community managers’ plates and dramatically include efficiency.    

Two people in dialogue boxes with pictures of people in the background to the left.

3. Allow Outside Collaboration

It is clear that online community management platforms should allow your community management team to group and organize messages and comments from various social media channels, as we have discussed above. However, what happens when you require help from outside the community management or customer service teams to answer a question or solve a problem? On one hand, it doesn’t make sense to pay for all members of a company to have access to a community management tool. On the other hand, customer service can also require wider team effort, which necessitates getting feedback from other teams. 

For this reason, wider collaboration and sharing features should be included in community management tools. In reality, the best online community management tools would enable for easy collaboration with other team members who can help answer questions or queries. This is all without having to pay to have all team members on the same community management tool.

This can be done with built-in features that allow community or social media managers to directly email their team members with your question and for those colleagues to provide their response. All of this would, of course, not be public, but would be made possible by simple “outside the tool” communication features that streamlines the process of getting feedback or information from those not using the community management tool. This avoids the costs associated with adding additional team members to your tool while, at the same time, enabling more extensive teamwork with those who are not using the tool. 

4. AI Integration

Talk about the use of AI to improve efficiently is everywhere these days, and the community management field is no different. One question that you should ask yourself is if the community management tool you are considering is integrating AI technology. If it is not, you may be missing out on features that can dramatically help your community management operations.

There are two areas here related to the use of AI. The first relates to using AI to generate unique responses for questions or comments from your followers. Your community management should tool allow for an AI-generated response to a message or comment to be created with just the click of a button. Of course, you would have to provide the AI response generator with basic information about what role it should be assuming (i.e. customer service), the industry you are working in, and the name of your business. However, once this is done, the ideal solution would be that you can generate responses with the click of a button. You can then use the AI-generated response as is, or edit the response to get it just right.

A woman working on her computer with a robot to her right and different social media posts in the background.

The second area related to the functions of online community management systems and AI is focused more on using AI to improve your own response to comments and questions. You may be quickly responding to various messages and may feel like a different formulation may be needed. With this in mind, some of the best community management tools are also integrating AI functions that will help you improve your initial response. This can be a game-changer when it comes to making sure your responses are of high quality.  

5. Performance Reporting

Since you are looking to find a suitable social media tool, it is clear that reputation management is important for your business. Reputation management starts with being reachable and answering questions or replying to comments on your social media channels in a timely manner. However, there is often room for improvement here, along with knowing what needs to be done more efficiently or how quickly you are responding to messages and comments.

For this reason, online community management software should provide you with the ability to track and analyze when most activity is happening and how quickly your team can respond to various comments and messages. These types of functions are essential in effectively managing your profiles and helping you ensure that your operations are functioning as they should. 

Don’t also forget that there are certain times of the day that see more comments and messages than others. For this reason, having an overview of when the busy times of the day or week are can help you in planning enough agents to answer questions. Since social media profiles are where customer service and troubleshooting often take place, it is important to know how your team is doing. 

Finding the Best Community Management Tool for your Business

Fanpage Karma offers a robust and comprehensive all-in-one community management solution for your business. Offering a wide-range of community management features and listed above, Fanpage Karma is trusted by hundreds of businesses to help them manage their community of followers.

If you are looking for one of the best online community management platforms that comes with powerful analytics, publishing, and research capabilities, then take advantage of the free 14-day trial that Fanpage Karma offers and see all the features for yourself. No credit card is required! 

You can also sign up for the free webinar to find out more how Fanpage Karma can not only help make your community management more efficient, but also improve your social media performance.  

The post Community Management Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

Social Media Reporting Tools Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:55:45 +0000 Social media reporting can be challenging. Finding the right tool shouldn’t be. Find out what 7 core functions your tool should have for reporting.

The post Social Media Reporting Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


Social Media Reporting Tools – 7 Must-Have Functions

A woman and a man standing by a giant question mark with smaller question marks around them.

There are plenty of articles out there that talk about what social media reports should look like or what you should include in your report. Most of that depends on your specific needs, your industry, or whether you are an in-house social media manager or working for an agency. 

Nearly everyone who needs to create social media reports, uses some sort of social media tool to compile and analyze data and to present it in various charts, graphs, and tables.  Finding the right tool can be challenging, since what many articles don’t tell you is what reporting functions a social media tool should offer you so that you have everything you need for effective reporting. In reality, reporting on your social media activities requires a flexible tool that allows you to present different data in different ways.

For this reason, this article will highlight 7 key functions and capabilities that social media tools should have when it comes to reporting. Whether you are an in-house social media manager or working for an agency, your reporting needs can be different, can change over time, and require constant adaptation. Therefore, you should look for a social media tool that offers a number of core reporting functions.

Functions of the Best Social Media Reporting Tools

There are, of course, several different theories out there about what social media tools need to do. Instead of talking about the best social media tools in general, we will focus on what these tools should offer in terms of social media reporting functionality. 

With this in mind, here are 7 core functions or features that a social media reporting tool should excel at:

1. Efficiently Update Reporting Output

Social media marketing reports may be presented on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. However, different aims call for different types of reports. There may, in fact, be some weeks when you want to highlight follower growth in your reporting and other weeks when you want to focus on engagement and post interaction. This variety requires a number of changes to be made to the reporting output, and your social media reporting tool should allow you to quickly and efficiently update what metrics you want to highlight. 

For this reason, social media reporting software should enable the report to be able to be easily created, updated, and changed with just a few clicks. You should also have the option to quickly change the various graphs, tables, and charts you are using for reporting. Perhaps the key metrics you want to highlight are best presented in a table to provide a quick overview. Alternatively, you may think that line or bar graphs would show your progress most clearly. Whatever your focus, you should be able to adjust your reporting output quickly and efficiently.

2. Automation Capabilities

Having the ability to produce automated social media reports is a must, especially in the fast paced world of social media management. Just the task of generating reports, exporting them, and sharing them can cost you time. For this reason, the ability to automate report creation, export, and delivery can be extremely beneficial.

Automation features should allow you to automatically generate and deliver reports at set intervals (e.g. weekly, monthly). Ideally, this automation feature should include the option to create automatic email delivery once the report is pulled. Of course, these reports should be able to be tailored for different reporting needs as described above. 

3. Shareability Options

Social media monitoring reports are often circulated not only within a social media team, but also across a larger marketing team and can even be seen by management. This can usually be done through a direct export and then emailing to those who need to see the report. But is this really that efficient to do every time? Probably not. 

In reality, it is helpful when the social media reporting software you are using has shareability features that enable sharing outside of those who are paying for a subscription to the social media tool. For example, being able to generate a link (with the option of password-protecting it) to share directly with others would be a helpful option to have.

A banner with two people high-fiving and a "Start your free trial" button and dark background.

4. Different Reporting Formats for Export

Social media marketing reports are diverse and, depending on who you are reporting for, many need to be presented in different formats. Some social media managers prefer to present their results in PowerPoint, others in PDF, and others perhaps even in Excel.

Social media report exports should have all these options so you can decide how to best present your results in the format you want.

5. Visual and Highlighting Options

When you are creating social media monitoring reports, there is almost always a story that you are trying to tell. Having visual and highlighting options for your data can help you get your point across.

Because of this, your social media monitoring reporting tool should provide you with editing features for the report. This includes the highlighting of rows, columns, charts, and other data points within the report itself, so you can illustrate the progress you need. This also includes the ability to adjust various backgrounds colors to suit your needs, as well as having the option to upload your company’s logo for a branded report. 

6. Metrics: Reporting What You Need

We are not going to tell you what metrics you should track, since that depends on what you need to look at. Social media analytics reports should, however, come with capability to let you track and report on dozens of metrics across social media channels.

This is also tied to having the option to share different social media metrics in different formats such as simple line or bar graphs, matrix graphs, tables, or other charts. In order to get insightful competitor analysis and benchmarking data, you need to be able to study different metrics, over various timeframes, to get the insights you need, and therefore, your social media tool must have strong analytic and benchmarking capabilities.  

7. Unlimited Data Sets: Dashboard and Profile Tracking

A social media reports tool should have the capability to track an unlimited number of profiles, preferably without paying more than your normal monthly rate. While the ability to track an unlimited number of profiles may not be typically discussed with social media reporting, meaningful tracking and reporting may often rely on having a large enough data set to make your benchmarking analysis helpful.

Conclusion: The Best Social Media Reporting Tools

The best social media reporting tools would ideally excel in providing these 7 core reporting functions above. So, when you are searching for a social media tool for your company or agency, and you know that reporting will be a key aspect of your work, it is helpful to ask yourself if the tool can perform all the functions we discussed in this article. 

If you are interested in testing dynamic social reporting functions for yourself, then take advantage of Fanpage Karma’s free 14-day trial.

If you want to find out more about the Fanpage Karma social media tool and how it can help you to improve your performance, you can attend our free weekly Webinar.

The post Social Media Reporting Tools appeared first on Fanpage Karma.

The One Prompt for All Your Social Media Copy Tue, 24 Oct 2023 09:56:33 +0000 The One Prompt for All Your Social Media Copy In our series on the best prompts for content creators, we’ll look at the best prompt ideas and advanced workflows that can help us harness the potential of AI tools and scale our content.  In today’s third part of the series, we’ll let AI help us …

The One Prompt for All Your Social Media Copy Read More »

The post The One Prompt for All Your Social Media Copy appeared first on Fanpage Karma.


The One Prompt for All Your Social Media Copy

Header image - AI prompts for social media texts

In our series on the best prompts for content creators, we’ll look at the best prompt ideas and advanced workflows that can help us harness the potential of AI tools and scale our content. 

In today’s third part of the series, we’ll let AI help us create captions, tweets, Threads posts, and video descriptions – in short, copy for our social media posts.

These AI tools help with copywriting for social media posts

There are a handful of tools that are helpful for creating copy for our social media posts. These include:

  1. Fanpage Karma’s K’s AI caption generator
  2. Copy AI
  3. Jasper
  4. Peppertype AI
  5. Writesonic
  6. ChatGPT

Some tools, such as Fanpage Karma’s AI caption generator, are made for the sole purpose of creating social media captions and work just fine without having any understanding of prompting. Other tools like ChatGPT, which are made for a wider usage, first need to be instructed by a precise prompt that explains what kind of text you wish to create. 

Once we have found an AI assistant, we should then collect all the important information that we want our AI assistant to take into account when creating our copy.

Three people working on computers with examples of social media posts and a graph behind them

Collect all the information

Here’s what we need to know about our post before we compose our prompt:

  • The post format and the platform on which the post will be published: TikTok video, LinkedIn carousel post, etc.
  • The topic and key messages of our content.
  • The goal of our post (inspirational, entertaining, funny, or thought-provoking). 
  • Whether our post is intended to provoke an action from the user (e.g., clicking on a link where they can find more information).
  • The target audience for whom the post is being created and the style of language to be used.
  • The length of the text.

If you want to find out more about which topics, post formats, and social media platforms are best for your content strategy and for reaching your target audience, read this article. Learn more about AI-driven content creation for social media video here.

Before we start drafting our final prompt for our text copy, we need to decide whether we want to use one of the following three elements:

  • a hook and/or call-to-action
  • SEO keywords
  • hashtags.

Prepare the important building blocks

Depending on whether we want to use a hook, a call-to-action, hashtags or SEO-related terms in our text copy, we will create these parts separately now. In this way, we get several suggestions for each of these building blocks. We then integrate our favorite into the final prompt to create the final copy for our social media post. 

A woman carrying an image over to a mobile phone as a social media post is being created.

Find relevant SEO keywords

“I will provide you with the summary of a [platform + format, e.g. TikTok video, LinkedIn carousel post, etc.].

Act as an SEO expert conducting keyword research.

[Platform + post format, e.g. The TikTok video] was created for the following target audience: [information about our target audience]. 

Give me an appropriate seed keyword as well as a list of [15] SEO keywords that should be used for the [text type + platform + format, e.g. description of this YouTube Short video, caption of this LinkedIn Carousel post, etc.]. Make sure the keywords all have a higher search volume than [X] on [platform, e.g. YouTube].

The goal is for [format, e.g., the video] to rank high in the search results our target audience receives when searching for [our topic or questions addressed in our content] on [platform, e.g., YouTube].

[Optional: Summary of the [post format, e.g., video]: [main content points of the post].”

Find relevant hashtags

“Also, give me a list of [25] hashtags that should be used for the [platform + format, e.g. YouTube video description]. Make sure the hashtags match the topic and content of the [platform + format, e.g., YouTube video].”

Find relevant CTAs

“Create [X] calls-to-action for [platform + format, e.g., a YouTube video description] for this post.”

If we already know what we want the CTA to look like, we add that to the prompt above.

Find a hook that fits

“Create a hook for [platform + post format, e.g. a YouTube video description] for this post.

The goal of the hook is to [our goal, e.g., provide an element of surprise].” 

If we already have ideas about what the hook should look like, we can add it to the prompt above:

“It should contain [hook type, e.g., an exciting question to the audience / etc.].”

We then select our favorite keywords, hashtags, CTA, and hook for our post.

A woman working on a computer with social media posts around her and a robot throwing hashtags in the air.

Three ingredients that make great AI copy

Now we have all the information we want to share with our AI assistant about our post. We can now turn our attention to creating our final social media copy. The prompt to create this final copy consists of three parts:

  1. Assigning a role to the AI assistant 
  2. Inserting the relevant background information about the social media post
  3. Inserting the relevant information about the copy to be created.

The first two parts are the same whether you are creating captions, video descriptions, tweets, Threads posts, or a video title. The third part differs depending on the type of text copy we choose to create.

Assign a role to the AI

 We start by assigning a new role to our AI assistant:

“Act as a social media marketing expert.”

Enter relevant background information about the post

Now we can start writing our final request. During this process, it is important to share all the information we have collected. We start with information about the post:

“Below I will give you some information about the post:

Platform on which the post is published: [platform, e.g. TikTok].

Goal of the post: [purpose or intention of the social media post, e.g., to associate our brand with joie de vivre and humor].

Target audience for whom the post is created: [information about our target audience].

The topic of the post is the following: [topic].

The post is about the following: [summary with the main points of the post].”

Finalize the prompt by specifying the post type

The last thing we need to do is specify the requirements that are specific to the text we want the AI to generate.

Captions and video descriptions, tweets, Threads, and full-text posts

Now we add the following to the prompt above: 

“Create [X, e.g. 3] [text type, e.g. captions, video descriptions, tweets, or Threads posts] for this social media post. The [text type] should take into account the following: 

[Personal wishes, e.g.: Clarify the key benefits and value the video provides to the viewer. Highlight why a typical member of our target audience should watch the [entire] video].

Language style to be used: [style of language, e.g., “in the style of [well-known author]” or “humorous”]

Length of [text type, e.g., the tweet]: [desired number of words or characters, e.g., 140 characters].


Hook to be used: [Hook we decided to use] 

Call-to-action that should be inserted at the end of the [text type, e.g. caption]: [CTA we decided to go for].

Hashtags to be used: [hashtags we have decided to use]. 

Optimize the [text type, e.g. YouTube video description] for search engines by including the following keywords and related phrases in the [text type], especially in the first 1 to 2 sentences: [list of keywords we decided to use].”

The exact wording will differ slightly depending on whether we want to create captions, video descriptions, tweets, Threads posts, carousels, or full-text posts. 

The created caption or video description, Tweet or Threads post should now perfectly match our post topic and be optimized for high visibility on social media.

A man sitting at the desk with a computer and robots around him.

Video titles and headlines

Social media videos, like the one we created in the last blog post, will still need a title. Again, the AI assistant can help us with this:

“This social media post is a [platform + content type, e.g. YouTube short]. Develop [5] engaging titles for this post.

The title should [goal of the title, e.g., pull viewers out of their scrolling routine and make them feel like they’re missing out if they don’t watch the video].

Incorporate the following keyword into the title to optimize the title for search engines: [our seed keyword].” 

Alternatively, we can provide our AI assistant with a title format that already works well for us and have it give the AI suggest titles of a similar style:

“Here’s a title for one of my [platform + format, e.g. YouTube shorts]: [we’ll insert the title]. I like this title because it’s [we’ll insert why we like the title].

Create [5] title ideas for the social media post that have a similar impact as the title of the [platform + format, e.g., YouTube Short] described above.”


Depending on the goal of our post and the post format, AI assistants can give us creative ideas for our social media copy. These ideas can help us post more relevant content in less time. This is especially true if a task is not easy, or if we don’t like to do it (e.g. the integration of target group relevant SEO keywords). In these cases, our AI assistant can give us a helping hand.

A banner with graphs and social media posts "Try Fanpage Karma Today" button and bright background.

The post The One Prompt for All Your Social Media Copy appeared first on Fanpage Karma.
